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曲柄压力机是以曲柄传动的锻压机械,具有用途广泛,生产效率高等特点,适用于板料的冲孔,落料弯曲、线拉伸及成型等工作。通过对金属柸件施加强大的压力使金属发生塑性变形和断裂来加工成零件。床身可作适当倾斜,以便于把冲压的成品或铁屑等物,依靠自重滑落,若装上自动送料机构,则可以推行半自动冲压工作,曲柄压力机是一种最常用的冷冲压设备,用作冷冲压模具的工作平台,其结构简单,使用方便。一般用于农业机械、电气工业、汽车、拖拉机工业等用途较为广泛。这篇论文介绍了设计压力机的设计过程,从确定传动方案开始,到压力及主体机构的尺寸参数确定和运动分析,在到电动机选择,最后到压力机传动系统主要零部件的设计计算。此次通过对对心、正偏置、负偏置曲柄滑块机构的运动分析及相互之间的比较,选择合适的机构来达到设计目的。电动机的选择采用了比较好的计算方法,通过对计算压力机在一个工作周期所消耗的能量A以及各部分能量消耗的组成来选择电动机。通过这些前期的设计过程,还有借助AUTOCAD等辅助分析软件,就能设计出比较合理的压力机。关键词:曲柄压力机;冲压;曲柄滑块机构。ABSTRACT Crank press is a metal forming machinery whichis driven by crank, it has a wide range of uses, high production efficiency, and it apply to sheet-metal press working, banking blending,line drawing, metal forming etc . Based on the metal blank exerted strongpressure to make the metal plasticdeformation and fracture process into parts. Bed may lean by adjustment appropriate angle in order to make the presswork, iron chippings and so on, slip bytheir gravity. If crank press isequipped with automatic feed mechanism,you can implement semi-automatic punching. Crank press is one of the mostcommonly used cold stamping equipment,used for cold stamping die working platform. It has the advantage of simple structure, convenient use. Generallythis press is used for agriculture machinery, electricindustrial automotive, tractorindustrial and so on. Thisarticle describes the design process about the press design. From the beginning of determining thetransmission scheme, and then todetermine press’s main bodies of the size parameters and motion analyze, next to the motor selection,Finally, the main components of transmission system design calculation. Thistime have conducted a thorough research on centric, positive offset, negative offset slider-crack mechanism’smotion analysis and comparison each other, and then choose the appropriatemechanism to achieve the goal. Motor’sselection has used a relatively good method, calculated by the press in a working cycle of the energy consumption A and the composition of thevarious parts to select motor. Throughthese early process, as well as with the help of the AUTOCAD, and other auxiliary design analysis software,we can design a very reasonable press. KEY WORDS Crackpress, stamping, Slider-crank mechanism.

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