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科研出版社的英文刊Advances in Literary Study,文学研究方面的文章可以参考

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1. Interpersonal "Among people using each other," This phenomenon does exist, but can not be fully representative of the relations between people. Cooperation, collaboration, to achieve their common objective should be to the mainstream and trend of the future. In real society, because each of the grid, Bingfu, background and purpose of life, and so on the different and the ideology of a certain estrangement, and the need for self-adjustment to change. In contact with people, different angle have a different code of conduct, first of all, to all for the sake of others, must not self-centered. Second, we must expansive vision, good at accepting other people and themselves. Third, it is necessary to have conversations with people skills. The distance between the people near and far, space is not the length of distance, but the psychological distance between people and between people exchanges between the degree of harmony. 2. Man and nature Yaha captain and one pair of white whales as a sharp contradiction between, on behalf of human nature and the fierce conflict. Yaha captain Chaomie white whale is the process of conquering nature of mankind in the process of a concentrated, the two sides many times in a life-and-death struggle. Although set off the infiltration of human wisdom, "Pei Tak profile," whaler hunting large whales in the course of a great power play, but one whale confrontation Liangbaijuwang the tragedy is that human beings and nature can not be beat each other equally, The two Zhiniu confrontation will only bring disastrous consequences. That's the last peaceful reintegration of the sea or the human and other species which live together in the world seems to remind people: God and the other masterpiece is the harmonious coexistence of human beings continue to exist in this world the only way out, even in this thinking Hold high the banner of environmental protection in today's modern society still has a broad meaning of warning. And the natural world was one of. On the one hand, people and nature are interrelated and interdependent and interrelated infiltration. On the other hand, and between man and nature are mutually antagonistic. In order to better human survival and development, will have to continue to deny the natural state of nature, and to change it and the nature Also strongly to the negative people, to restore the natural state.

256 评论


's with person"Interpersonal make use of mutually"this appearance definite existence,but can't completely represent the interpersonal relation. The cooperation, the cooperation, together attains each from of purpose, should be a future main current and the realistic society, because of the space,natural talent of the everyone,the certain misunderstanding of the different but output thought that live the background and the purpose etc., need to make the ego adjustment and take into the contacting the person, the different Cape has the different behavior norm, first, want the everywhere to wear to think for the others, slice to hate the , want the breadth of mind open-minded,be good at accepting other people and , control with the technique of person's interpersonal distance is far near, don't lie in the length of the space distance, but mean person and person mentally are apart from, the mutually agreeable degree of the interpersonal 's with natureYa Ha captain and Beluga are a rightness of antinomy that sharpen,represent mankind and the vigorous conflict of the Ha captain process that destroys completely the Beluga is mankind to conquer nature the process in of a concentrated, BE, in numerous times of both parties that extremely die the physical fight this wise"the virtuous number of the Pei Kuo " whaler ship that permeates the mankind developped the huge power in the process of hunting to catch the big whale, but person's whale crosses swords two tragedy ,but explain mankind and the nature sameses and can't win the other party, two pertinacities of resisting will bring the disaster novel end that is heavy to visit parents after marriage quiet ocean's perhaps saying is the world that the mankind live together the in the interval with other specieses to seem to Be reminding the people:get along with the other masterpiece diapasonses of the author of all being just is unique exit that the mankind continue to exist in this world, this modern society that thoughts even nowadays the big ensign of high raise environmental protection still has the extensive caution person submit with nature one body. On the one hand, person is mutual connection with nature , depends on mutually , permeates mutually. On the other hand, person is also mutually antagonistic between nature. Mankind better survival and development, the natural state that always negates nature otherwise brokenly changes it; Nature again negates person energetically, make great effort to resume natural state.妈呀,可翻译完了!!不知你是否满意??o(∩_∩)o...哈哈

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