] 当今世界早已进入经济时代,作为商品信息传播的重要媒介,电视广告在其中扮演着举足轻重的地位。本文在对中国电视广告发展现状调查的基础上,对我国电视广告行业发展过程中存在的问题进行探讨,并提出对我国电视广告行业发展的策略。
电视广告(Television Advertisements) Today, a growing number of commercial (商业性的) advertisements jump into TV programs, which is a controversial issue. Television advertisements have positive aspects. First, they can provide viewers with valuable information about merchandise. Second, the wide spread of TV ads may also stimulate the economy. Finally, these commercials (广告) often finance the operation cost of television stations. However, television advertisements also have negative aspects. In the first place, these ads often interrupt interesting programs. Besides, some ads may be highly unreliable if they are motivated by profit. What is more, ads may increase people's greed by encouraging them to own so called "valuable" products. Finally, some TV ads give viewers a false sense of reality by promising that certain products will make potential customers lucky, attractive, rich and successful. Weighing the positive and negative aspects, I think that we should turn TV ads to their best advantage. TV ads should be carefully examined and scientifically edited before they are allowed to become a part of people's life. TV stations and producers should treat TV ads as their good servant, not their bad master.
硕士毕业论文大纲范文参考 范文一 摘要 3-5 Abstract 5-6 第1章 绪论 13-28 1.1 课题背景及研究的目的和意义 13-14 1.2 IE
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