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首页 > 学术期刊 > 乌克兰语毕业论文

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Summary:Because our country the territory be broad, everyplace nature geography hang extremely and very big, economy culture development level also unbalance, cause everyplace in the language, customs, appreciate beauty mental state and literature tradition top all formation dissimilarity characteristics, these cultural factor comprehensive function in everyplace people of appreciate beauty interesting aspect and folk song form, so our country south north of the civil song has respectively a characteristics of show the long time, the local characteristics of folk song be the point of civil music research, and also obtained very big of research in few ability south north of representative's folk song do meticulous of for attain overall understanding folk song of purpose, demand use the method of contrast observation it respectively special place and south north folk song inside of differentiation and contact, display our country the magic power of the civil song.

288 评论


这个我来回答你吧问留学赫尔辛基大学或者基辅大学那个比较好?肯定是赫尔辛基大学 现在的条件和费用怎么样? 乌克兰应该是要学费的 我没有过多了解FINLAND是免学费的 它有个IMP课程 拿TOEFL或者IELTS就可以了但是入学的审查严格 乌克兰应该需要俄语考试吧 我不太清楚分别大概要多少时间能拿到硕士学位啊再FINLAND需要年 这些可以再赫尔辛基网站上查到 别告诉我你不会查?他要念预科么 这两个大学的强势专业分别是什么啊 ?成绩不够的情况下 可以读ELS 赫尔辛基的强势是通信工程和计算机包括生物 基辅大学应该是工学方面厉害按我的推荐 当然是赫尔辛基 而且学校再世界排名前100不知道明年还免费不

135 评论


随着中国经济的发展和国际地位的提高,中国和乌克兰各领域的合作不断增多,越来越多的乌克兰民众开始学习汉语。汉语作为第二语言的学习中,学习动机是最重要的情感因素之一。学习动机既是学生开始学习的诱因,又能促使学生努力学习。因此,对汉语学习者的学习动机展开研究,对于汉语国际教育有重要的参考价值。本文在国内外二语教学领域有关学习动机研究的基础上,参考此前汉语作为第二语言教学在学习动机方面的研究成果,试图从心理语言学、教育学、二语习得等多个理论角度出发,综合运用问卷调查、观察、访谈、比较等多种方法,对乌克兰哈尔科夫国立大学孔子学院汉语学习者的学习动机情况进行全面的调查和分析,探索其区别于国内对外汉语教学的独特性。既从静态层面即学习者的既有条件上,研究乌克兰当地汉语学习者在自然状态下的学习动机的差异性,如性别、年级、年龄、专业、学历、入学前汉语水平等因素,发现乌克兰当地汉语学习者的学习动机从强到弱依次是:融入型动机、成就动机、工具型动机、外在压力动机,女生的总体动机强度高于男生;又从动态层面即考虑时间因素,获取其汉语学习动机的动态发展过程,发现乌克兰当地汉语学习者的学习动机会随着时间、学习者汉语水平的提高、学习者的学习策略以及教师的教学策略等因素而发生变化。并将调查结果与前人对国内俄语国家留学生和对其他俄语国家当地汉语学习者的学习动机的研究进行对比,分析不同背景下汉语学习者学习动机产生差异的原因,总结出乌克兰当地汉语学习者的学习动机的一些特点,如多样性、交叉性、可变性。最后针对乌克兰当地汉语学习者的特点,提出具体激发和保持其汉语学习动机的教学策略。[1] 彭家法. “汉语国际教育”背景下的中级汉语综合课教学[J]. 海外华文教育. 2013(01)[2] 向琴. 非洲留学生的汉语学习动机调查研究——以中国地质大学(武汉)非洲留学生的汉语学习动机调查研究为例[J]. 湖北经济学院学报(人文社会科学版). 2012(02)[3] 郭裕湘,龙兴昌. 泰国高校汉语选修生学习动机现状及对策研究[J]. 时代教育(教育教学). 2011(11)[4] 王恩界,武玉香篱. 对外汉语学习动机的研究进展[J]. 高教论坛. 2011(10)[5] 周殿生,王莉,王玮. 二语选择背景与发展型语言学习动机——以中亚留学生汉语学习为例[J]. 新疆大学学报(哲学·人文社会科学版). 2010(06)[6] 彭家法. 对外汉语个别实习中的语法教学[J]. 皖西学院学报. 2009(03)[7] 钱春野,张慧,杨建洲. 高职学生学习动机的调查研究和分析[J]. 科技信息. 2008(28)[8] 原一川,尚云,袁焱,袁开春. 东南亚留学生汉语学习态度和动机实证研究[J]. 云南师范大学学报(对外汉语教学与研究版). 2008(03)[9] 黄年丰. 外国来华留学生学习动机调查和对策[J]. 中国成人教育. 2008(09)[10] 张柯. 试论外国留学生的汉语学习动机与教学策略[J]. 高等函授学报(哲学社会科学版). 2008(04)

105 评论


上面全是机器,只有这个是手工的 due to our country has a vast territory,different areas in physical geography have big differences,economy and cultures are also imbalance,reflect on the differences in languages,customs,aesthetic tastes and tradtional literature of different areas,these culture factors effect aesthetic tastes and folk songs form, since the folk songs between south and north in our country have their obvious characteristics. for long time,the emphases of folk music research is the regional characteristics and made great achievement,but rarely compared with south and north typical folk song particularly. therefore, for comprehend folk songs much better,we need compare and observe the specifics of south and north folk songs to find the differences and relations of them , show charm of folksongs.

201 评论


The implementation of social insurance will help to improve people's economic and living conditions, protect the labor resources, maintenance the social and economic order. The social endowment insurance is also playing an important role in the consolidation of social stability and safeguard the country's long-term stability . After many years of our efforts, China's social endowment insurance has a progressive development, and look forward to the completement in next few years. The social insurance of Zhanjiang has been to respond to national policy guidelines. Although it carried out for many years and surely get some exciting achivements, the coverage and the implementation of the social endowment insurance also faces some problems which need to resolve. For the current existence of various problems of Zhanjiang social endowment insurance, which is related to the achievement of this goal of building a harmonious Zhanjiang. Therefore, the thesis starts from the analysis of current status of Zhanjiang social pension insurance, and then aim at studying the causes of problems and finally propose a solution to the program. Thereby leading to a seriously studying on how to implement the social endowment insurancethe in Zhanjiang City more effiecently and how to reach the goal of building a harmonious Zhanjiang comprehensively promoted.社会保险的实行有利于改善人民的经济生活条件,保护劳动力资源,维护和安定社会秩序和经济秩序。而社会养老保险更是对于巩固社会稳定,维护国家的长治久安起到重要作用。经过多年的努力,中国的社会养老保险事业正在逐渐发展,而不断完善。 湛江市一直响应国家关于社会保险工作的政策方针,开展工作多年虽有令人振奋的成绩,但是社会养老保险的覆盖及落实所面临的问题仍有待着解决。目前能否解决湛江社会养老保险中存在的各种问题,是关系到能否最终实现构建和谐湛江这个目标的。因此,论文主要从分析湛江目前社会养老保险的现状开始,再针对性地研究存在问题的深层因素,最后提出解决方案。从而做到更深刻的理解湛江市社会养老保险的现状,并积极解决中间存在的各种问题,从而全面推进构建和谐湛江的宏伟目标。验收吧。。。 我把语法错误基本都改了。。。

126 评论


Abstract: As China has a vast territory, a large gap around the geographical, economic and cultural level of development is uneven, resulting in various parts of the language, customs, aesthetic and cultural psychology have traditionally formed the different characteristics of these cultural factors in the people around and folk forms of aesthetic taste, so the North and the South of China's folk songs have their own significant characteristics. A long time, the local folk music folk music characterized by the focus of the study, and also achieved a great deal. However, very few studies of the representation of the North and the South can do detailed comparison of folk songs. Therefore in order to achieve a comprehensive understanding of the purpose of folk songs, need to use comparative methods to observe their own unique and inherent in the North and the South distinction between folk songs and links to show the charm of China's folk songs

341 评论


Abstract: As China has a vast territory, a large gap around the geographical, economic and cultural level of development is uneven, resulting in various parts of the language, customs, aesthetic and cultural psychology have traditionally formed the different characteristics of these cultural factors in the people around and folk forms of aesthetic taste, so the North and the South of China's folk songs have their own significant characteristics. A long time, the local folk music folk music characterized by the focus of the study, and also achieved a great deal. However, very few studies of the representation of the North and the South can do detailed comparison of folk songs. Therefore in order to achieve a comprehensive understanding of the purpose of folk songs, need to use comparative methods to observe their own unique and inherent in the North and the South distinction between folk songs and links to show the charm of China's folk songs 检测语言—阿尔巴尼亚文阿拉伯文爱沙尼亚语保加利亚文波兰语朝鲜语丹麦语德语俄语法语菲律宾文芬兰语盖尔文(爱尔兰)荷兰语加泰罗尼亚文(西班牙)捷克语克罗地亚文拉脱维亚语立陶宛语罗马尼亚语马耳他文挪威语葡萄牙语日语瑞典语塞尔维亚文斯拉维尼亚文斯洛伐克文泰文土耳其文乌克兰文西班牙语希伯来语希腊语匈牙利语意大利语印度文印尼文英语越南文中文 > 阿尔巴尼亚文阿拉伯文爱沙尼亚语保加利亚文波兰语朝鲜语丹麦语德语俄语法语菲律宾文芬兰语盖尔文(爱尔兰)荷兰语加泰罗尼亚文(西班牙)捷克语克罗地亚文拉脱维亚语立陶宛语罗马尼亚语马耳他文挪威语葡萄牙语日语瑞典语塞尔维亚文斯拉维尼亚文斯洛伐克文泰文土耳其文乌克兰文西班牙语希伯来语希腊语匈牙利语意大利语印度文印尼文英语越南文中文

258 评论


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