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The Shawshank RedemptionA successful young banker Andy found his wife fornicate with a baseball coach. He flew into a fury and planned to shoot them dead at one night. But at last he gave up. His reason won his emotion. Surprisingly, his wife and her lover died at that night. Andy was framed for murder. And the sentence was two life imprisonments. He was sent into Shawshank prison. That was a dark and gloomy hell with mad prisoners, cruel warders and viperous and greedy wardenry. The first night Andy spent in it, a new comer like Andy couldn’t bear the fear and kept crying and shouting. The result was he was taken out and beaten dead by the warders. At that moment, Andy understood that if he want to live he must be silent in Shawshank. In Shawshank Andy knew an old prisoner Red. They gradually became friends. Red was able to get some small goods for the prisoners. So Andy asked for a little hammer because of his interest in geology. The life in Shawshank was full of danger. Andy, as a new prisoner, was often threatened and maltreated by some scoundrels because he always refused their unbearable and disgusting demand. In such a dark prison, no one could help him even if someone may want to. After tow years, one day, Andy, Red and some other prisoners got the chance to rebuild the roof. They heard the head of the warders complaining that he had to pay high tax to government if he wanted to receive his brother’s inheritance. Andy grabbed the opportunity and taught him a way to be exempt from taxation. The condition was to give each prisoner 3 bottles of ice beer. All the prisoners enjoyed the rare and short freedom leisurely. Red said,” It’s just like rebuilding the roof of our own house. We are free like God.” Another consequence was that from then on Andy got the protection from the head of the warders. And all the warders even the wardenry began to consult Andy for financial affairs. So some of his special behaviors were permitted, such as pasting posters of some famous actress on the wall or carving chessmen with his little hammer at as he was, Andy did more than a civilian. He kept writing one letter to the government every week to ask for bankroll to develop the library in Shawshank. After nearly ten years, a new library finally appeared. When checking the books from the government Andy found a piece of disc of The Wedding of Figaro. Then he played the disc in the radio room, letting the dulcet music spread above Shawshank. Although he was imprisoned alone for two weeks as penalty, he wasn’t regretful at all, because of the greatest thing in the world——music, which represents another best thing for human——hope. Later on, Andy knew a new prisoner Tommy, from whom Andy knew who was the real murderer that killed his wife. He immediately told the wardenry about this and naively thought the wardenry would help him leave there. But the wardenry didn’t do that. He killed Tommy. Andy had been laundering money for the wardenry for a long time. So it’s impossible for the wardenry to set Andy, as a tool and an attester for his crime, free. At this moment, everything seemed to be over. Both Andy and the audience should despair. But the climax of the movie appears. At a night with thunderstorm Andy escaped from Shawshank. Everyone including the wardenry and Red couldn’t believe it. The stone wall which Red asserted wouldn’t be dug through even with six hundred years was dug through by Andy in two decades. He kept digging with that little hammer at night, the sound of which was mistaken for the sound of carving chessmen. And the hole on the wall was covered by the huge poster of a famous actress. At that night, Andy crawled through the narrow tunnel to a drain-pipe and then smashed it with a stone under the cover of thunderclap. He was crawling while vomiting in the pipe which was as long as five football grounds by Red’s estimate. At length, Andy got out of the pipe into a little river outside the prison. He walked to the middle of the river and ripped his shirt, letting the rain wash all the filth away. Under the lightning and thunder, Andy spread out his arms, regaining freedom. When reading the postcard from Andy, Red sighed with feeling,” Some birds aren’t meant to be caged, that’s all. Their feathers are just too bright.” Andy had said,” Life has only two choices——get busy living or get busy dying.” This is the most impressive word in this movie. It influenced a lot of people including me. Everyone is able to be busy living, but not everyone can do that all the time. That’s why a few people have brilliant life; many remain mediocre till the last minute of their life while some always struggle to get out of poverty. We complain that God is unfair. We just despair when we are in all-time low. We take hands-off attitude towards ourselves when others think we are failure, although we will weep in dreams. All of these have a same reason——we forgot that only ourselves can save ourselves. Holding hope forever especially in desperation and reminding myself to get busy living at any moment. That’s the most precious thing I got from this movie——The Shawshank Redemption

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肖申克和芝华塔内欧 肖申克的救赎,一部不错的电影!看完,让人感到人生总是有意义(make sense)的,无论处境多么无聊、恐惧和危险。 Shawshank肖申克是一座监狱的名字。当安迪因为冤枉被判无期徒刑关入这座监狱的时候,他的剩下的生命就该在那里度过。瑞德也是无期徒刑,已经关了几十年了,多次假释都未获成功。肖申克,将是他们的全部。 的确,那应该是他们的全部。 当Brooks被假释走出肖申克是多么的痛苦。就象瑞德说得那样,他们已经被"体制化"(Institutionalized)了。在肖申克,Brooks是图书管理员,是一个"重要"的人物。而出去了,他一文不值(Out there, he's nothing)。肖申克的墙是有意思的,你先是憎恨他们,然后你开始习惯他们,最后随着时间的流逝,你依赖他们,这就是体制化。(These walls are you hate them, then you get used to them. Enough time passed, you get so you depend on them. That's "institutionalized".)事情就象瑞德说得那样,Brooks出去以后,自杀了,在木板上留下了"Brooks was HERE"。 这似乎就是肖申克,就是进入肖申克人的命运。不是吗?如果没有安迪,获得假释的瑞德也最终会走上Brooks的老路。假释后,他也生活在恐惧之中,那是对社会的恐惧,对过去的恐惧,也是对将来的恐惧。Brooks 看透了,他选择了自杀。但是瑞德还会寻找生的意义.他所想的就是回到一个有意义的不要担心的地方。( All I want is to be back Where things make sense, Where I won't have to be afraid all the time.)这个地方就是芝华塔内欧(Zihuatanejo)。他在选择,为了完成他对安迪的承诺(promise),他做了一个选择:忙着死或者忙着活(Get busy living or get busy dying)。生和死都需要勇气,需要坚强的意志,但是死只是瞬间,而生是永恒。 安迪是一个乐观的人,一个充满对生活向往的人。他在肖申克监狱里很悠闲地散步,就象在公园里一样。他雕刻一些小东西;他在监狱里放音乐;他不懈地写信为监狱的图书馆迎来的扩建的资金;他帮狱友获得文凭;他用十几年的时间挖开了在朋友瑞德的眼中要挖600年的隧道,在一个风雨交加的夜里,他通过这条生命的通道,在500尺的污水管道里匍匐前进,在地狱和天堂的一线之隔间匍匐前进,终于,在对那一片湛蓝的天空和大海的向往下,安迪重获自由,并且惩罚了有罪的典狱长等人...... 希望是好事,也许是人间至善,而美好的事情永不消逝。(Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things,and no good thing ever dies.)。 在安迪的感召下,瑞德获得了重生。他们最后在芝华塔内欧(Zihuatanejo),一个美丽的墨西哥海滨相聚。 看完这部这部电影,我不禁问自己:你被体制化了吗?你在"肖申克",一个让人绝望的地方吗?你向往芝华塔内欧吗?我们要做的就是在阴霾日子里,悠闲地散步;我们要用那把希望的小锥子挖向通往芝华塔内欧的地方。 让我们读读安迪写给瑞德的信吧!希望你我同样被救赎。 亲爱的瑞德,如果你读到这封信,那么你已经出来了。既然你已经到了这里,或许你愿意走得更远些。你还记得那个小镇吗?(芝华塔内欧)我为我的计划找到了一个好帮手。我将备妥棋盘等你。记得,瑞德,希望是好事,也许是人间至善,而美好的事情永不消逝。我希望这封信能帮你找到你自己,而且是很好地找到你自己。你的朋友。安迪 Dear you're reading this, you've gotten out. And if you've come this far, maybe you're willing to come a litter further. You remember the name of thetown,don't you?I could use a good man to help me get my project on 'll keep an eye out for you and the chessboard ready. Remember, is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever will be hoping that this letter finds you, and finds you well. Your friend. Andy.

126 评论


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