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Shallowly discussed the enterprise and buys the financing way -release lever purchase The enterprise and buys in the modern enterprise manages,already became one commonly used expansion method. And buys in theenterprise in the method, the release lever purchase is one kind ofvery good choice. Because the purchase only needs to invest the fewinnate funds to be allowed to realize the economical , this financing way also has the certain risk, because ifand buys the side not to be able the very good control risk, then cancarry on the back the heavy debt burden, causes region which theenterprise falls into is in a dilemma. Therefore this article and buys the financing way from the enterpriseto start to elaborate, then the analysis release lever financingcharacteristic and the superiority, then concern the risk which therelease lever purchases and proposes the countermeasure, unifies thecase which the Beijing East purchases to carry on the analysis,finally summarizes the full text and to applies the release leverpurchase in our country to carry on the forecast. Key word: And buys; Financing; Release lever purchase; Risk guard

202 评论


The horse streptococci(the Streptococcus equi) belong to the 兰 surname germ for cent of the Cs streptococci, include the horse streptococci MA3 YA3 ZHONG3 (Streptococcus. equi subsp. Equi),the horse streptococci monster epidemic disease second kind(S. equi subsp. Zooepidemicus)with horse streptococci MA3 YA3 ZHONG3 (S. equi subsp. equisi milis).That germ can pass external injury,surgical operation,or cure etc. the path infect various animals, causing diseases, such as septicemia Sepsis,meningitis Encephalitis and mastitis(Mastitis)...etc..Its particular gene expression outcome is pathogenic(Pathogenicity) to germ to have special meaning. Study gene, be in order to understand its function and expression and adjust to control a information of make use of the living creature's learn(Bioinformatics) can adjust to control to carry on the estimate and analysis to the function and expression of the gene, the province goes to a trivial experiment to investigate, providing the instruction direction for the experiment function and sequence of the gene are closely-related, when the likeness that is a sequence exceeds certain scope, they carry out same function probably, pass will don't know the function sequence with have already known the contrast of the function sequence, if their likeness is higher and then can predict a sequence to correspond function. The purpose of this topic research is to be learn with the living creature information Be the theories foundation usage tool software with according to WEB on-line service to some a do not know the horse streptococci gene carry on a series of analysis, the result integrate, predicting the function of this gene expression outcome thus. The horse streptococci P50 gene sequence length is a 100 BPs, the whole gene has a to open all of the reading frame(ORF)s to grow a 90 BPs, coding 100 amino acids 残基s. The horse streptococci P50 the gene sequence entered the BLAST service net industry that the NCBI provide first, handle stuffs with the form and list of the net industry up, the choice correspond of the parameter hand over to the data server to go forward to act like the source index(the homology Search).Many living creature information centers all have the BLAST server of the specialized applied http:www. last?(Circulate , the United States, the maintenance GenBank) Then the result detection of the basis BLAST index(Search) and the protein of the horse streptococci P50 gene sequence expression together the source is the tallest of 3 kinds of protein one by one in order is 123 The secondly applied DNASTAR software translates the horse streptococci P50 gene sequence into the amino acids sequence, the result manifestation P50 gene sequence translates 20 amino acidses totally. Will and the horse streptococci P50 amino acids sequence together source the high sequence inputs to the tool software respectively, carrying on evolving a tree(the Phylogenetic Tree) to draw. Hand over the horse streptococci P50 amino acidses(the Amino Acids) sequence(Sequence) to the professional website in, can immediately predict the second class structure of that amino acids make use of a software analysis P50 gene protein physics and chemistry property. The Darwinian Theory of Evolution(the Evolutionary theory) gave comparison the gene set to learn to provide the theories relative relation(kinship) is more near, its gene sequence is a source(homology) together more sequences together the source is more high, may express the function of the outcome(the Expression Product) very much so more the sorting to the , according to discover the horse streptococci P50 genes express of may be the fat egg white(the Substrate binding Lipoprotein) that a kind of bottom thing combine, participate the metals transport system(the Transport System) to constitute directly, the kind's transport system has in the germ from process acquire nourishment inside the host(HOST) body to close an important kind of egg white is the fat egg white(the Substrate binding Lipoprotein) that a conveyance,such as the bottom thing of the metals ions, such as iron,manganese and zinc...etc., combine, we can call it as the streptococci metals to combine the fat egg white.(the Metal binding lipoproteins, MBLS)This kind of egg white is a kind of poisonous dint factor(the virulent factor) of the horse streptococci(the Streptococcus equi) is a germ with the result that the foundation of the disease to the horse streptococci physiology bio-chemical characteristic and pathogenic have very important influence and the meaning. 回答者:6392541196 - 同进士出身 六级 3-9 20:52The horse streptococci(Streptococcus equi) belongs to an orchid surname the Cs of the germ a streptococci for cent and include the horse streptococci Ma3 Ya3 's kind(Streptococcus. equi subsp. Equi), the horse streptococci monster epidemic disease second kind(S. equi subsp. Zooepidemicus)with the horse Lian4 Qiu2 Jun4 Lei4 Ma3 Ya3 's kind(S. equi subsp. equisi milis).That germ can pass external injury, surgical operation, or cure etc. the path infect various animals and cause diseases, such as septicemia Sepsis, meningitis Encephalitis and mastitis(Mastitis)...etc..It particular gene expression the outcome be pathogenic(Pathogenicity) to germ to have special meaning. Study gene, be in order to understand its function and expression and adjust to control a information of make use of the living creature learn(Bioinformatics) and can adjust to control to carry on an estimate and analyze to function and expression of gene, saved to go to a trivial experiment to investigate, for test a verification to provide an instruction and sequence of gene are closely-related, the likeness which is a sequence exceed certain scope, they probably carry out same function and pass will don't know a function sequence and have already known the contrast of function sequence, if their likeness is higher and then can predict a correspond of sequence function. The purpose of this topic research be is learn with living creature information Be the usage tool of the theories foundation software with according to WEB of on-line service to some a have never known a horse streptococci the gene carries on a series of analysis and the result integrate and thus predict that this gene expresses the function of outcome. The gene sequence of the horse streptococci P50 length is a 100 BPs and the whole gene has 1 to open all of the reading frame(ORF)s to grow a 90 BPs and code 100 amino acids remnants Ji. The gene sequence of the horse streptococci P50 got into the BLAST service net industry that the NCBI provide first, once handle stuffs with the form and list on the net industry up, the choice correspond of the parameter hand over a data server to go forward to act like a source an index(homology Search).The many living creature information center all has the BLAST server of specialized applied http:www. last?(Circulate , the United States, support GenBank) Then the protein of the search result detection of the basis BLAST and the gene sequence of the horse streptococci P50 expression together the source be the tallest of 3 kinds of proteins one by one in order is 123 The secondly applied DNASTAR software translates the gene sequence of the horse streptococci P50 into an amino acids sequence and the gene sequence of the result manifestation P50 totally translates 20 amino acidses. Will with the amino acids sequence of the horse streptococci P50 together source the sequence of the Gao inputs tool software respectively and carry on evolving a draw of tree(Phylogenetic Tree). Hand over the amino acidses(Amino Acids) sequence(Sequence) of the horse streptococci P50 to the professional website in, then predict the second class structure of that amino acids make use of the physics and chemistry property of the gene protein of the software analysis P50. The Darwinian Theory of Evolution(Evolutionary theory) give comparison gene the set learn to provide a theories relative relation(kinship) is more near, its gene sequence together source(homology) more sequences together the source be more high, so and very may express the function of outcome(Expression Product) more process i

234 评论












5、关键词: 四号宋体,加粗。 词3-5个,每个词间空一格。

1、ABSTRACT:小二号 Times New Roman.

2、内容字体:小四号 Times New Roman.


4、Keywords: 四号 加粗。 词3-5个,小四号 Times New Roman. 词间空一格。

六、绪论 小二号黑体加粗居中。内容500字左右,小四号宋体,行距:20磅



章:标题 小二号黑体,加粗,居中。

节:标题 小三号黑体,加粗,居中。

一级标题序号 如:一、二、三、 标题四号黑体,加粗,顶格。

二级标题序号 如:(一)(二)(三) 标题小四号宋体,不加粗,顶格。

三级标题序号 如:. 标题小四号宋体,不加粗,缩进二个字。

四级标题序号 如:(1)(2)(3) 标题小四号宋体,不加粗,缩进二个字。

五级标题序号 如:①②③ 标题小四号宋体,不加粗,缩进二个字。










(一)小二号黑体加粗居中。内容8—10篇, 五号宋体, 行距:20磅。参考文献以文献在整个论文中出现的次序用[1]、[2]、[3]……形式统一排序、依次列出。



期刊:[序号]作者.译者.文章题目.期刊名.年份.卷号(期数). 引用部分起止页

会议论文集:[序号]作者.译者.文章名.文集名 .会址.开会年.出版地.出版者.出版时间.引用部分起止页


小二号黑体加粗居中。 英文内容小四号 Times New Roman. 单倍行距。翻译成中文字数不少于500字 内容五号宋体,行距:20磅。


327 评论


The horse streptococci(the Streptococcus equi) belong to the 兰 surname germ for cent of the Cs streptococci, include the horse streptococci MA3 YA3 ZHONG3 (Streptococcus. equi subsp. Equi),the horse streptococci monster epidemic disease second kind(S. equi subsp. Zooepidemicus)with horse streptococci MA3 YA3 ZHONG3 (S. equi subsp. equisi milis).That germ can pass external injury,surgical operation,or cure etc. the path infect various animals, causing diseases, such as septicemia Sepsis,meningitis Encephalitis and mastitis(Mastitis)...etc..Its particular gene expression outcome is pathogenic(Pathogenicity) to germ to have special meaning. Study gene, be in order to understand its function and expression and adjust to control a information of make use of the living creature's learn(Bioinformatics) can adjust to control to carry on the estimate and analysis to the function and expression of the gene, the province goes to a trivial experiment to investigate, providing the instruction direction for the experiment function and sequence of the gene are closely-related, when the likeness that is a sequence exceeds certain scope, they carry out same function probably, pass will don't know the function sequence with have already known the contrast of the function sequence, if their likeness is higher and then can predict a sequence to correspond function. The purpose of this topic research is to be learn with the living creature information Be the theories foundation usage tool software with according to WEB on-line service to some a do not know the horse streptococci gene carry on a series of analysis, the result integrate, predicting the function of this gene expression outcome thus. The horse streptococci P50 gene sequence length is a 100 BPs, the whole gene has a to open all of the reading frame(ORF)s to grow a 90 BPs, coding 100 amino acids 残基s. The horse streptococci P50 the gene sequence entered the BLAST service net industry that the NCBI provide first, handle stuffs with the form and list of the net industry up, the choice correspond of the parameter hand over to the data server to go forward to act like the source index(the homology Search).Many living creature information centers all have the BLAST server of the specialized applied http:www. last?(Circulate , the United States, the maintenance GenBank)Then the result detection of the basis BLAST index(Search) and the protein of the horse streptococci P50 gene sequence expression together the source is the tallest of 3 kinds of protein one by one in order is 123The secondly applied DNASTAR software translates the horse streptococci P50 gene sequence into the amino acids sequence, the result manifestation P50 gene sequence translates 20 amino acidses totally. Will and the horse streptococci P50 amino acids sequence together source the high sequence inputs to the tool software respectively, carrying on evolving a tree(the Phylogenetic Tree) to draw. Hand over the horse streptococci P50 amino acidses(the Amino Acids) sequence(Sequence) to the professional website in, can immediately predict the second class structure of that amino acids make use of a software analysis P50 gene protein physics and chemistry property. The Darwinian Theory of Evolution(the Evolutionary theory) gave comparison the gene set to learn to provide the theories relative relation(kinship) is more near, its gene sequence is a source(homology) together more sequences together the source is more high, may express the function of the outcome(the Expression Product) very much so more the sorting to the , according to discover the horse streptococci P50 genes express of may be the fat egg white(the Substrate binding Lipoprotein) that a kind of bottom thing combine, participate the metals transport system(the Transport System) to constitute directly, the kind's transport system has in the germ from process acquire nourishment inside the host(HOST) body to close an important kind of egg white is the fat egg white(the Substrate binding Lipoprotein) that a conveyance,such as the bottom thing of the metals ions, such as iron,manganese and zinc...etc., combine, we can call it as the streptococci metals to combine the fat egg white.(the Metal binding lipoproteins, MBLS)This kind of egg white is a kind of poisonous dint factor(the virulent factor) of the horse streptococci(the Streptococcus equi) is a germ with the result that the foundation of the disease to the horse streptococci physiology bio-chemical characteristic and pathogenic have very important influence and the meaning.

284 评论


The horse chain coccus (Streptococcus equi) belongs to a blue minutefungus C crowd of chain coccuses, including horse chain coccus horsesubspecies (Streptococcus. equi subsp. equi), horse chain coccus兽疫 subspecies (S. equi subsp. zooepidemicus) and horse hammerfungus category horse subspecies (S. equi subsp. equisi milis) Thisfungus passable flesh wound, surgery, or way infection many kinds ofanimals and so on treatment, initiation septicaemia Sepsis, meningitisEncephalitis, mastitis (Mastitis) and so on disease Its specific geneexpresses the product (Pathogenicity) to have the special significanceto the bacterium pathogenicity The research gene, is for must understand its function and theexpression and the regulative way. (Bioinformatics) may carries on theforecast and the analysis using the biological information study tothe gene function and the expression regulation, has omitted thetroublesome experimental exploration, confirms for the experimentprovides the instruction direction. The gene function and the sequenceare the close correlation, when the sequence similarity surpasses thecertain scope, they possibly carry out the same function, throughunknown function sequence and known function sequence contrast, iftheir similarity comparatively takes a higher position may infer thesequence the corresponding function. This topic research goal is carries on a series of analyses by thebiological information study as the rationale using tool software andbased on the WEB on-line service to some unknown horse chain coccusgene, finally conformity, thus forecast this gene expresses theproduct the function The horse chain coccus P50 gene sequence length is 100BP, the entiregene has an opening reading frame (ORF) span 90BP, codes 100 aminoacids remnant bases First enters the BLAST service network industry which NCBI provides,has processed the horse chain coccus P50 gene sequence fills in netindustry in the table list, chooses the corresponding parameter tosubmit to the data server on carries on the homology retrieval(homology Search) Many living thing information center all has thespecially movement the BLAST server Here applies http: last (to move the , US, maintains GenBank) Then acts according to the BLAST retrieval (Search) the resultdiscovery and the horse chain coccus P50 gene sequence expressionprotein homology highest 3 breeding eggs white matter is 123 in turn Next translates using DNASTAR software the horse chain coccusP50 gene sequence the amino acid sequence, finally demonstrated theP50 gene sequence altogether translates 20 amino acids Separately will input with the horse chain coccus P50 amino acidsequence homology high sequence to tool software in, will carry on theevolution tree (Phylogenetic Tree) plan. (Amino Acids) the sequence (Sequence) submits the horse chain coccusP50 amino acid to the specialized website in, then forecasts thisamino acid sequence two levels of structures Then analyzes the P50gene protein physics and chemistry nature using software Darwin's theory of evolution (Evolutionary theory) (comparativegenomics) has provided the theory basis to the comparison gene groupstudy. Blood relationship relations (kinship) nearer, its genesequence homology (homology) is higher Two sequences homology higher,then very possibly expresses the product (Expression Product) thefunction is more similar Passes through to the result reorganizationThe analysis, according to discovered the horse chain coccus P50 geneexpression possibly is one kind of substrate union lipoprotein(Substrate binding Lipoprotein), directly participates in the metaltransportation system (Transport System) the composition, this kind oftransportation system (HOST) in vivo obtains the nutrition in thebacterium from the host in the process the very important functionThis kind of protein is metallic ion the and so on a transportationlike iron, manganese, zinc substrate union lipoprotein (Substratebinding Lipoprotein), we may call it the chain coccus metal unionlipoprotein (Metal binding lipoproteins, MBLS) This kind of proteinas horse chain coccus (Streptococcus equi) one kind of toxicity factor(virulent factor) is the bacterium pathogenesis foundation has theextremely important influence and the significance to the horse chaincoccus physiology biochemistry characteristic and the pathogenicity

157 评论


一、论文摘要的定义摘要一般应说明研究工作目的、实验方法、结果和最终结论等.而重点是结果和结论。中文摘要一般不宜超过300字,外文摘要不宜超过250个实词。除了实在迫不得已,摘要中不用图、表、化学结构式、非公知公用的符号和术语。摘要可用另页置于题名页(页上无正文)之前,学术论文的摘要一般置于题名和作者之后,论文正文之前。论文摘要又称概要、内容提要。摘要是以提供文献内容梗概为目的,不加评论和补充解释,简明、确切地记述文献重要内容的短文。其基本要素包括研究目的、方法、结果和结论。具体地讲就是研究工作的主要对象和范围,采用的手段和方法,得出的结果和重要的结论,有时也包括具有情报价值的其它重要的信息。摘要应具有独立性和自明性,并且拥有与文献同等量的主要信息,即不阅读全文,就能获得必要的信息。摘要不容赘言,故需逐字推敲。内容必须完整、具体、使人一目了然。英文摘要虽以中文摘要为基础,但要考虑到不能阅读中文的读者的需求,实质性的内容不能遗漏。二、论文摘要的分类根据内容的不同, 摘要可分为以下三大类: 报道性摘要、指示性摘要和报道-指示性摘要(1) 报道性摘要: 也常称作信息性摘要或资料性摘要, 其特点是全面、简要地概括论文的目的、方法、主要数据和结论. 通常, 这种摘要可以部分地取代阅读全文.(2) 指示性摘要: 也常称为说明性摘要、描述性摘要或论点摘要, 一般只用二三句话概括论文的主题, 而不涉及论据和结论, 多用于综述、会议报告等. 该类摘要可用于帮助潜在的读者来决定是否需要阅读全文.(3) 报道-指示性摘要: 以报道性摘要的形式表述一次文献中的信息价值较高的部分, 以指示性摘要的形式表述其余部分.三、论文摘要的写法目前,我国期刊上发表的论文,多采用报道性摘要。即包括论文的目的、方法、结果和结论等四部分内容。而毕业论文的摘要的写法多是采用指示性摘要的写法,即概括文章的主题和主要内容。在指示性摘要的写作过程中,作者首先应该对论文的写作背景做简单介绍,然后应该对文章的主要内容进行简单的介绍,主要是对文章的提纲做简要的介绍,最后要对文章的研究意义进行介绍。四、论文摘要写作的注意事项(1)摘要中应排除本学科领域已成为常识的内容;切忌把应在引言中出现的内容写入摘要;一般也不要对论文内容作诠释和评论(尤其是自我评价)。(2)不得简单重复题名中已有的信息。比如一篇文章的题名是《几种中国兰种子试管培养根状茎发生的研究》,摘要的开头就不要再写:“为了……,对几种中国兰种子试管培养根状茎的发生进行了研究”。(3)结构严谨,表达简明,语义确切。摘要先写什么,后写什么,要按逻辑顺序来安排。句子之间要上下连贯,互相呼应。摘要慎用长句,句型应力求简单。每句话要表意明白,无空泛、笼统、含混之词,但摘要毕竟是一篇完整的短文,电报式的写法亦不足取。摘要不分段。(4)用第三人称。建议采用“对……进行了研究”、“报告了……现状”、“进行了……调查”等记述方法标明一次文献的性质和文献主题,不必使用“本文”、“作者”等作为主语。(5)要使用规范化的名词术语,不用非公知公用的符号和术语。新术语或尚无合适汉文术语的,可用原文或译出后加括号注明原文。(6)除了实在无法变通以外,一般不用数学公式和化学结构式,不出现插图、表格。(7)不用引文,除非该文献证实或否定了他人已出版的著作。(8))缩略语、略称、代号,除了相邻专业的读者也能清楚理解的以外,在首次出现时必须加以说明。科技论文写作时应注意的其他事项,如采用法定计量单位、正确使用语言文字和标点符号等,也同样适用于摘要的编写。目前摘要编写中的主要问题有:要素不全,或缺目的,或缺方法;出现引文,无独立性与自明性;繁简失当。

83 评论


文稿叙述中不定数字之后允许用中文计量单位符号,如”几千克至1000kg”。表达时刻时应采用中文计量单位,如”上午8点3刻”,不能写成”8h45min”。 外文字母的正、斜体用法物理量符号用斜体,计量单位等符号均用正体。 数字按国家语言文字工作委员会等七单位1987年发布的《关于出版物上数字用法的试行规定》,除习惯用中文数字表示的以外,一般均采用阿拉伯数字。年份一概写全数,如2000年不能写成00年。 公式原则上居中书写。公式序号按章编排,如第1章第一个公式序号为”()”,附录A中的第一个公式为”()”等。文中引用公式时,一般用”见式()”或”由公式()”。公式中用斜线表示”除”的关系时应采用括号,以免含糊不清,如a/(bcosx)。通常”乘”的关系在前,如acosx/b而不写成(a/b)cosx。 插表表格不加左、右边线。表序一般按章编排,如第1章第一个插表的序号为”表”等。表序与表名之间空一格,表名中不允许使用标点符号,表名后不加标点。表序与表名置于表上,居中书写。

148 评论


  • 论文摘要在题目下面还是前面


    狼人发生地 4人参与回答 2023-12-07
  • 下面是我的毕业论文的中文摘要

    Shallowly discussed the enterprise and buys the financing way -release lever pur

    bayueshisan 7人参与回答 2023-12-08
  • 毕业论文中的摘要不分是写什么


    羅潔愛爾 5人参与回答 2023-12-05
  • 急这是我毕业论文的摘要部分

    一、论文摘要的写法 目前,我国期刊上发表的论文,多采用报道性摘要。即包括论文的目的、方法、结果和结论等四部分内容。而毕业论文的摘要的写法多是采用指示性摘要的写法

    南瓜冰妈 4人参与回答 2023-12-09
  • 什么是毕业论文的摘要


    lingling8826 6人参与回答 2023-12-10