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滨崎步,亚洲歌坛重量级女歌手,亚洲流行天后,日本歌坛流行教主,与宇多田光、仓木麻衣并称日本平成三大歌姬。作表作有《新起步》、《自由自在》、《绝无仅有》等。 滨崎步,日本女性歌手,所属公司为日本爱贝克思音乐。出生于日本福冈县福冈市,中学时期就读于福冈市立原中学校毕业、东京堀越高等学校肄业。滨崎 步在歌迷中最常见的被昵称为“Ayu”,同时在新闻媒体上也有步姐、日本流行天后等称号。滨崎步被美国时代杂志誉为日本流行音乐乐坛天后,同时在日本也具有一定的知名度以及影响力。作为近年最著名的日本歌手之一,她的作品在日本持续刷新并保持着多项销量纪录,每年也至少都有一张登上榜首的单曲或专辑。在2006年,她成为了日本史上销量最高的女歌手,至今所有作品的总销售量已突破5000万张。同时,她也是日本歌手于国外销量的纪录保持者之一。自1998年以单曲《poker face》迈入歌坛以来,滨崎步所有的曲目作词任务全部由自己独立完成,歌词具有其个人风格。滨崎步的影响力遍及亚洲与世界其他地方,她所衍生的各种商品也影响着日本社会上的经济现象。虽然起初她对大量商业化营销并不表示反对,但后来她却开始表示抗拒。除了音乐以外,她亦是引领日本年轻世代流行潮流的时尚代表,并多次登上时尚杂志的封面。滨崎步的收入曾使她成为日本排名第37的纳税者。

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helpedhelp[help]n.帮忙, 补救办法, 助手, 治疗, <美>佣工vt.帮助, 助长, 接济, 治疗, 款待vi.有用, 救命, 招待[计] 显示命令格式的简短概述HELP=Helicopter Electronic Landing Path 直升飞机电子着陆系统helpHelp is something you yell when you need example: The person was in danger so he yelled "help".帮忙,助手helphelpAHD:[hµlp] .[help].[hWlp]v.(动词)helped, , .(及物动词)To give assistance to; aid:帮助,援助:给予协助;帮助:I helped her find the book. He helped me into my coat.我帮她找到了那本书。他帮我穿好大衣To contribute to the furtherance of; promote.促进:对…有帮助;促进To give relief to:救助:给予救助:help the needy.救济穷人To ease; relieve:缓解;减轻:medication to help your cold.治疗感冒的药品To change for the better; improve:助长:发生好的变化;改进:A fresh coat of paint will help a scarred old table.涂一层新油漆将大大改观这张斑驳的老桌子To refrain from; avoid or resist. Used with can or cannot : 控制;阻止或抵制。与Can 或 Cannot 连用: couldn't help laughing.忍俊不禁To wait on, as in a store or restaurant.服务:为…服务,如在商店或餐馆中.(不及物动词)To be of service; give assistance.帮助;有帮助n.(名词)The act or an instance of helping.帮助,援助:帮助的行动或实例Aid or assistance.帮助或援助Relief; remedy.补救的办法;治疗药One that helps:助手:You've been a great help. A food processor is a help to the serious cook.你是个很得力的帮手。食物加工机对于任务繁重的厨师来说是个有用的帮手A person employed to help, especially a farm worker or domestic servant.佣人,雇工:被雇佣来帮忙的人,尤指农场工人或家庭仆役Such employees considered as a group. Often used with the. 全体雇工(佣人):被看成一个整体的这些雇工或佣人。通常和the 连用 help (oneself) toTo serve or provide oneself with:自用:用…招待自己或提供…给自己:Help yourself to the cookies.请随便吃点点心吧Informal To take (something) without asking permission:【非正式用语】 偷窃,窃取:没有得到允许而拿取(某物):The thief helped himself to our family silver.小偷窃取了我家的银子Middle English helpen 中古英语 helpen from Old English helpan 源自 古英语 helpan help, aid, assist, succorThese verbs mean to contribute to the fulfillment of a need, the furtherance of an effort, or the achievement of a purpose or end. 这些动词都表示对一种需要的完成、努力的促进或一个目的或目标的取得起一份作用。Help and aid, the most general, are frequently interchangeable: Help 和aid 表示意义最广泛, 常常可以互换:a medication that helps (or aids ) the digestion; 有助于(或者用 aids ) 消化的药物; a fine sense of rhythm that helped (or aided ) the student in learning music. [x]Help, however, sometimes conveys a stronger suggestion of effectual action: 有助于(或用 aided )学生学习音乐的良好的节奏感。 但是help 有时所表达的有效行动的意味更为强烈一些: Nothing will help. 一切均无济于事。I'll help you move the piano. 我将帮助你搬动那架钢琴。He helped her out of the car. 他帮她从轿车里出来。Assist usually implies making a secondary contribution or acting as a subordinate: Assist 通常表示的是起第二位作用或者以属下的身份起作用:A team of kitchen apprentices assisted the chef in preparing the banquet. 一组厨房学徒协助厨师准备宴会。Succor refers to going to the relief of one in want, difficulty, or distress: Succor 指对穷人,陷入困境的人或者是遭受痛苦的人给予帮助:“Mr. Harding thought . . . of the worn-out, aged men he had succored” (Anthony Trollope).See also Synonyms at improve “哈丁先生想到…那些得到过他救济的穷人和老人” (安东尼·特罗洛普)参见同义词 improveA common use of help is exemplified by the sentence 关于help 的一个很常见的用法, 下面这个句子提供了一个很好的例子:Don't change it any more than you can help (that is, “any more than you have to”). 除非万不得已,否则就不要再改变什么了(也就是说,“除非你不得不”)。 Some grammarians condemn this usage on the ground that help in this sense means “avoid” and logically requires a negative. But the expression is a well-established Usage Note at cannot 有些语法家对这种用法提出了批评意见,理由是help 在这个句子里表示“避免”的意思, 所以从逻辑上讲应用否定形式。但是这种表达已经成为一种被广泛接受的惯用法了参见 cannothelp[help]vt., vi.帮助,援助I can't lift this box — will you help me please?我举不动这个箱子,请你帮我一下好吗?I can't push the cart on my own--will somebody help assist me?"我一个人推不动这辆大车,谁能帮我一下?"With the help of the neighbours the fire was at last brought under control."在邻里们的帮助下,火势终于被控制住了。"促进;助长Trade helps the development of industry.贸易促进工业的发展。It won't help you to cry.你哭也没有用。避免;防止;阻止I couldn't help crying.我忍不住哭了。"Between astonishment and joy, she couldn't help bursting into tears.""她惊喜交集,禁不住放声大哭起来。"款待;让人吃喝‘Can I have a drink?’ ‘Help yourself!’“我可以喝一杯吗?”“请随意。”Help yourself to some fish.请自己动手吃点鱼吧。more than one can help不必要的事,过分的事helpn.帮助;救 助;救济Thank you for your kind help.谢谢你好意相助。Your advice was a great help to me.你的建议对我有很大的帮助。帮助者;助手;助力You're a good help to me.你是我的得力帮手。Now the boy is quite a help to his mother.现在这男孩已很能给他妈妈帮点忙了。女用人;仆人The new help left after a week.新来的女用人做了一个星期就走了help oneself自助(进餐时)自己取用未经允许自取help out救助,协助(渡过难关)help中古英语helpen< 古英语helpanhelp,assist,aid这组动词同义词的相应名词分别为 help (helper),assistance(assistant), aid, 它们都有“帮助”的意思。help和另外两个词的差别在于,help 含有比较强的“目的”意义。如果你失眠,服安眠药则有助于你入睡,这里包含着目的A short while ago, my sister helped me to carry one of my old bookcases up the stairs.片刻之前,我妹妹帮我把我的一只旧书橱抬上了楼。May I help you to some more meat?让我再给你一些肉好吗?…but he was too busy helping himself to diamonds to notice any pain.……但是他光忙着捞金刚石,顾不上感到疼痛了。assist从词源学角度讲,是“站在旁边”的意思,它清楚地包含着这种帮助只起着次要的作用He assisted the professor in compiling the dictionary.他帮助那位教授编了那本词典。The assistant who served her did not like the way she was dressed.接待她的那个店员不喜欢她的打扮。aid含有接受帮助者因为弱小而需要帮助的意思。The Red Cross often aids flood victims.红十字会常常帮助受水灾的难民。helpaidassistavailavoidbenefitdeterkeep fromlend a handpreventrelievedisturbhinderinterfereobstructfreedfree[fri:]adj.自由的, 大方的, 免费的, 免税的, 丰富的, 空闲的vt.释放, 使自由adv.自由地, 免费freefreeAHD:[fr¶] .[fri8].[fri]adj.(形容词), imprisoned or enslaved; being at liberty.自由的:不受监禁或奴役的;自由的Not controlled by obligation or the will of another:不受约束的:不受义务或他人意愿控制的:felt free to go.随便去不去Having political independence:独立自主的:有政治上的独立权的:“America . . . is the freest and wealthiest nation in the world”(Rudolph W. Giuliani)“美国是世界上最独立,最富足的国家”(鲁道夫W.朱利亚尼)Governed by consent and possessing or granting civil liberties:享有公民权的:经同意被统治并享有或准予公民自由权的:a free citizenry.享有公民权的公民Not subject to arbitrary interference by a government:有个人自由的:不受政府的任意干预的:a free press.自由的出版机构Not affected or restricted by a given condition or circumstance:免除的:不受既定条件或环境影响或制约:a healthy animal, free of disease; free from need.没有疾病的健康动物;自给自足Not subject to a given condition; exempt:被豁免的:不受既定条件支配的;被免除的:income that is free of all taxes.免税的收入Not subject to external restraint:不受外部阻力支配的:“Comment is free but facts are sacred”(Charles Prestwich Scott)“评论是不受限制的,但事实却是神圣的”(查尔斯·普雷斯特维奇·斯科特)Not literal or exact:不拘泥的:不按字面的或不准确的:a free translation.意译Costing nothing; gratuitous:不花钱的;无偿的:a free meal.免费的一餐Publicly supported:公费的:公众支持的:free education.公费教育Not occupied or used:空的:未被占用或使用的:a free locker.一个空柜子Not taken up by scheduled activities:空闲的:未被安排的活动占用的:free time between classes.课间的空余时间Unobstructed; clear:不受阻碍的;畅通的:a free lane.畅通的小路Unguarded in expression or manner; open; frank.无保留的:在言谈或举止上无防备的;坦率的;真诚的Taking undue liberties; forward or overfamiliar.放肆的,任性的:行为不适当的;鲁莽的或过于亲热的Liberal or lavish:慷慨的或大手大脚的:tourists who are free with their money.滥花钱的旅行者Given, made, or done of one's own accord; voluntary or spontaneous:不受羁束的:主动地给予、制作或做的:自愿或自发的:a free act of the will; free choices.自愿的行动;自由的选择Chemistry Physics 【化学】 【物理学】 Unconstrained; unconfined:自由的:不受约束的;不受限制的:free expansion.自由的扩展Not fixed in position; capable of relatively unrestricted motion:没固定的:位置不固定的;能相对地无约束地运动的:a free electron.自由电子Not chemically bound in a molecule:游离的:未化合成分子的:free oxygen.游离氧Involving no collisions or interactions:没有碰撞的或不互相作用的:a free path.自由路径Empty:空的:a free space.空间Unoccupied:未被占据的:a free energy level.未被占据的能量极Nautical Favorable:【航海】 有利的:a free wind.顺风Not bound, fastened, or attached:单体的:不被束缚的、不附着的或不相连的:the free end of a chain.链条的分开的下端Linguistics Being a vowel in an open syllable unchecked by a consonant, as the o in go. 【语言学】 自由元音的:开音节中不被辅音阻碍的元音的,如o 在 go 中 adv.(副词)In a free manner; without restraint.自由地:以自由的方式;不受限制地Without charge.免费地.(及物动词)freed, , freesTo set at liberty; make free:释放;使自由:freed the slaves; free the imagination.释放奴隶;自由想象To relieve of a burden, an obligation, or a restraint:解除:解除负担、义务或限制:a people who were at last freed from fear.终于解除了恐惧的人To remove obstructions or entanglements from; clean:清除:从…除去阻碍或缠绊物;清除:free a path through the jungle.在丛林中清出一条小路for free【非正式用语】Without charge.免费的Middle English fre 中古英语 fre from Old English fr¶o 源自 古英语 fr¶o V., from Middle English freen 动词,源自 中古英语 freen from Old English fr¶n [to love, set free] * see prº- 源自 古英语 fr¶n [爱,使自由] *参见 prº- free“lyadv.(副词)free“nessn.(名词)free 1[fri:] [fri:E] ,freest [fri:st]自由的The prisoner wished to be free again.囚犯希望重新获得自由。The old lady leads a free and easy sort of life and never troubles much about anything.老太太过着一种自由自在、随随便便的生活,从不为任何事情操心。The people at last won the right to free speech and a free press.人民终于赢得了言论自由和出版自由的权利。独立的;自主的,不受人摆布的You are free to do as you wish.你想怎么做都可以。免费的All the books were given away free.所有的书都免费赠送。Anyone who buys this breakfast food gets a free gift of a fine greeting card.购买这份早餐食物的人都可得到一张免费的精美贺卡。The girl 'gave' her mother a free dress once a week!这个姑娘每周`给'她妈妈一件免费的衣服。随意的;不受拘束的He gave me free access to his library.他让我随意进他的藏书室。Free spending of public money is not to be tolerated.决不能容忍滥用公款的现象。自然的;优美的free movement to music伴着音乐的优美动作未固定的the free end of a flag旗子未固定的一端空闲的;不忙的The doctor will be free soon.医生过一会儿就空了。"The doctor will be free in 20 minutes, can you wait that long?""医生二十分钟后有空,你能等那么长时间吗?"She picked up a new magazine with her free hand.她用空着的一只手拿起一本新杂志。空余的;空着的Can you find a free space to park the car?你能找到停车的空位吗?Are you free this evening?你今天晚上有空吗?No one is using the seat. It's free.这个座位没有人坐,是空着的。开放的;可自由出入的This is a free country.这是一个自由的国家。慷慨的;大方的He's free with his money.他花钱很大方。His wife's very free with her money.他妻子用钱总是大手大脚的。任性的;放纵的The boy's manner is rather free to his teacher.这个男孩对老师的态度太放纵了。免于…;不受…The old lady is never free from pain.老妇人一直在受苦。The secretary was free from all blame for the errors.这些失误完全不能怪秘书。免除free of charge免费远离;摆脱free of her摆脱她〈化〉纯的freeadv.自由地;随意地Don't let the dog run free.别让狗随便乱跑。免费地travel free on buses免费搭乘公共汽车松开地He pushed the window until it swung free.他把窗户推开了。, freeing释放;使自由They freed the birds from the cages.他们把鸟儿从笼子里放出来了。Could you free me from duty for half a day? I've got something urgent to handle你能不能让我离开工作岗位半天时间?我有点紧急事情需要处理。Can you free this window? It's stuck.窗子和窗框咬住了,你能打开它吗?免除to free a man from worrying使人免于忧伤free来自古英语freo无束缚的freeacquitat libertyclearcomplimentarydeliverdischargedismissemancipategratisindependentliberatelooseopenreleaserelievereprieveunrestrainedbusyrestrainrestrict

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easy英 ['iːzɪ] 美 ['izi] adj. 容易的;舒适的adv. 不费力地,从容地vi. 停止划桨vt. 发出停划命令[ 比较级 easier 最高级 easiest ] 容易的 简单 忙里偷闲 很容易短语Easy Rider 逍遥骑士 ; 迷幻骑士 ; 寄生虫 ; 迷幻车手over easy 煎半熟蛋 ; 结束容易 ; 双面煎 ; 煎两面easy care [纺] 免烫 ; 易护理 ; 易处理 ; 易护理技术easy ['i:zi]adj.不费力的,不难的;容易的,轻易的;容易得到的安心的;无忧无虑的,无病无痛的;(身体上)适意的;舒适的;安逸的宽裕的,小康的令人舒适的,舒服的,宽适的,惬意的,安乐的;给人方便的;给人充分休息的,有益于休息的贪图舒适的,好安闲的,喜欢安逸的;懒散的,随便的;随和的不紧张的,不拘束的,不呆板的,不尴尬的;自在的;自如的;大方的;流畅的不严格的,不严厉的,不苛刻的;宽容的,宽大的,宽厚的,厚道的;温和的;易忍受的易受影响(或感化)的;易说服的;易上当的;易顺从的,依从的;轻信的;随随便便的,没有意见的;怎么都行的;(女子)水性杨花的 更多结果以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》词组短语同近义词同根词词语辨析easy to use 使用方便;易用性easy to operate 易操作的so easy 如此轻而易举;就这么简单simple and easy 简易明了free and easy adj. 无拘无束的;过分随便的;马虎的 , n. 欢宴;酒店双语例句原声例句权威例句This is no easy job. 这不是轻而易举的事。《新英汉大辞典》I thought I'd go for that job, it looks easy. 我想我选那件工作,它看起来容易些。《21世纪大英汉词典》The pavements are designed to provide easy access for people in wheelchairs. 这些人行道经专门设计使乘坐轮椅的人能方便地出入。《21世纪大英汉词典》百科《EASY》《EASY》是一本音乐杂志,主要内容是港台流行音乐及歌星影星动态。详细内容更多与"《EASY》"相关的百科词条 »

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    《科幻世界》吧,内容很不错的。 《科幻世界》杂志主要版块 科学:介绍最新的前沿科学知识,包含物理、生物、以及其他各种常出现在科幻小说中的话题。一般以彩页形式出现

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  • freeandeasy杂志

    滨崎步,亚洲歌坛重量级女歌手,亚洲流行天后,日本歌坛流行教主,与宇多田光、仓木麻衣并称日本平成三大歌姬。作表作有《新起步》、《自由自在》、《绝无仅有》等。 滨崎

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