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Nanxi River is located in Yongjia County in the north of Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province, 26 kilometers away from Wenzhou City in the south, adjacent to Yandang Mountain in the East and Jinyun Xiandu in the West.

楠溪江位于浙江省温州市北部的永嘉县境内,南距温州市区26公里 ,东与雁荡山毗邻,西接缙云仙都。

Nanxi River is a national AAAA tourist area, a national scenic spot and a World Geopark.


Yandang Mountain is famous for its beautiful scenery and is known as "the most famous mountain on the sea and the world is the most famous mountain in the world". It is known as the "first mountain in Southeast China" in history. The main body is located on the seashore of the northeast of Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province, and the small part is in the south of Wenling, Taizhou city.

雁荡山以山水奇秀闻名,素有“海上名山、寰中绝胜”之誉,史称中国“东南第一山” ,主体位于浙江省温州市东北部海滨,小部在台州市温岭南境。

Formed 120 million years ago, Yandangshan is a Cretaceous rhyolitic Caldera in the volcanic belt around the Pacific continental margin.


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Tongling Mountain is located in Zhejiang's mountain is covered by green trees and the pool is clear and plants on Tongling Mountain have a large is a lofty mountain with flowing water,deep valley with hidden gorge.雁荡山Yandang Mountain is located in Leqing County of Wenzhou City,a wonder of Nature in Zhejiang Mountain rises 1,150 meters high in Leqing County,25 kilometers from Wenzhou City in southeastern Zhejiang Chinese,Yandang means "reed marsh for wild geese" and in autumn wild geese do gather in the marshes around the lake at the top of the mountain.楠溪江The Nanxi River is located in the county of Yongjia,Zhejiang Province,23 kilometers from the city proper of eastward for 150 kilometers and containing 36 bends and 72 shoals,the river and its banks form the Nanxi River Scenic Zone,which covers an area of 625 square kilometers,and is one of China's famous state-level scenic zones.朱自清故居Former Residence of Zhu Ziqing is located in Zhu arrived in Wenzhou,he rent the this residence - Wang's house,55#,Siyingtang Lane in urban to the reconstruction project for old urban area,Wenzhou Gov decided to relocated this house 200 m to the east and renovated it according to its original Former Residence of Zhu Ziqing is listed as one of the cultural relics protection units in Wenzhou.

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