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2001年,华为亿美金出售电源和机房监控业务给爱默生;2005年,华为8亿美元出售h3c企业网和数据通信业务给3com。 这一系列的例子表明,依靠专利和技术换资本已经成为华为不可或缺的融资手段。



截至2012年12月31日,任正非作为公司个人股东,在公司出资比例为;同时,任正非参与员工持股计划出资占公司总股本的。以上累计任正非总出资占公司总股本的比例将近。 全民持股使得ceo任正非的股权被稀释,一旦上市,控股局面可能会失控。在此,笔者认为这可能也是华为不上市的原因之一。







作为世界500强企业之一,相信几乎所有专业人士都认为华为是有资格上市,也能够通过审批或者注册成功上市的。但是华为二十多年来坚持不上市却仍能够发展的如此迅速,这有其主观上不愿上市的因素在里面。通过分析,笔者认为主要原因有以下几方面: 首先,不上市也能筹集到足够的资金来支持企业的发展和扩张。上一小节集中分析了华为三种独特的资本运作方式,而这三种融资方式在目前看来是完全能够保证华为的资金链条稳定的`。


再者,市场对于上市公司财务信息的披露要求十分严格,一旦上市就意味着要将企业暴露于资本市场之下,并且要受法规制度的限制,这对于企业的发展一定程度有着很大的不利影响。举例来说,华为在巴西拓展初期,连续8年亏损直到第9年才开始大规模盈利。试想如果华为是一家上市公司,亏损第三年说不定就被迫撤掉了。所以不上市一定程度上也有利于企业长远战略的发展和实施。 最后,有种说法叫“绑上黄金的雄鹰还能在蓝天飞翔吗”,用在华为身上就是“如果华为上市了,那么华为大多数持股员工都会成为亿万富翁,一定程度上会削弱他们的奋斗动力”。华为前高管胡勇生说:“曾经有一个海外著名行业分析师和我讨论北电为什么衰落的这么快。他说:一大堆亿万美金的富翁讨论公司的生死存亡,他们哪有紧迫感,所以他们错过许多转型的机会。”这种说法无异于“穷人的孩子早当家”不同的人有不同的说法,在此不做过多讨论。








[1]、吴运建,程发良. 创业企业融资模式探讨——以深圳市华为技术有限公司为例[j]. 全国商情(经济理论研究),2009,(20):24-25,32.


262 评论


All staff have considered that if one day decline in sales, profit decline even bankruptcy, how do we do? Our company has been at peace for a long time, in times of peace or of too many officials, this could be our disaster. Titanic is in the midst of cheers from the sea. But I believe that this day will surely come. In the face of such a future, how are we going to deal with, we have not thought about. We are proud of a lot of blind employees, blindly optimistic, if thought about too few people who may come soon. Time of peace, not went to visit Germany, to see the resumption of Germany after the Second World War is a fast, and very moved at that time. They were workers unite to put down wages, there is no increase in wages, so as to speed up economic construction, so the post-war German economic growth soon. If Huawei is really coming of the crisis is not a staff wages by half, we rely on a little cabbage, pumpkin life, will be able to visit? Or we will cut half of the people will be able to save the company. If this is on the line, then the danger is not dangerous. This is because of a danger in the past, we can gradually pay back up. Or sales growth, people will be forced to cut back, please. Nothing in this crisis. If the two are at the same time, can not save the company has not thought years every day I think about is the failure to successfully turn a blind eye, and there is no sense of honor, pride, but rather a sense of crisis. This is the only way to survive is probably 10 years. We have to think together how to live, perhaps in order to keep some lived longer. This is the failure of the day will surely come, we have to prepare for, this is my unwavering from the view that this is the law of the present circumstances, I think our company from top to bottom, not really aware of the crisis, when the crisis came, we may be caught unprepared for. Do we have been insensitive, it is not the minds of this crisis is no longer the string is not no self-criticism or the ability to have a few. In that case, if a crisis on all sides, then we really may be nothing can help. We can only say that "you do not strike, we would not be ready to go to work, fast machines, but also at the provincial electricity." If we can not study a crisis of the methods and measures to deal with, we can not Continuing to points the past three years the management of the per capita benefits are talking about the issue. Do not grasp the per capita growth in benefits, management will not progress. Therefore, an enterprise the most important and the core is the pursuit of long-term and sustained growth in per capita benefits. Of course, this is not just the current financial indicators of per capita contribution, but also includes the potential for per capita growth. Large enterprises should not, nor is it strong, strong short-term, but have continued to live with the ability to adapt. We have a staff wrote, "can improve it? Can improve it? "Only by constantly improving, we hope. Huawei, however the number of employees in their duties to improve, the number of people in the study can be improved. Our cadres to report on his work report that all indicators are indicators of per capita benefits. Indicators lowering the per capita benefits, we firmly down wages. If you can not even accept lower wages, I think you have no need to stay in the struggle for Huawei. A leading sector has not made any mistakes, but per capita growth does not benefit, he should step down. Another sector leadership committed some mistakes, of course, is not a moral wrong, it is bold, daring to assume responsibility for lack of experience and errors, while the per capita growth in benefits, he should be taken seriously. If he committed an error, was discussed by the group, after a mistake corrected in a timely manner, he should be promoted. Cadres at all levels, to prevent excessively prudent and avoiding error has been promoted to the cadre. In a system, the per capita benefits of the growth indicators are not in a row, then the main sector with the leadership of the cadres of departments, should all resign. This is because they are?In the current circumstances, we must be vigilant in peace time, we must see that the crisis may have. As we all know, there is a one of the world's first class, really great, but down on last year, said down, the blink of an eye on the company nearly collapsed. Of course, they have a good basic research, there is good technical reserves, they can stage a comeback. The largest decline in the past two years about two years will be the world's leading. Huawei and what is it? We do not have a solid foundation for other people, if Huawei no good management, then the collapse of the real, in the future will be nothing left, can no longer be old cry wolf, more than a shout, we do not believe some of the. However, the wolf will really come. This year we want to start a broad discussion of the crisis, what crisis Huawei to discuss your department have any crisis, do you have any of the sections of the crisis, you process what's the point of crisis. Can improve it? Can improve it? Can raise the per capita effective? If the discussion clear, that we might die, on the continuation of our lives. How to improve management efficiency, we have managed to write a number of points, they can not point to some improvement in your work, if a little improvement, we will , balanced development, that is, grasping a short piece of woodHow can we survive. Comrades, you have to think about it, if every year you have the 15 percent increase in per capita output, you might just keep the same salary or may decline slightly. Electronics prices drop more than a year only 15 percent now. We are selling more and more, but profits less and less, if we do not do that, we may not retain his job today, let alone pay up. We can not rely on endless overtime, so we must improve our management. To improve the management, we must improve our emphasis on that piece of wood as soon as possible. All departments and units, the process is necessary to grasp the leadership of the main weaknesses. To adhere to the balanced development so as to continuously strengthen the process-oriented and time-management system construction, in line with the company as a whole to enhance the core competitiveness of the conditions, optimize your work to raise the contribution rate. Why should we resolve this short plank? The company from top to bottom all attach importance to R & D, marketing, but does not tally great importance to the system, the central transceiver systems, the cashier system, order system ... ... and many other systems, which are not of great importance to the system is short of wood, have done better in front, After Di ⒉ pregnant small-minded so-� Qianrengweihuan umbrella R flea � � have gangrene Huan ㄒ � � ⑵ distraction Chenghuaimuhe light Lansiqiudan � Cheng bad head Jilaoqiudan � beat Conggusoubi flattery swindle Ju harsh � Tuijiaoxieshang � a possible target in archery Rexiexingsong Diyechangxie ⒋ Conglufujie Γ � � Conglumuhe such as Wanwengqiuzheng � Congluguilu ü � � � Sushantangfa � Yi shot � � sink danger of invasion Yi N pupa hard time when you share a burning health ⒅ � � � bad kitchen has lots ⒉ Central straw � � Ken Yu Jun-Hwan thorn contribute to a feast on the occasion choke 6 kohlrabi important � copy?R & D services with relatively speaking, the same level of service with a more R & D engineers may be integrated capacity to deal with some of the strong. So if we do not agree with after-sales service system, this system is not always the best people to the composition. Not by the good people, is the high cost of the organization. Because he was flying machine repair in the past, a trip to repair bad, bad repair in the past to fly, to fly in the past and good repair. We pay all the sponsors for Civil Aviation. If we can fix one, not even in the past, with long-range guidance can be repaired, we will save a number of cost-ah! Therefore, we would like to emphasize a balanced development can not stick to one side. For example, our old company made the wrong goods, the goods made abroad also made a come back, the wrong freight charges, non-interest loans to total cost of it? Therefore, to establish a balanced evaluation system in order to make the company a short plank of wood into long, will be more barrels of have over the past few years a lot of research products, but IBM and many Western companies to come to visit our company when we have to waste a great joke, because we studied a lot of good things that can not be sold, which is actually a waste. We do not care about the building of the system will cause waste of resources. To reduce short wood casks, it is necessary to establish a balanced system of values, it is necessary to emphasize the company as a whole to enhance the core , the matter of responsibility, and responsibility of the people is the essential difference, is an expansion system is a system of do we want to stress to the process-oriented and time-based system it? Now the process on the operation of the cadres, they used everything request to the higher authorities. This is wrong, there are already provisions into practice, or things do not have to ask, should go through it quickly. Implementation of the process, is in charge of things, and this is a matter of responsibility. Always ask, who is responsible for the system, which is the convergence. If we want to reduce unnecessary confirmation of things, to reduce unnecessary management, the important aspect of the company or how high to run it? We now have considerable authority, considerable preparation, as well as in waste, and then sorting them into the garbage and clean up, some manufacturing jobs. To create these complex documents, engage in a number of complex procedures and unnecessary statements, documents, to support a number of unnecessary support of the cadres. Cadres can not produce value-added behavior. We must effectively monitor the conditions, make every effort to streamline the body. Secretary of the right to the management of routine processing, manager of the main exception, as well as the importance of clear discrimination routine to deal with the incident. The more routine and less managers, the lower the cost. Must be prepared to reduce our preparation of the body is too large. Under the same conditions, the cadres is the better, of course, can not get a no less. Therefore, we must unswervingly should be part of the cadres assigned to directly produce value-added jobs go. The evaluation agencies should be direct service points for it to the authorities and wages, bonuses linked to scores of organizations?Marketing is the incompetence of the authorities. The daily paper, like snowflakes, such as Feia, on a daily basis to the Office of the statements, the statements today, tomorrow, to statements that it is incompetent cadres. Office every month to fill in all the data of a table, put the database, the data on the authorities to find the database. Beginning tomorrow, the market surplus to the Department of cadres of the group to form a database of all the data can only team to have to not want to offices, the Office of the points should be conveyed to the authorities asked us not to be playing so good, Let them eat that loss, or else they will not see this point and will not serve you, you have to make a strong fight. Large agencies must swelling. In this process of change will touch on the interests of many people will encounter many contradictions, leading cadres should play an exemplary role. Some people have the courage to take responsibility, afraid to take responsibility when people will not be able to cadres. When the engineers are also very proud their work, we must dare to responsible, so that the process accelerated. Excessively prudent and avoiding error of the people must be clear. Huawei to the interests of the staff very good, so some people say not to lose this seat, do not throw away the benefits. Those who want their own security interests, we should he be removed from office, he has been a stumbling block to reform. In the last year, if there is no improvement in behavior or even an error not committed, there is no work for improvement, can not he be removed from office on the spot. His department did not raise the per capita benefits, he will not be able to become a section chief. He said he did not make mistakes, ah, you can not make mistakes when you cadres? Some people never made a mistake, because he did not do a thing. And some people in the work of some mistakes, but he managed a large department per capita benefits, I think we should use this cadre. Neither of mistakes, and there was no improvement of cadres on the spot can be removed from , self-critical, ideological, moral character, quality, innovation and skills of a good toolWe must implement a self-critical as the center of transformation and optimization of the activities of the organization. Self-criticism is not as critical and critical, nor is it as comprehensive and in the negative criticism, but for the optimization and construction and criticism. The overall goal is to enhance the core competitiveness of the company as a whole. Why would like to emphasize that self-criticism? We advocate self-criticism, but not to promote mutual criticism, criticism as well take appropriate if the criticism is very strong smell of gunpowder, they easily lead to conflicts between the teams. The criticism of his own, it will not be under their own hard on their own would be lenient. Jimaodanzi use lightly about playing than not play, play more than a few years, has been tempered into a steel you will. Self-criticism not only of personal self-critical, organizations have their own self-criticism. Through self-criticism, the backbone of all levels should strive to shape their own, gradually moving towards professionalism, internationalization. Only self-criticism seriously, in practice, in order to acquire advanced, and optimize their own. Self-criticism that the company is a good way of personal progress, still can not grasp the arms of staff, at all levels should not hope for them to the promotion. Two years later, still can not grasp and use of the weapons to reduce the use of cadres. In-service office of the cadres should never stop fighting, more than aggressive. Officials should have the professionalism, dedication and sense of responsibility, sense of mission. We are ordinary employees do not require dedication, they should pay their own labor, To obtain a reasonable return. Only to have dedicated staff who request them trained cadres. In addition, we have to implement strict requirements for senior cadres, cadres not to the general requirements of the implementation of martial law. Because the strict implementation of all requirements of the management of our costs are too high. He would also spend money because control of it, not fight the food we have to do less. Therefore, we are cadres of different levels have different requirements for any self-criticism can not use the weapons and cadres can not be promoted. Self-criticism from the beginning of high-ranking, high-ranking every year of democratic life and democratic life at the mention of the problem is very acute. After listening to some people that really intense internal struggle, you see them start to a very acute problem, but they do not finish and Wo Zheshou to fight it? I hope that this spirit has been down-to, the following will have to have a democratic life, we must put forward their views with each other, when each put forward their views must be gentle. I think the criticism of others should be the dinners should be painting, embroidery, to be respectful to allow moderation. Certainly not within the democratic life has become smell of the meeting, a number of high-ranking sharp, they are high quality, the more grass-roots level to be more moderate. Things can not be expected to finish first, not a year or two years may, not later than three years progress. I hope that the cadres at all levels in the organization of democratic life of self-criticism session, must grasp the scale. I think people are afraid of the pain, the pain is not too good, like painting, embroidery, letter addressed to the careful analysis to help the people of his shortcomings and put forward measures to improve, the best-gentle. I believe that as long as we continue this over?Fourth, qualifications and virtual profits the company is promoting the rational assessment of cadres, orderly and efficient must continue to unswervingly implement the management system of qualification. In the past the only way to change the evaluation of the Mongolian state assessment. Will contribute to making, responsible people who grew up as soon as possible. Incentive mechanism should be conducive to the competitiveness of the company's core strategy in full swing, but also conducive to the core in the near future competitiveness will continue to grow.

241 评论


浅谈外资企业与国内企业文化(论文)一、企业文化在企业市场竞争中的重要作用 优秀的企业文化,对于企业的存在和发展有着非常重要的作用。 1、有利于企业扩大产品知名度,占据市场份额 企业文化在市场竞争中所体现出来的价值是不可估量的,它可以形成企业巨大的凝聚力、亲和力和战斗力,这种效果,是单纯的硬件设施和工资福利手段所达不到的。以小天鹅公司为例,1989年还是个亏损97万元的小厂,1991年产品质量获得行业第一,1992年无故障销售是3年前的3倍,1995年以4 300万元国有资本控制18亿元的社会资本,而今天的小天鹅无论是知名度还是市场份额20年前是想不到的。小天鹅的崛起,得益于深入企业每个员工心髓的“末日管理”的企业文化。谈“末日”并不是要末日,而是要努力消除诱发“末日”到来的隐患。使顾客的反映和需求在其技术创新、个性化设计的延伸服务上体现出来;从而增加用户对小天鹅品牌的忠诚度和满意度,最终扩大市场份额。 2、有利于提升良好的企业形象 企业文化决定企业的形象,实施科学的企业形象管理,需要企业文化的支持。企业形象管理的成果又会凝结成企业文化,融化在员工的思想中,支配着员工的行为。成立于1988年的深圳华为公司,到今天已成为中国电子信息百强企业,只用了十几年时间。集团总裁任正非认为:是强烈的企业危机感意识造就了今天的华为:危机迫使我们谋求独立,谋求独立又需要依靠科技,于是,技术成为企业的发展根本。”正是秉承“危机意识”理念,华为才有了今天中国通信行业领头羊地位,也使得欧美一些电讯公司刮目相看。 3、有利于提高企业的绩效 美国哈佛大学的约翰·科特教授和詹姆斯·赫斯克特教授深入研究了企业文化与经营业绩之间的相关性。他们的研究成果表明:企业文化对长期经营业绩有着重大的作用,企业文化在决定未来成功或失败方面是一个更为重要的因素。一般分析而言,可以得到较为普遍的结论:企业经营业绩与其企业文化之间,存在着一种正比例关系,企业文化对企业的影响程度越大,企业的经营业绩越好;反之,则企业的经营业绩越差。优秀的文化帮助企业取得高绩效,这是因为这种文化能产生不同寻常的激励效果,能使员工感觉到为公司工作是有益处的,同时,员工对公司更有责任心、更为忠诚,员工会觉得他们的工作更有回报。 二、中国企业如何塑造企业文化建设 面对世界经济一体化,企业文化的创新已成为企业创新不可分割的重要组成部分。要发展有中国特色的企业文化,就需要从理论和实践两方面来把握中国企业文化的发展方向,要加强企业文化的研究,创建有中国特色的企业文化理论。 1、价值标准的界定 正确的价值观是塑造企业文化的首要战略问题。要立足于企业自身的基础,如行业特点,企业成员的构成,以及政治、经济、法律意识等,选择适当的价值观和经营理念,否则,企业不被他人所认可。同时,要把握好价值观与企业精神、企业形象等各要素之间的相互协调关系,使价值标准与企业宗旨、管理战略和发展方向相统一。 2、不断创新 只有创新企业才有活力,才能发展,才能增强竞争优势。海尔文化的核心是创新。它是在海尔二十年发展历程中产生和逐渐形成特色的文化体系。海尔文化以观念创新为先导、以战略创新为方向、以组织创新为保障、以技术创新为手段、以市场创新为目标,伴随着海尔从无到有、从小到大、从大到强、从中国走向世界,海尔文化本身也在不断创新、发展。 3、要加强企业文化研究。 二十一世纪中国企业文化的研究应该坚持理论研究与应用研究相结合、定性研究与定量研究相结合的原则,主要侧重于在中国文化背景下, 探讨中国企业文化的基础理论,研究企业文化与中国传统文化和当代社会文化的关系、企业文化与企业管理、企业环境、企业发展和企业创新的关系等,提出有中国特色的企业文化理论;同时加强企业文化的应用研究 , 关于企业文化的测量、诊断、评估和咨询的实证研究,在此过程中,推动企业文化实践的发展; 4、要正确处理好企业文化与社会文化的关系 企业文化作为社会文化的一个组成部分,它既是社会文化变迁的缩影,又通过其新技术、新产品所倡导的理念引导市场潮流、引领社会时尚,改变人们的生活方式,改变人们的观念,从而为社会文化的发展注入新的活力,丰富社会文化的内涵。社会文化通过企业家这个载体,将其在长期社会生活中形成的关于人性的基本假设、价值观、人生观和世界观运用于企业发展和企业管理过程中,形成独特的、相对稳定的行为准则、行为规范、企业内部的文化氛围和企业产品的文化品味。 5、 注重企业环境变化对企业文化发展的影响 二十一世纪是个快速变化的时代。企业要立于不败之地,就要在其发展战略、经营策略和管理模式方面及时作出相应的调整,企业文化的内涵也要反映出环境的复杂性和紧迫性所带来的挑战和压力,对企业内部要保持较高的整合度,对外要有较强的适应性,通过对企业主导价值观和经营理念的改革推动企业发展战略、经营策略的转变,使企业文化成为蕴藏和不断孕育企业创新与企业发展的源泉,从而形成企业文化竞争力。

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[摘要] 本文分析了我国企业文化建设的现状和存在问题,借鉴国外企业文化建设的先进经验,提出了我国企业文化建设的原则、核心和措施。 [关键词] 企业文化文化建设 企业文化是一种价值观念,属于社会意识范畴。从国内国外企业发展的实践证明,企业文化是一个企业的灵魂,它对企业发展起着至关重要的作用。改革开放以来,我企业先后经过几次创业,取得了很大成就,为我国经济发展做出了巨大贡献。但是随着形势的发展,一些企业暴露出许多不适应时代发展要求的问题,其中,最主要问题之一是我国大多数企业缺乏企业文化建设,从而严重影响了企业的发展和壮大。中国加入世界贸易组织以后,我国的企业迎来了前所未有的挑战,既要面临同行业企业间的激烈竞争,同时又面临着全球化经济及与国际化接轨的挑战。在这样的形势下,企业文化和文化特色对企业兴衰、企业发展所起的作用越来越显著。尤其是在国际市场营销中,自身文化特质和对方文化环境的冲突,成为一些企业失败的决定性原因。因此,企业的文化建设在我国入世走完五年保护期后的今天显得由为重要。 从世界范围看,占主导地位的企业文化,一种是欧美型企业文化,一种是日本型企业文化,再一种是借鉴型企业文化。欧美型企业文化,所表现的是以人为本的价值观;日本型的企业文化,追求“人和”、“至善”,“上下同欲者胜”的群体共同意识;以韩国、新加坡等东南亚国家企业为代表的借鉴型企业文化,融汇吸收了东西方经济发展和企业管理的特点,具有较强的“亲和性”。具体来看: 欧美型企业文化的代表企业摩托罗拉的企业文化战略。摩托罗拉把“精诚为本与公正”作为自己的企业理念,把人本主义作为全球文化战略的基点,把本土化和当地化作为核心战略。作为跨国公司,他们善于妥善处理文化的多样性,熟悉外域文化,尊重外域文化,吸收每一种文化之中的精华。他们宣传爱心文化,倡导向社会奉献爱心。从这个理念出发,用和平、人道、人本主义的理念进行跨国经营,并且取得很大成功。 日本型企业文化的代表企业松下公司的企业文化战略。日本的企业文化突出表现在其企业哲学、企业目标、健全的企业民主、企业集团意识,以及企业形象上。松下公司在长期的生产经营中形成了“讲求生产效益,重视生存的意义,事事谋求生存和发展”的企业哲学,它的基本纲领是:公司应遵守产业人的本分,鼓励进步,促进社会生活的改善,以及致力于世界文化的发展。公司的信条是:全员的通力合作才能实现公司的发展与提高,每个职工都应牢记为企业不断发展而献身。企业的目标是:以质量为生命,共存共荣。松下公司多年来一直致力于企业形象的树立、巩固和提高,把他们从事的行业作为一种生活文化产业来经营,使得松下公司独特的企业文化融入于广大消费者之中。 借鉴型企业文化的代表亚洲四小龙的企业文化战略。在20世纪80年代,韩国、我国台湾、我国香港、新加坡成为国际市场上强有力的竞争者,它们的经济指标和社会综合发展水平高居世界的前列。中外学者们普遍认为,儒家文化是“亚洲四小龙”崛起的精神支柱,西方管理文化是“亚洲四小龙”崛起的技术支持。强烈的民族自尊心和致富经国的价值观,是韩国经济崛起的原动力。新加坡把儒家基本价值观升华为国家意识。台湾作为中国的一部分,在继承和维护中华传统文化方面是比较注意的,儒家文化传统同样是台湾企业振兴的精神动力。香港的发展在于许多香港企业在吸收发达国家技术与管理经验的同时,仍然保留了很浓厚的中国传统文化特色,如义利两全、诚实经营、勤俭持家等,这种以儒家为主的中华文化成为促进香港腾飞的重要因素。 从占主导地位的企业文化形态,看到了它们的文化特质和功效,看到了企业对它们的依存度和运用心计。再看看我们的企业是怎样建设企业文化的,其建设现状如何呢? 当前,我国企业的文化建设,大体有如下几种类型:一是在家族式管理的企业中,企业的领导人认为企业文化就是“以我为真理,以我为中心”,不需要规范系统的文化管理模式;二是那些规模相对较小的企业,他们把产品开发和简单的利润增长放在第一位,对企业文化的建设,还不太在意或心有余而力不足;三是那些知名的成功企业,已经认识到企业文化建设的意义,并努力和国际化接轨。 从当前我国企业文化建设的现状来看,企业文化建设中的主要问题是: (1)认识不高。对于企业文化在宣传教育、启迪心智、凝聚人心、提升企业整体素质和核心竞争力等方面功能认识不足,缺乏建立先进的企业文化的主动性、自觉性。 (2)形式主义。企业虽然在文化建设方面有规划、有目标,但大都是装门面、摆样子,说起来重要,做起来次要,忙起来不要。 (3)群众基础不强。提出的理念、目标空洞无物,脱离实际,针对性不强,不能得到员工的认同。 (4)缺乏创新。因沿袭传统的恩想政治工作套路和做法,缺乏时代气息,体现不出文化建设的内涵。 (5)缺少指导与支持。企业开展企业文化建设的社会认同度不高,更缺少有效的支持,企业之间也缺乏交流和借鉴。参照国外企业文化建设的成功经验,当前我国企业文化建设应从以下几个方面着手。 一要切实转变思想观念,提高对企业文化建设重要性的认识。很多企业家比较重视企业的产品、市场、资金等问题,在对外宣传时,只注重公司介绍、产品介绍、销售购买联系方式介绍,忽略了厂容厂貌、经营方针、宗旨、文化理念等企业文化建设信息,缺少向社会大众展示企业管理风格、经营状况和精神风貌的文化内涵,没有为企业树立起良好的整体形象,因而也影响了企业的声誉和销售业绩。所以,首先必须使企业家转变思想观念,提高认识,以适应形势发展的需要。 二要明确企业文化建设的基本原则。企业的文化建设首先要确立和遵守文化管理与企业战略管理相结合、企业文化要面向未来并体现行业特点和企业个性、发挥企业领导群体的核心作用、文化管理与形象管理相互促进、文化体系的建立要反映全体员工的共同愿望的基本原则,用这些基本原则来指导解决好企业内部组织建设的规则问题。 三要科学地确定企业文化建设的内容 。建设企业文化的核心内容是要做到随着经济社会发展、结合企业的发展目标和任务考虑文化模式;采取批判与继承的态度,博采众长,借鉴吸收其他民族和企业的优秀文化;重视发展企业的文化个性;注重培育企业精神。 四要组建专业的企业文化建设队伍。无论大小企业,无论经济实力强弱,都应组建专业的企业文化建设队伍,把企业文化建设从小到大、从里到外做实做好。也可走企校、企研结合的路子,聘请高校或研究院的专业人员做顾问,协助企业搞好企业文化的建设工作。 五要以数字化为手段,搞好企业信息上网工程。在进入网络经济的今天,每个企业都要建立自己的网页,尤其是大型企业、科技企业更应该首当其冲,利用互联网这个现代化的工具,介绍自己企业的重要信息,特别是企业文化的建设情况,以扩大企业的知名度,让更多的人、更好地了解你的企业。 六要注意学习氛围的培养。在知识经济时代,最成功的企业应是学习型组织,因为它对个人及企业的知识水平提出了更高的要求。正如美国通用电气GE的前任CEO韦尔奇所说,“最终的竞争优势在于一个企业的学习能力,以及将其迅速转化为行动的能力”。所以,要加强企业员工的学习和培训。 七要定期开展企业文化测量、诊断和评估工作。定期开展全方位的企业文化测量、诊断和评估工作,对企业文化与企业经营业绩的关系进行量化的追踪研究。一方面,可以强化企业文化建设的意识;另一方面,企业的文化建设可以随着企业的发展和变化而作出及时的调整和改变。 总之,我国的企业文化建设,要立足于本国的社会文化背景,结合企业管理实践和社会经济发展进程,同时也要借鉴国内外关于企业文化建设的先进经验,建设有自身特色的全方位的企业文化,全面提高我国企业文化建设的整体水平。 参考文献: [1]郭纯金:《企业文化》[M].中山大学出版社,1991,(3) [2]范周:《企业文化导论》[M].世界知识出版社,1991,(2) [3]胡石明:《漫谈企业文化》[M].经济科学出版社,1990,(11) [4]刘光明:《现代企业家与企业文化》[M],经济管理出版社,2002,(1) [5]阿伦•肯尼迪特伦斯•迪尔著:《公司文化》[M]. 生活•读者•新知三联书店,1989,(13) [6]叶少帅:论建筑企业的企业文化建设[J].建筑经济,2003,(5) [7]华荣所:施工企业文化建设—“三点”成一线[J].中国建设信息,2002,(19) [8]邓泽洪:实践三个代表创建工地文化[J].建筑,2002,(8)我是 三糊涂......................

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企业文化是在一定的社会经济条件下,企业在长期的生产实践过程中,逐渐形成和发展起来并为绝大多数成员所认可、遵循的价值观念、企业团队精神、工作作风和行为准则等,它是一个企业以物质为载体的精神现象。如何塑造企业文化,最大限度地激发企业的活力,使企业立于不败之地,成为人们关注的焦点。 一、企业文化在企业市场竞争中的重要作用 优秀的企业文化,对于企业的存在和发展有着非常重要的作用。 1、有利于企业扩大产品知名度,占据市场份额 企业文化在市场竞争中所体现出来的价值是不可估量的,它可以形成企业巨大的凝聚力、亲和力和战斗力,这种效果,是单纯的硬件设施和工资福利手段所达不到的。以小天鹅公司为例,1989年还是个亏损97万元的小厂,1991年产品质量获得行业第一,1992年无故障销售是3年前的3倍,1995年以4 300万元国有资本控制18亿元的社会资本,而今天的小天鹅无论是知名度还是市场份额20年前是想不到的。小天鹅的崛起,得益于深入企业每个员工心髓的“末日管理”的企业文化。谈“末日”并不是要末日,而是要努力消除诱发“末日”到来的隐患。使顾客的反映和需求在其技术创新、个性化设计的延伸服务上体现出来;从而增加用户对小天鹅品牌的忠诚度和满意度,最终扩大市场份额。 2、有利于提升良好的企业形象 企业文化决定企业的形象,实施科学的企业形象管理,需要企业文化的支持。企业形象管理的成果又会凝结成企业文化,融化在员工的思想中,支配着员工的行为。成立于1988年的深圳华为公司,到今天已成为中国电子信息百强企业,只用了十几年时间。集团总裁任正非认为:是强烈的企业危机感意识造就了今天的华为:危机迫使我们谋求独立,谋求独立又需要依靠科技,于是,技术成为企业的发展根本。”正是秉承“危机意识”理念,华为才有了今天中国通信行业领头羊地位,也使得欧美一些电讯公司刮目相看。 3、有利于提高企业的绩效 美国哈佛大学的约翰·科特教授和詹姆斯·赫斯克特教授深入研究了企业文化与经营业绩之间的相关性。他们的研究成果表明:企业文化对长期经营业绩有着重大的作用,企业文化在决定未来成功或失败方面是一个更为重要的因素。一般分析而言,可以得到较为普遍的结论:企业经营业绩与其企业文化之间,存在着一种正比例关系,企业文化对企业的影响程度越大,企业的经营业绩越好;反之,则企业的经营业绩越差。优秀的文化帮助企业取得高绩效,这是因为这种文化能产生不同寻常的激励效果,能使员工感觉到为公司工作是有益处的,同时,员工对公司更有责任心、更为忠诚,员工会觉得他们的工作更有回报。 二、中国企业如何塑造企业文化建设 面对世界经济一体化,企业文化的创新已成为企业创新不可分割的重要组成部分。要发展有中国特色的企业文化,就需要从理论和实践两方面来把握中国企业文化的发展方向,要加强企业文化的研究,创建有中国特色的企业文化理论。 1、价值标准的界定 正确的价值观是塑造企业文化的首要战略问题。要立足于企业自身的基础,如行业特点,企业成员的构成,以及政治、经济、法律意识等,选择适当的价值观和经营理念,否则,企业不被他人所认可。同时,要把握好价值观与企业精神、企业形象等各要素之间的相互协调关系,使价值标准与企业宗旨、管理战略和发展方向相统一。 2、不断创新 只有创新企业才有活力,才能发展,才能增强竞争优势。海尔文化的核心是创新。它是在海尔二十年发展历程中产生和逐渐形成特色的文化体系。海尔文化以观念创新为先导、以战略创新为方向、以组织创新为保障、以技术创新为手段、以市场创新为目标,伴随着海尔从无到有、从小到大、从大到强、从中国走向世界,海尔文化本身也在不断创新、发展。 3、要加强企业文化研究。 二十一世纪中国企业文化的研究应该坚持理论研究与应用研究相结合、定性研究与定量研究相结合的原则,主要侧重于在中国文化背景下, 探讨中国企业文化的基础理论,研究企业文化与中国传统文化和当代社会文化的关系、企业文化与企业管理、企业环境、企业发展和企业创新的关系等,提出有中国特色的企业文化理论;同时加强企业文化的应用研究 , 关于企业文化的测量、诊断、评估和咨询的实证研究,在此过程中,推动企业文化实践的发展; 4、要正确处理好企业文化与社会文化的关系 企业文化作为社会文化的一个组成部分,它既是社会文化变迁的缩影,又通过其新技术、新产品所倡导的理念引导市场潮流、引领社会时尚,改变人们的生活方式,改变人们的观念,从而为社会文化的发展注入新的活力,丰富社会文化的内涵。社会文化通过企业家这个载体,将其在长期社会生活中形成的关于人性的基本假设、价值观、人生观和世界观运用于企业发展和企业管理过程中,形成独特的、相对稳定的行为准则、行为规范、企业内部的文化氛围和企业产品的文化品味。 5、 注重企业环境变化对企业文化发展的影响 二十一世纪是个快速变化的时代。企业要立于不败之地,就要在其发展战略、经营策略和管理模式方面及时作出相应的调整,企业文化的内涵也要反映出环境的复杂性和紧迫性所带来的挑战和压力,对企业内部要保持较高的整合度,对外要有较强的适应性,通过对企业主导价值观和经营理念的改革推动企业发展战略、经营策略的转变,使企业文化成为蕴藏和不断孕育企业创新与企业发展的源泉,从而形成企业文化竞争力。 总之,发展中国的企业文化一定要立足于中国文化的背景,结合我国企业管理实践和现代化进程,同时也要借鉴国外关于企业文化研究的理论和方法,建设有中国特色的社会主义的企业文化

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