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主办:中国科学院动物研究所、中国动物学会出版:《动物学杂志》编辑部编辑:《动物学杂志》编辑部国际刊号:ISSN0250-3263国内刊号:CN11-1830/Q《动物学杂志》1957年创刊,是由中国科学院动物研究所、中国动物学会主办的科技期刊,亦是中国自然科学核心期刊;50年来,《动物学杂志》本着普及与提高相结合、基础性和应用性并重的办刊宗旨。及时报道动物科学领域具有创造性和重要意义的最新研究成果和信息,介绍有创见的新思想、新学说、新技术、新方法,开展学术交流与争鸣。曾经荣获中国科学院优秀期刊三等奖、全国优秀期刊三等奖、中国科协优秀学术期刊二等奖及北京市优秀期刊奖。是入围中国期刊方阵的双效期刊。并同时被中国生物学文摘、中国学术期刊综合评价数据库、中国学术期刊专题文献数据库、万方数据资源系统数字化期刊群、中国科技论文引文统计分析数据库等国内各大数据库及英国《动物学记录》、美国《化学文摘》、俄罗斯《文摘杂志》等收录。 研究报告、珍稀濒危动物、技术与方法、自然保护区、基础资料、研究简报和快讯、综述与进展、专题知识讲座、科技动态、新书评介等。读者对象动物科学领域的研究、教学、技术、管理人员及广大动物学爱好者。订阅发行《动物学杂志》为16开,112页,双月刊(双月20日出版),2008年每册定价30元,全年定价180元。国内外公开发行,国内邮发代号:2-422,国外发行(Code No.)代号:BM58, 全国各地邮局均可订阅。如未能在当地邮局订到,可与本刊编辑部联系订阅,如需挂号邮寄每册请另加邮费3元。本刊对在校学生及个人订户7折优惠(直接与编辑部联系订阅)。

276 评论


不是,一本普通的英文期刊 Established in 1980, Zoological Research (ZR) is a bimonthly publication produced by Kunming Institute of Zoology, the ChineseAcademy of Sciences, and the China Zoological Society. It publishes peer-reviewed original research article/review/report/note/letter to the editor/editorial in English on Genome Evolution and Genetic Diversity, Animal Ecology and Ethology, Primates and Animal Models of Human Diseases. The journal also publishes high quality papers related to taxonomy and DNA barcoding, developmental biology, physiology, biochemistry, immunology, and was recognized as one of the best core zoology periodicals in China by the Guide to the Core Journals of China; was awarded the third prize of Excellent Chinese Journals in 2000; was selected in Chinese Journal Square in 2001 by General Administration of Press and Publication of China (GAPP); and was awarded Excellent Scientific Journal of Yunnan in 2006, 2009, 2012 and was selected as one of the 300 Outstanding S&T Journals of China in 2008 and 2014. ZR was awarded "The Excellent International Impact Academic Journals of China" (Science/Technology/Medicine) in 2012 and "The Highest International Impact Academic Journals of China" (Science/Technology/Medicine) in 2013. ZR has continually been reported by many influential national and international indexes including, but not limited to: PubMed/MEDLINE, Ulrich's International Periodicals Directory, Biological Abstracts, Zoological Records, Chemical Abstracts, Abstract of Entomology, Chinese Biology Abstracts, Chinese Science Citation Database, Bioline International, JSTChina (Japan Science and Technology Agency,Chinese Bibliographic Database), Scopus, ProQuest, Open Academic Journals Index (OAJI) and Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ). It has been subscribed to 11 countries other than China, such as, US, UK, Canada, and Australia. Moreover, the journal has been exchanged globally with other corresponding publications from 75 institutions in 23 countries and districts.

240 评论


什么是SCI期刊 答:SCI(《科学引文索引》,英文全称是Science Citation Index)是美国科学情报研究所出版的一部世界著名的期刊文献检索工具。它收录全世界出版的数、理、化、农、林、医、生命科学、天文、地理、环境、材料、工程技术等自然科学各学科的核心期刊3700多种。通过其严格的选刊标准和评估程序来挑选刊源,使得SCI收录的文献能够全面覆盖全世界最重要和最有影响力的研究成果。 SCI从来源期刊数量划分为SCI和SCI-E。SCI指来源刊为3700多种的SCI印刷版和SCI光盘版(SCI Compact Disc Edition, 简称SCI CDE),SCI-E(SCI Expanded)是SCI的扩展库,收录了5600多种来源期刊,可通过国际联机或因特网进行检索。截止至2006年6月,耳鼻咽喉头颈外科领域SCI期刊共收录30种,其中核心期刊(印刷版/光盘版)16种。被耳鼻喉科专业这30种SCI-E杂志收录都可以称作被SCI收录。可能通过直接进入SCI-E数据库检索来确定。如查某人第一作者发表的所有论文,可以直接用其姓名查找,遵照姓全称,名首字母缩写的原则,如韩德民则输入 han d m (姓和名,名和名之间有空格)。科学引文索引(SCI)收录期刊,可以点以下链接查询,Science Citation Index JOURNAL LIST(按字顺排) ;Science Citation Index SUBJECT CATEGORIES(按分类排)科学引文索引扩展版(SCI Expanded)收录期刊,可以点以下链接查询:Science Citation Index Expanded JOURNAL LIST(按字顺排) ;Science Citation Index Expanded SUBJECT CATEGORIES(按分类排)

193 评论


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