acupuncture treatment of stroke sequelae optimization solutions and common technologies affect the clinical evaluation of of Bell's palsy and TCM syndrome projection area direct treatment of cerebral infarction 40 cases of by intensive treatment of stroke complications and oxygen therapy on plasma endothelin in cerebral infarction最后两个:Effective measures to save society和National medicine clinical skills自己再改改。
1, "evidence-based acupuncture treatment of stroke sequelae optimization solutions and common technologies affect the clinical evaluation of efficacy"2, "and the pathogenesis of Bell's palsy Syndrome Study"3, "Direct cortical projection zone treatment of cerebral infarction 40 cases of scalp"4, "followed by intensive treatment of stroke sequelae Puncturing"5, "Acupuncture and oxygen therapy on plasma endothelin in cerebral infarction"Title"Effective measures to save," "national medicine clinical skills"Please, I know that is difficult to translate, but please help out
去掉前三个词,就已经能清楚表达你的论文主旨了。去掉Theory of the。
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