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China's sustained economic growth and weak world economic growth and the continuous devaluation of dollar, particularly the . government in the domestic unemployment rate and rising international trade deficit of the circumstances, the United States some people will be unemployed manufacturing workers in the United States and the reasons for the Sino-US trade deficit Summed up as the RMB exchange rateFirst, the renminbi exchange rate is not the main cause of Sino-US trade deficit1, the EC analysis of Sino-US trade balanceChina and the United States for such a big difference between two main aspects of reasons: (1), the United States statistics will be part of China through Hong Kong re-exports of double counting in China's exports to the United States (2), the . trade data Collection process has many , Sino-US trade deficit is what causes(1), the . Government's high-tech products export control policy, Sino-US trade imbalance is an important reason.(2), . investment in China's balance of trade of multinational companies is another important reason. China to the United States despite the existence of high trade surplus, but a large part of the trade surplus from the . multinational companies in China, according to Chinese statistics show that: China's import and export amount of 56 percent is from foreign-funded enterprises to achieve, China is . multinational companies to reduce production costs and increase profits one of the main channel.(3), the . trade statistics report and the multinational corporations will not return to the United States of the investment income account3, Liaokai . foreign trade deficit . imports from the large number of foreign companies in setting up their own production lines, in other words, the . subsidiary of multinational companies import goods from overseas, the reality of the trade are many companies and the companies, not countries trade with the countries of the economist Julius once the . balance of trade statistics, if coupled with its overseas subsidiaries in the local double-counting, then in 1986 the . trade balance from a deficit of 144 billion . dollars into 57 billion A surplus of . dollars. According to the . Department of Commerce statistics, in 1995 the . subsidiary of multinational companies in sales over 210 million . dollars, with exports of goods and services the same year 794 billion . dollars, almost 3 trillion . dollars, and foreign exports to the . and foreign companies in the . , A subsidiary of the internal sales total of trillion . dollars, the United States today is not the world's largest trade deficit country, but the world on a few large trade surplus with one of the . exports to foreign multinational companies in the United States and abroad for sale on the market, both in 2002 and amounted to 3 trillion . dollars. Over the same period, imports of . and foreign multinational companies in the . market sales, and for both of trillion . dollars, resulting in the United States on the world's total trade surplus of 600 billion . dollars, and this is when the analysis of the . foreign trade deficit Should comprehensively grasp the essence of the , the . trade deficit, the real reason for the(1) in the 1970s, the two oil crises led to two world oil prices rose sharply, from Japan and developing countries with strong economic competitiveness and the strength of the dollar, which makes . goods, services, trade Deficit in 1987 reached a peak of 152 billion . dollars.(2) deterioration of the low . savings rate, the United States must from the international financial market, raising funds for construction, that is, factoring funds to invest heavily in the building.(3) . multinational companies in the United States in the import trade played by the "one of us" role, that is part of the trade deficit is actually "returning goods."China and the United States is a complementary economy, maintain the existing exchange rate system is a win-win situation

227 评论


翻译之路道阻且长,必经百般磨砺。每周精修一篇《经济学人》中译文,主要目的是琢磨语言,一方面学习英文表达,另一方面深入思考中文表达。尽量避免“翻译腔”,就算是没有白费功夫了。【这里是我的精修】Low-Earth-orbit satellites Round and round they go The launch of thousands of new satellites will boost the space economy 近地轨道卫星 转圈圈 【转呀转呀转呀转】 将有数千颗新卫星升空,推动太空经济发展 【数千颗新卫星即将升空,太空经济将迅猛发展】Space is becoming more crowded. On December 3rda Falcon 9 rocket made by SpaceX thundered into the sky. On board were 64 small satellites, more than any American company had launched before in one go. They have an array of uses, from space-based radar to the monitoring of radio-frequency emissions. One, designed by Trevor Paglen, an artist, will soon unfurl a 30-metre reflective structure that will shine down on Earth like an artificial star, visible to the naked eye. 太空正变得越来越拥挤。12月3日,SpaceX制造的一枚猎鹰九号火箭轰隆升空。它上面装载了64颗小型卫星,超过之前任何一家美国公司单次发射卫星的数量。从天基雷达到无线电发射监测,这些卫星的用途多种多样。其中一颗由艺术家Trevor Paglen设计,内嵌的30米场反射器不久将会打开,变成一颗肉眼可见的人造星星,在地球的上空闪光。 【太空越来越拥挤了。12月3日,SpaceX发射了一枚猎鹰9号火箭,这一次共有64颗小型卫星随之升空,创下了美国公司单次发射卫星数量的新纪录。这些卫星用途多样,从天基雷达到无线电监测等十分广泛。其中还包括一颗由艺术家特雷弗·裴格伦(Trevor Paglen)设计的艺术卫星,它将在太空中释放约30米长的反射器,变身为肉眼即可观赏到的人造卫星。】These objects are part of the latest breed of low-Earth-orbit (LEO) satellites, which are designed to whizz around the planet only a few hundred kilometers above its surface. This month’s launch is just a taste of what is planned. SpaceX and OneWeb, a communications firm, plan to launch satellites in their thousands, not hundreds (see briefing). The pair are set to double the total number of satellites in orbit by 2027. 这些都属于最新型的近地轨道卫星,在距地表仅几百公里的轨道上绕行。本月发射的只是计划中的以下部分。SpaceX和卫星通信公司OneWeb计划发射几千而不是几百颗卫星。两家公司的目标是让轨道卫星的综述到2027年增加一倍。 【此次发射的卫星都属于最新型近地轨道卫星(LEO),运行轨道距离地面不过几百公里。此次发射活动也只是更宏大计划的牛刀小试。SpaceX和通信公司OneWeb打算发射数以千计的卫星,几百个尚不足为道,到2027年,它们要把在轨卫星的数量增加一倍。】That promises to change things dramatically on Earth. LEO satellites can bring internet connectivity to places where it is still unavailable or unaffordable. This will also be an enduring source of new demand for the space economy. Morgan Stanley, a bank, projects that the space industry will grow from $350bn in 2016 to more than $ by 2040. New internet satellites will account for a half this increase. 这会给地球带来巨大改变。近地轨道卫星可以为目前还未接入互联网或者联网成本过高的地区提供网络连接。而这也将是太空经济新需求的持久源泉。摩根士丹利预测,航天业的规模将从2016年的3500亿美元增长至2040年的超过万亿美元。其中一半的增长将源自新兴互联网卫星。 【这将给人类社会带来巨大改变。有了近地轨道卫星,目前没有网络或者网络太贵的地区就能联网了。太空经济也将因此获得源源不断的新需求。摩根士丹利预测,到2040年,太空行业规模将从2016年的3,500亿美元增长到超过万亿美元,其中一半将来自互联网卫星。】For that to happen, however, three worries must be overcome. Debris is the most familiar concern. As long ago as 1978, Donald Kessler, a scientist at NASA, proposed a scenario in which, when enough satellites were packed into low-Earth orbits, any collision could cause a chain reaction which would eventually destroy all space craft in its orbital plane. The syndrome which bears Mr. Kessler’s name weighs heavily on the minds of executives at the new satellite firms. Debris could conceivably render entire tracts of space unusable for decades. (Collisions have already happened. In 2009 an American satellite and a Russian one crashed into each other above Siberia, sending over a tonne of metal fragments swirling around the planet at thousands of kilometers per hour.) 然而,要实现这一点必须解决三大忧患。其中最为人熟知的一个是空间碎片。早在1978年,美国国家航空航天局的科学家DO哪来的Kessler就提出,当足够多的卫星进入近地轨道时,任何碰撞都可能引起连锁反应,最终破坏所在轨道平面内的所有航天器。这一被命名为“凯斯勒综合症”的理论是压在新型卫星公司高管心头的一块大石。碎片可能导致整个太空轨道在几十年内都无法使用。(碰撞事件已有发生。2009年一颗美国卫星和一颗俄罗斯卫星在西伯利亚上空相撞,产生的一吨多金属碎片以每小时数千公里的速度在地球上空旋转。) 【然而,要实现这一愿景,尚需解决三大问题。太空垃圾首当其冲。1978年,美国国家航空航天局的科学家唐纳德·凯斯勒(Donald Kessler)就曾提出,当近地轨道卫星达到一定的密集程度,一旦发生碰撞,连锁反应将摧毁该轨道平面上的所有航天器。这种情景被命名为“凯斯勒综合症”,给新兴卫星公司高管的心头投下了一片阴影。一旦太空轨道上挤满了碎片,或许数十年都不能再发射航天器了。(太空碰撞已经不再是设想。2009年,一颗美国卫星和一颗俄罗斯卫星在西伯利亚上空相撞,留下了一吨多金属碎片以每小时数千公里的速度在地球上空飞速旋转。)】Solutions exist. One is to grab malfunctioning satellites and pull them down into Earth’s atmosphere. Another is to monitor space more intensively for debris; a US Air Force programme called Space Fence is due to start in 2019. But technology is only part of the answer. Rules are needed to govern the safe disposal of old satellites from low-Earth orbit. The United States’ Federal Communications Commission is revising its regulations with this in mind. Other countries should follow suit. 解决办法是有的。一个方案是“捉住”故障卫星,将其下拉至地球大气层中。另一个方案是更严密地检测太空中的碎片,美国空军一项名为“太空篱笆”(Space Fence)的相关计划将于2019年启动。但技术只是解决方案的一部分,还需要制定规则来管理近地轨道就卫星的安全处置问题。为此美国联邦通信委员会(FCC)正在修订相关规定。其他国家也应效仿。 【解决办法还是有的。首先,可以将发生故障的卫星抓住并拖入地球大气层中。其次,更严密地监控太空碎片;美国空军就将在2019年启动Space Fence(太空篱笆)计划。但是科技只是一个方面。要安全清除近地轨道上的旧卫星,还需要相关政策加持。美国联邦通信委员会(FCC)正在沿着这个思路修订相关规定。其他国家也应如此。】Cyber-security is a second, long-standing worry. Hackers could take control of a satellite and seal intellectual property, redirect data flows or cause a collision. The satellite industry has been slow to respond to such concerns. But as more of the world’s population comes to rely on the infrastructure of space for access to the internet, the need for action intensifies. 第二个担忧存在已久——网络安全。黑客可能劫持卫星,窃取知识产权,重新定向数据流,或者让卫星相撞。卫星行业对这类问题反应迟缓。但随着世界上越来越多人口依赖太空基础设施接入互联网,就此类风险采取行动变得愈加迫切。 【其次,网络安全隐患存在已久。黑客可能劫持卫星,窃取知识产权,重新定向数据流,甚至让卫星相撞。对于这些问题,卫星行业的反应一直很缓慢。但是,越来越多的人口需要依赖太空基础设施才能连接互联网,因此,采取行动已变得十分紧迫。】The third issue follows from the first two. If a simple mistake or a cyber-attack can cause a chain reaction which wipes out hundreds of billions of dollars of investment, who is liable? Underwriters are studying the plans of firms that wish to operate large numbers of satellites. But there is a long way to go before the risks are well understood, let alone priced. 第三个问题因前两者而生。如果一个简单错误或一次网络攻击就可能导致连锁反应,令数千亿美元的投资化为乌有,那么谁该为此负责?保险公司正在研究那些想要运营大量卫星的企业提出的计划。但要充分了解其中的风险尚需时日,更别说要为这些风险定价了。 【问题之三与前两者联系密切。如果一个小小的错误或者一次网络攻击就能引发连锁反应,足以让数百亿美元投资化为乌有,那么这笔账该找谁来算呢?保险公司正在帮助有意运营大量卫星的公司研究保险计划,但是充分了解其中风险尚需时日,要给风险定价岂不是难上加难。】As space becomes more commercialized, mind-bending prospects open up: packages shuttled across the planet in minutes by rocket rather than by plane, mining equipment sent to asteroids, a stream of paying passengers launched to orbit and beyond. All that and more may come, one day. But such activities would raise the same questions as LEO satellites do. They must be answered before the space economy can truly blossom. 随着太空空间变得更商业化,让人脑洞大开的前景渐现:通过火箭而不是飞机在几分钟之内横跨地球递送包裹;把采矿设备发射到小行星上;把付费乘客“发射”到地球轨道或更远的地方。某一天,这些乃至更多的想法也许都会一一实现。但这些活动会和近地轨道卫星引发同样的问题。必须首先回答这些问题,太空经济才能真正开花结果。 【太空的商业化程度越来越高,千奇百怪的想法也纷纷涌现:用火箭代替飞机送快递,几分钟就能穿越地球;把采矿设备发送到小行星上去;花钱买票就能去地球轨道甚至更远的地方。未来某天,或许再光怪陆离的想法也能成真。但是那时,人们还是要面对近地轨道卫星今天面对的问题。只有尽快找到解决办法,太空经济才能真正百花齐放。】

151 评论


翻译如下:China's sustained economic growth and weak world economic growth and the continuous devaluation of dollar, particularly the . government in the domestic unemployment rate and rising international trade deficit of the circumstances, the United States some people will be unemployed manufacturing workers in the United States and the reasons for the Sino-US trade deficit Summed up as the RMB exchange , the renminbi exchange rate is not the main cause of a Sino-US trade deficit, the EC analysis of Sino-US trade balance statistics difference between the two countries so large there are two main aspects of reasons: (1), the United States statistics will be part of China's re-exports through Hong Kong Double-counting of trade in China's exports to the United States (2), the . trade data collection process has many , Sino-US trade deficit is what causes (1), the . Government's high-tech products export control policy, Sino-US trade imbalance is an important reason. (2), . investment in China's balance of trade of multinational companies is another important reason. China to the United States despite the existence of high trade surplus, but a large part of the trade surplus from the . multinational companies in China, according to Chinese statistics show that: China's import and export amount of 56 percent is from foreign-funded enterprises to achieve, China is . multinational companies to reduce production costs and increase profits one of the main channel.(3), the . trade statistics report and the multinational corporations will not return to the United States of the investment income , Liaokai . foreign trade deficit veil of the United States imports a large number of companies from abroad set up their own production lines, in other words, the . subsidiary of multinational companies import goods from overseas, the reality of the trade are many companies and the companies, not countries with national The document economist Julius once the . balance of trade statistics, if coupled with its overseas subsidiaries in the local double-counting, then in 1986 the . trade balance from a deficit of 144 billion . dollars into 57 billion A surplus of . dollars. According to the . Department of Commerce statistics, in 1995 the . subsidiary of multinational companies in sales over 210 million . dollars, with exports of goods and services the same year 794 billion . dollars, almost 3 trillion . dollars, and foreign exports to the . and foreign companies in the . , A subsidiary of the internal sales total of trillion . dollars, the United States today is not the world's largest trade deficit country, but the world on a few large trade surplus with one of the . exports to foreign multinational companies in the United States and abroad for sale on the market, both in 2002 and amounted to 3 trillion . dollars. Over the same period, imports of . and foreign multinational companies in the . market sales, and for both of trillion . dollars, resulting in the United States on the world's total trade surplus of 600 billion . dollars, and this is when the analysis of the . foreign trade deficit Should comprehensively grasp the essence of the , the . trade deficit, the real reason (1) in the 1970s, the two oil crises led to two world oil prices rose sharply, from Japan and developing countries with strong economic competitiveness and the strength of the dollar exchange rate, these Are making . goods, services trade deficit in 1987 reached a peak of 152 billion . dollars.(2) deterioration of the low . savings rate, the United States must from the international financial market, raising funds for construction, that is, factoring funds to invest heavily in the building. (3) . multinational companies in the United States in the import trade played by the "one of us" role, that is part of the trade deficit is actually "returning goods." China and the United States is a complementary economy, maintain the existing exchange rate system is a win-win situation.

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