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Shared cycling refers to the enterprises and government cooperation, subway stations, bus stops, in the campus, residential, commercial, public service provide bicycle bike sharing service, is a kind of new form of Shared economy.

Since the end of 2016, domestic sharing of bicycles has suddenly become popular, and recently a mobile phone screen shot up the Internet. In this screenshot, the 24 ICONS of Shared cycling apps are full of mobile phone screens, and it's really "a graphic illustration of the fierce competition for sharing bikes". And in the streets, as if overnight, the sharing of bicycles has reached the point of "overflow", with all the city's streets lined with different colors of bicycles.

As a short distance travel tool, it also helps the construction of the city "slow traffic" system. Tie-in walk or bus, subway and other modes of transport, share the bike can be used as a change to the feeder, the citizens of this not only saved travel cost, also on low carbon, green and sustainable development of city has not to be ignored. However, there are a series of problems, such as the operation, parking, maintenance and other problems. Some bike users lack the sense of responsibility, the station in the city, the rail transit site and other transportation hubs, as well as schools, hospitals, shopping malls and other personnel strong liquidity, high intensity area around the park bicycle parking area, to illegal use of public resources, instead of the new urban traffic congestion.




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About three decades ago, China was known as the “Bicycle Kingdom”. But the two-wheeled mode (方式) of transport’s popularity began to fade, with many bikes soon replaced by their fuel-powered competitors.


But recent months have seen a revival (复兴) of the humble (普通的) bike across China, with an increasing number of people choosing cycling instead of driving to schools, to workplaces or to do

sightseeing. The introduction of bike-sharing schemes, pioneered by start-ups (新兴公司) like Ofo and Mobike, has brought the trend to a new level.


According to data compiled (编制) by iResearch Consulting Group, the first week of this year saw million active users of Mobike while Ofo had million active users.


People can unlock the shared bikes by simply using their smartphone. The bikes are equipped with GPS and can be left anywhere in public for the next user. They’re popular among many Chinese people as they provide an effective solution to the “last mile” problem, which refers to the final leg of a person’s journey.


“In places where the subway doesn’t extend (延伸到), where it’s difficult to change from one kind of transport to another, it’s so easy to get where you want to go with Mobike,” Hu Hong, 29, told AFP. She pedals (骑自行车) to her Shanghai real-estate (房地产) job.


However, the schemes have also led to problems such as illegal parking, vandalism (故意破坏) and theft.


Last month, two nurses in Beijing were placed under administrative detention (行政拘留) for five days for putting locks on two shared bikes.


And in December, a man who stole a shared bike was sentenced to a 3-month detention with a 3-month probation (缓刑期), and fined 1,000 yuan by the Shanghai Minhang People’s Court.


“Bike-sharing is a greener method of transportation and provides a user-friendly experience,” said Liu Xiaoming, vice-minister of transport. “But it’s a combination of online and offline business. Operators are usually strong in online services, but lack offline business experience, which causes problems.”


In fact, these problems are also shared by bike-sharing schemes abroad. Launched in 2007, Vélib is a large-scale public bike sharing system in Paris. At its early stage of operation, it also suffered from problems of vandalism or theft.


By Oct 2009, a large number of Vélib’s initial bikes had to be replaced due to vandalism or theft, according to The New York Times. Bikes were found hanging from lampposts (街灯柱) or thrown into the Seine River.

Welcome to Hangzhou. I am Li Yue, president of the Student Union in my school. I'd like to briefly introduce the Hangzhou Public Bicycle Service to you. Our city insists to protect the environment, so we began to use the Public Bicycle Service to reduce the traffic stress in 2008. There were 65 thousand bicycles for people to use in daily life. In general, more than 8 million people have to use them every year.


Some people think they are very useful and believe they will make our society more beautiful. Others think they are not convenient enough. As far as I can see, reading a bicycle is so interesting. We can take exercise with it. Meanwhile, Our environment get protected. Let's go into action!


319 评论




With the development of technology, bicycle sharing comes into people's lives. It becomes more and more popular and much news reported it. At the same time, we should see that there are some problems caused by bicycle sharing.

On one side, bicycle sharing makes it very convenient of people traveling. You can find a bicycle anywhere at any time when you want to go out for a cycling, and the price of one trip is very low. It can save time for people. On the other side, its management is not perfect. Even kids can open the lock and ride the bicycle, there is no doubt that such behavior is very dangerous. What's more, many people deliberately break it, like throw it to the river or destroy the code above it.

In my opinion, we should take a developing view about bicycle sharing. It is obviously helpful to human beings as a high-tech product. The government should introduce relevant provisions to regulate this market to avoid its disadvantages.

My Views on Bicycle-sharing

Presently, in big cities like Shanghai and Guangzhou, bicycle-sharing system has become increasingly popular. A large number of shared bikes can be found and rented at a low price. Moreover, you can park the bike almost anywhere you like. Urban transportation has thus been made much more convenient and even revolutionized.

However, along with its rapid development, bicycle-sharing system also brings some problems, including random parking, vandalism and possession of shared bikes, etc.

To solve these problems, there are some measures for the authorities to take. Firstly, the government could implement more strict laws and rules to regulate the operation and management of bicycle-sharing system. Secondly, the public should raise their awareness of using shared bike reasonably. Lastly, urban transportation system should be upgraded and improved to accommodate automobiles, bikes and pedestrians.

To conclude, a sensible attitude should be held toward bicycle-sharing program. With effective and efficient measures taken, and efforts made by those involved, it can be expected that bicycle-sharing system will play a contributive and constructive role in urban public transportation.

Speaking of bicycle, some people think it has outdated in many big cities. However, some people think that it is still popular for them because people can exercise themselves by riding bicycle. For me, I think people can get lots of benefits from riding bicycles.


First, we can become healthier by riding bicycles. Since people are busy with works, they have almost no time to do exercise. But if they ride bike to work, then they can practice themselves quite often. Consequently, they will be healthier.


Secondly, bicycle is good for our environment. In almost all big cities, the average temperature is a bit higher than countryside because there are too much pollution there. We all know that people in big cities like to drive cars to go to work rather than taking public transportations. So, our environment is polluted by lots of gas. If more people join in the trend to ride bicycles to work, then our air quality will be improved obviously.


In conclusion, riding bicycle not only can make us healthier but also it is good for protecting our environment. So, we should encourage more people to ride bicycles quite often than driving .


184 评论


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