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专著、论文·专著1 薛力,孙世界(译).学院与大学建筑.北京:中国建筑工业出版社,2007·论文和书中章节1 薛力.建筑设计中的全息理念—以邗江县人民保险大厦为例.新建筑,2000,71(4):50-52.2 薛力.中西方市政办公建筑比较研究.华中建筑,2000,18(3):61-62.3 薛力,吴明伟.江苏省乡村人聚环境建设的空间分异及其对策探讨.城市规划汇刊,2001,131(1):41-45.4 薛力.发之传统,顺乎自然—以桐庐灯塔为例,浅议形式对功能的环境表达.华中建筑,2001,19(2):49-50.5 薛力.城市化背景下的“空心村”现象及其对策探讨.城市规划,2001,25(6):8-13.6 薛力.劳逸结合,教学相长—议教学建筑设计中的现代时空观.华中建筑,2002,20(6):33-34.7 薛力.城市化进程中乡村聚落区位变化分析——以江苏省为例.昆明理工大学学报,2002,27(8)(增刊):140-145,148.8 薛力.全球化进程的空间分异及其对策探讨——以江苏省为例.2003,城市规划,27(5):26-32.9 薛力.泉州 “出砖入石” 浅议.华中建筑,2004,22(8):15-16.10 薛力.青水乡土民居小考.华中建筑,2004,22(8):17-20.11 薛力.功能、形态和文脉的交织--以浙江桐庐新区图书馆、博物馆综合体建筑设计为例.华中建筑,2005,23(3):19-20.12 薛力,程静.地域化和生态化,人性化和个性化--以江苏省电力公司连云港农电培训中心建筑设计方案为例.华中建筑,2006,23(2):55-58.13 薛力,殷波,许东锬. “自下而上,由外而内”的地铁广场规划——以南京地铁钟灵街站地面广场的概念设计为例.华中建筑,2006,23(2):72-74.14 薛力,陈烨.山水文化,市井人家——以湖州邱城小镇的概念性规划为例.华中建筑,2006,24(3):50-55.15 薛力.试论校园规划的整体性与延续性——以常州市戚墅堰区实验中学规划设计为例.华中建筑,2006,24(10):124-126.16 薛力.建构的一次尝试----从材料出发的“伞、门、亭”设计.华中建筑,2007,25(4):134-136.17 薛力,殷波.浅谈现代商住楼的设计及其传统形式的引用. 华中建筑,2007,25(5):32-34.18 薛力,许东锬.永安青水乡土建筑测绘七则.华中建筑,2007,25(8):133-13919 薛力.石屋访古. 华中建筑,2007,25(12):124-125.20 薛力,顾海燕.环境对形式的作用,空间对流线的引导.华中建筑,2008,(2):61-6721 薛力.隆昌寺游记.华中建筑,2008,(4):192-193.22 薛力.风雨音乐台.华中建筑,2008,(7):179-181 .23 薛力,戴昀.福建永安青水廊桥初探.华中建筑,2009, 27(3):142-146.24 薛力,顾海燕.福建永安青水乡土建筑再测八则.华中建筑,2009, 27(5):203-213.25 薛力.福建永安青水民居桂兰堂初探.建筑学报,2009, (01) (增刊):51-54.26 薛力,高阳.福建永安青水烤烟房初探.华中建筑,2009, 27(7) : 197-201 .27 薛力.福建永安青水福临堡初探.建筑师2009, (6) :41-54.28 薛力. 张春晓.福建永安青水长庆堂木构节点初探.2010, (5) :58-63.·报告1 一个村庄,两座房子——2009年南京工业大学2 福建永安青水乡土建筑赏析——2010年东南大学九龙湖代表实践项目1金陵石化公司化肥厂幼儿园建筑设计2 扬州邗江酒甸中学规划与建筑设计3 南京河西省级机关政府办公区规划设计4江苏省电力公司连云港农电培训中心建筑设计5常州市戚墅堰区实验中学规划设计6浙江湖州邱城小镇规划设计7南京地铁钟灵街站地面广场的概念设计8山西平顺天脊山地质公园规划设计9安徽和县农委综合服务中心建筑设计荣誉、获奖1薛力.城市化背景下的空心村现象及其对策探讨.城市规划,2001,25(6):8-13首届学会青年论文奖暨第七届(cards杯)全国青年城市规划论文竞赛一等奖2薛力.全球化进程的空间分异及其对策探讨——以江苏省为例.2003,城市规划,27(5): 26-32第二届中国城市规划学会青年论文奖暨第八届(cards杯)全国青年城市规划论文竞赛三等奖。3薛力. 博士论文“城市化进程中乡村聚落发展探讨——以江苏省为例”获2003年学校优秀博士学位论文。4薛力.“中国乡土建筑赏析”课程获2004年度东南大学第十一届青年教师授课竞赛三等奖。5薛力.“中国乡土建筑赏析”课件获东南大学2004年多媒体课件竞赛二等奖。6薛力. “中国乡土建筑赏析”获2005年江苏省第二届“方正奥思杯”多媒体教学课件竞赛好课件奖。当前承担课程1 中国乡土建筑赏析——全校通识课2 建筑设计及其理论——建筑学院建筑系三年级本科主干课3 建筑测绘——建筑学院建筑系四年级本科实习课

238 评论


Simulation data with incomplete information under constraints as compared to price is closer to, but also show that the side Method to derive the expectations of the Cournot-Nash equilibrium solution is desirable.      Table 4.3 gives the power plant have two units each, the four cases of Cournot-Nash equilibrium. By Table 4.3 shows the simulation results:      ① under incomplete information and are not bound to contribute the smallest unit of the largest cases, the total of all power plant Power than the circumstances to be bound, but lower prices.      ② under incomplete information in the unit by the max-min bound to contribute, some units offer enhanced by To be bound by the greatest efforts to improve pricing and reduce efforts to force the output in the Kuhn-Tucker (KT) Point. With incomplete information under non-binding compared to the total output of all power plants has declined, but the price has 上升.      ③ under incomplete information in a non-simulation data with incomplete information under constraints as compared to both the Cournot-Nash Solution value is closer to that obtained by the method of expectations Cournot-Nash equilibrium solution is desirable, can be used To guide production. Kunming University of Science and Technology Master's thesis      However, Table 4.3 and Table 4.2 as compared to price a variety of situations are significantly increased, while the total power output is Dropped, indicating the power to participate in the less competition, higher electricity prices. 4.6 Summary of this chapter      Power plant unit bidding behavior is obviously a game, and in any game, the Nash equilibrium both Between participants in the optimal response for a point of intersection. On the demand side of the electricity market flexibility, this chapter established Non-binding under complete information Cournot model conditions and at the same time given to solve the calculation of the model may A power output expectations Cournot-Nash equilibrium solution, and using the formula of the solution into a curve of unit pricing.      Game of the most important information is on the opponent and game strategy to benefit from the information. Benefit is the game Side after the implementation of the outcome of the strategy. However, in most cases, the game's income and can not be determined accurately. Therefore, under incomplete information on the operation of other units of the accuracy of the estimated cost of a very important factor.      This chapter gives a certain margin of error in the estimated cost factor, the analysis through an example, the Results with the results of incomplete information is very close to that of the proposed method can be identified as non-fully Information under the power plant unit bidding tool bidding curves.

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