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The Shawshank RedemptionA successful young banker Andy found his wife fornicate with a baseball coach. He flew into a fury and planned to shoot them dead at one night. But at last he gave up. His reason won his emotion. Surprisingly, his wife and her lover died at that night. Andy was framed for murder. And the sentence was two life imprisonments. He was sent into Shawshank prison. That was a dark and gloomy hell with mad prisoners, cruel warders and viperous and greedy wardenry. The first night Andy spent in it, a new comer like Andy couldn’t bear the fear and kept crying and shouting. The result was he was taken out and beaten dead by the warders. At that moment, Andy understood that if he want to live he must be silent in Shawshank. In Shawshank Andy knew an old prisoner Red. They gradually became friends. Red was able to get some small goods for the prisoners. So Andy asked for a little hammer because of his interest in geology. The life in Shawshank was full of danger. Andy, as a new prisoner, was often threatened and maltreated by some scoundrels because he always refused their unbearable and disgusting demand. In such a dark prison, no one could help him even if someone may want to. After tow years, one day, Andy, Red and some other prisoners got the chance to rebuild the roof. They heard the head of the warders complaining that he had to pay high tax to government if he wanted to receive his brother’s inheritance. Andy grabbed the opportunity and taught him a way to be exempt from taxation. The condition was to give each prisoner 3 bottles of ice beer. All the prisoners enjoyed the rare and short freedom leisurely. Red said,” It’s just like rebuilding the roof of our own house. We are free like God.” Another consequence was that from then on Andy got the protection from the head of the warders. And all the warders even the wardenry began to consult Andy for financial affairs. So some of his special behaviors were permitted, such as pasting posters of some famous actress on the wall or carving chessmen with his little hammer at night.Prisoner as he was, Andy did more than a civilian. He kept writing one letter to the government every week to ask for bankroll to develop the library in Shawshank. After nearly ten years, a new library finally appeared. When checking the books from the government Andy found a piece of disc of The Wedding of Figaro. Then he played the disc in the radio room, letting the dulcet music spread above Shawshank. Although he was imprisoned alone for two weeks as penalty, he wasn’t regretful at all, because of the greatest thing in the world——music, which represents another best thing for human——hope. Later on, Andy knew a new prisoner Tommy, from whom Andy knew who was the real murderer that killed his wife. He immediately told the wardenry about this and naively thought the wardenry would help him leave there. But the wardenry didn’t do that. He killed Tommy. Andy had been laundering money for the wardenry for a long time. So it’s impossible for the wardenry to set Andy, as a tool and an attester for his crime, free. At this moment, everything seemed to be over. Both Andy and the audience should despair. But the climax of the movie appears. At a night with thunderstorm Andy escaped from Shawshank. Everyone including the wardenry and Red couldn’t believe it. The stone wall which Red asserted wouldn’t be dug through even with six hundred years was dug through by Andy in two decades. He kept digging with that little hammer at night, the sound of which was mistaken for the sound of carving chessmen. And the hole on the wall was covered by the huge poster of a famous actress. At that night, Andy crawled through the narrow tunnel to a drain-pipe and then smashed it with a stone under the cover of thunderclap. He was crawling while vomiting in the pipe which was as long as five football grounds by Red’s estimate. At length, Andy got out of the pipe into a little river outside the prison. He walked to the middle of the river and ripped his shirt, letting the rain wash all the filth away. Under the lightning and thunder, Andy spread out his arms, regaining freedom. When reading the postcard from Andy, Red sighed with feeling,” Some birds aren’t meant to be caged, that’s all. Their feathers are just too bright.” Andy had said,” Life has only two choices——get busy living or get busy dying.” This is the most impressive word in this movie. It influenced a lot of people including me. Everyone is able to be busy living, but not everyone can do that all the time. That’s why a few people have brilliant life; many remain mediocre till the last minute of their life while some always struggle to get out of poverty. We complain that God is unfair. We just despair when we are in all-time low. We take hands-off attitude towards ourselves when others think we are failure, although we will weep in dreams. All of these have a same reason——we forgot that only ourselves can save ourselves. Holding hope forever especially in desperation and reminding myself to get busy living at any moment. That’s the most precious thing I got from this movie——The Shawshank Redemption

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38.《神曲》 具有巨大的思想认识价值和艺术价值的伟大诗篇 有史以来第一次表达了带有新时代特征的新思想和新世界观 震撼世界的10本书之一 影响人类文化的经典著作、人类历史上的优秀史诗 1986年法国《读书》杂志推荐的理想藏书 《神曲》是意大利诗人但丁在被放逐期间写的一部长诗,是诗人的代表作。诗人采用了中世纪流行的梦幻文学形式,描写了一个幻游地狱、炼狱、天堂三界的故事。《神曲》是一部奇书,但丁因之而成为世界四大诗人之一,但现实生活中,人们对它都是敬而远之的,原因在于大量象征和比喻的运用,以及典故的层出不穷。有人断言,没有人能读懂《神曲》。如上因素导致今天的年轻人不敢去看《神曲》,惟恐自己的浅薄会亵渎了这本著作。其实,《神曲》的解读虽非易事,却也不难。 创作《十日谈》的大师薄伽丘对《神曲》推崇备至,在作品前加上"神圣"二字。后世许多诗人、画家、音乐家从《神曲》中汲取创作的养料,并在《神曲》艺术形象魅力的鼓舞下,创作出杰出的作品,如巴尔扎克的《人间喜剧》就是仿效《神曲》的形式,而歌德的《浮士德》则更有异曲同功之妙。 但丁的《神曲》直接促成了意大利民族语言的形成,在欧洲文学史上承上启下,继往开来,不愧为旷世奇作。 意大利是第一个资本主义民族。封建的中世纪的终结和现代资本主义纪元的开端,是以一位大人物为标志的。这位人物就是意大利人但丁,他是中世纪的最后一位诗人,同时又是新时代的最初一位诗人。 --恩格斯 《神曲》为文艺复兴时代文学的发展开辟了道路。它一向被誉为"中世纪的史诗",并对后来的世界文学艺术产生了深远的影响。 --《世界文学史》 《神曲》的伟大价值在于以极其广阔的历史画面,反映出意大利从中世纪向近代过渡的转折时期的现实生活和各个领域发生的社会、政治变革,显示了争取人格独立的人文主义光芒。 --《意大利文学简史》 人的肉体与精神之间那种微妙关系,在《神曲》这部诗篇中探索得如此之深,可说是经典文学中的奇观。 --著名作家 残雪 但丁是具有造型感的天才,在《神曲》中他运用想像的目光把事物看得那样清晰,从而用鲜明的轮廓把它勾画出来,即使是最隐晦、最离奇的事物,他描绘起来,都仿佛是对着眼前现实中的事物一样。 --德国著名诗人 歌德 但丁的《神曲》 但丁的一生和他的时代一样混乱,这也许可以说明为什么但丁的杰作会成为现存诗篇中最整齐的长诗。在但丁有生之年,他的故乡佛罗伦萨和意大利大部分的地区一样,一直在党争中动荡不安。这段期间,但丁担任的是官吏与宣传者的角色,但并没有很成功,因为在1302年,他就被放逐了。从此直到但丁去世,他一直漂泊于意大利各地,寄居于各宫廷、邸宅之间,遍尝放逐的苦味。 以我们现代人的眼光来看,但丁的感情生活似乎相当单纯稳定。据他自己所说,九岁那年,他遇见了小女孩贝德丽采,直到九年后,才再度见到她。不久,贝德丽采就成为但丁想像力的源泉。在《神曲》第三部"天国"的最后一章中,但丁和一位坐在神旁的仙女之间的关系,正与但丁初见贝德丽采的情景相仿。 但丁称他的长诗为喜剧,因为全诗始于地狱--灾难,而终于天堂--幸福。诚如但丁自己所说,《神曲》全诗是以四层意义撰写,不断出现"寓意"与"象征"。这不只是但丁的偏好,同时也是他思想结构的一部分。诗中也常常论及当时的时事问题,因为但丁是少数如我们今日所谓利用报章材料撰写作品的伟大作家之一。 艾略特在他著名的论文中曾说,要欣赏《神曲》,应直接跃入诗中,而不必太重视,甚至根本不重视其象征意义,也许是最好的方法,而且可以立刻领会全诗雄伟的构想。《神曲》是叙述人类地面上生活的故事,可是,但丁却想像出地狱、炼狱和天国,借以把我们地上的状况鲜明地刻画出来。我们多半住在悲惨的地狱里,也像炼狱的居民一样,为自己的罪行而受罚,借此获得救赎。如果拥有但丁的强烈信念,以及但丁的导引者,理性作用人格化的象征--诗人维吉尔的引导,可以借信仰而进入"天堂"篇所描绘的至福之境。虽然但丁著述的动机是因他自己的时代而发,书中有许多流行于当时士林之间的故事,但他强烈的道德观念已深深注入本世纪敏感读者的脑海。但丁对人性的忠诚,不下于现代任何小说家--其忠于人性的程度是不容置疑的。 《神曲》全篇以诗的形式向我们展开,其所蕴含着的伟大的诗性想像力,既清澄、凝聚而又确凿。简洁正确是但丁想像力的本质。他不仅能创造鲜明的印象,更不断地创作出足以传达其真正意义的最适切的鲜明映象。即使在普通译本中,我们也能感受到,但丁还是一位伟大的画家。同样,我们也能意识到全篇强劲、完整而又均衡的构造,并由此断定,但丁也是一个伟大的建筑师。(克利夫顿·费迪曼

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