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毕业论文”的英文:Graduation Dissertation

Dissertation 读法 英 [,dɪsə'teɪʃ(ə)n]  美 ['dɪsɚ'teʃən]

n. 论文,专题;学术演讲


1、academic dissertation 学位论文 ; 学术论文

2、Graduation Dissertation 毕业论文

3、Doctorate dissertation 博士论文

4、Dissertation Committee 论文委员会

5、dissertation topics 毕业论文题目


article, paper,dissertation, essay, prose, thesis这组词都有“文章”的意思,其区别是:

1、article 多指在报刊、杂志上发表的非文艺性的文章,包括新闻报导、学术论文等。

2、paper 正式用词,多指在学术刊物上发表或在学术会议上宣读的专题论文,也指高等学校的学期论文,或学校里的作文练习。

3、dissertation 书面语用词,指独立研究后所写的较为详细的专题文章;也可指学位论文。

4、essay 指任何一种非小说性的,篇幅不长、结构简练的文章,如论说文、报道、评论、讽刺性杂文等。

5、prose 专指散文。

6、thesis 既可指毕业论文、学位论文,又可指一般的为阐述学术观点而写的论文。


1、Exploring "Trinity Working Mode" of Integrating Graduation Field Work, Graduation Dissertation and Employment on Graduation.


2、On Problems in Writing Graduation Dissertation


255 评论


“毕业论文”用英文是dissertation dissertation[ˌdɪsəˈteɪʃn]n. 专题论文,学位论文;学术演讲 毕业论文; 博士论文; 论文; 学位论文 例句:1.He was involved in writing his doctoral dissertation. 他在聚精会神地写他的博士论文.2. I have not yet footnoted my dissertation. 我还没有给我的论文加上脚注.3. I'm working my notes up into a dissertation. 我正在把我的笔记修改成论文.

141 评论




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238 评论


The king of NBA As the leader of Los Angelas Lakers,Kobe Brayant plays an important role in NBA. He was born on 23 August,1978 in Philadelphia. He srarted to play baketball ever since he was a child.His father who was once a basketball player influenced his life deeply. Kobe’s study at Lower Merion Hifg School brought him a lucky beginning. He became the 27th man who set foot in NBA as a senior scholol student directly.Since then,his successful career began.In 1996, he was chosen as the 13th draft pick overrall by Charlotte Hornets.And then he was transferred to Lakers because of good playing skills. During the first season with Lakers,he didn’t get many opportunities.Instead,he played in limited minutes initially.When he entered the professional level ,he flt that the expectations took the fun out of playing. But he didn’t lose his confidence.Fotunenately,this sort of situation changed as the season continued. He used high scores to show his talents to the world. However,he didn’t want to live in the shadow of the past achievements.So he played harder and harder to live up to his reputation.He even scored 81 in the game against Totonto Raptors.Although he felt tired with all the pressure falling on him,he said he wouldn’t give up.It is obvious that he has the ability to bring his team back to the top.Kobe can and must achieve his goal.We are all waiting for that moment. 写得不好希望可以帮你的忙

269 评论


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