Along with the computer network development and popularization of Internet access, rapid and become the important channel and information, it is in politics, economy, life aspects plays an important role. The development of modern information technology, and provide people with the advanced technology and rich resources, and Internet connection, let us become more social informatization times, people no longer need to spend too much time to obtain information, as long as the mechanization to move the mouse was sitting at home again, can put the items they need to purchase, please space and time limit, so use computer network, has become the people into social skills necessary now. Drinks management system was born in this situation, it has already become our commodity trading in input indispensable part.Drinks management system is convenient for users to buy drinks and administrators and the establishment of the goods, the system is mainly composed of drinks, drinks, administrator for users, ordered drinks, order management. Make business network are not used to the board of trade, the user can face different places in different time to buy drinks, administrator management is more convenient, good clear improved the efficiency of management of drink sales.This system mainly using ASP technology, Server2003 + Access2003 background use SQL database. Using the tools of Dreamweaver8 Macromedia company. In addition, in the web page design, use some scripting language style and additionally a template, web sites, some effects of beautification use of Adobe Photoshop cs3 image, image processing software.My graduation design based on the topic of ASP website design, the main design direction is to drink sales system. This system includes four modules, respectively is: visitors module (password revision, drinks, search, drinks, users browse) (including the user login module, bookmarks, browse drinks category), message module (including adding bookmarks, comment), an administrator (including editor, registration, selling drinks quantity statistics). Through this paper, to drink sales management system realization process were introduced in detail.
The graduation project aimed at constant tension release strip volume control, to explore a magnetic brake components for the implementation of the strip tension take a closed-loop volume control system. Programs include tension controller and magnetic powder brake drive circuit. Tension Controller is the key to the whole system. Volume in Strip the process of release, because too much tension will affect the fluctuations in product quality. The requirements of tension control is put in the whole volume should be maintained in the dynamic process of constant tension.Tension controller design, the use of operational amplifiers for the core components of the PI control circuit. Tension sensor to detect the use of strip tension, so that the value of detected tension and tension values set by the tension of the PI controller operation, the automatic adjustment of the excitation voltage magnetic brakes, so that the process of put volume to achieve constant tension control. Because the release of volume changes in wheel diameter 10 times in the scope of the general, it is through simulation analysis, to prove Drive Tension Controller in volume within a certain range of the Strip will still be able to better control the tension. Through the simulation results and then determineTension Controller component parameters. Magnetic brake driver circuit design, is dedicated PWM chip, MOSFET devices for power-driven posed by single-quadrant PWM DC chopper.Design and Implementation of the volume of the release process of the better strip tension control, help improve the quality of products.
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Block-based design模块化设计是对一定范围内的不同功能或相同功能不同性能、不同规格的产品进行功能分析的基础上,划分并设计出一系列功能模块,通过模
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