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保罗-麦卡尼为PETA拍广告 发表素食宣言[日期:2008-05-28] 来源:东方佛教素食网 作者:veg.86fo.cn [字体:大 中 小] 搜狐娱乐讯 前“披头士”成员、著名摇滚歌星保罗-麦卡尼为善待动物组织(PETA)拍摄了新的广告,该次广告的口号为“我是一个素食主义者”。65岁的保罗-麦卡尼接受了《美国周刊》的采访:“如果人类想要拯救地球,他们所需做的就是停止食肉。这是你可以做的唯一重要的事。”在这则广告中,保罗-麦卡尼发出宣言:“很多年以前,我也钓鱼,后来我意识到:“我正在杀死它们,用它们的生命换我片刻的欢愉。我的内心被触动了,当我看到被钓上来的鱼在挣扎,我想到它的生命对于它很重要,正像我的生命之于我一样。我是保罗-麦卡尼,我是一个素食主义者。”善待动物组织(PETA)这一次的人道对待动物宣传活动还引用了很多素食主义明星的言论,包括凯西-阿弗莱克、艾丽西亚-西尔维斯通、福里斯特-惠特克等人。 “不管是对动物、环境还是健康等原因,明星的素食宣言更多元化和富有感召力。”善待动物组织(PETA)总监Ingrid Newkirk说。大诗人王维对素食的看法[日期:2008-05-06] 来源:东方佛教素食网 作者:veg.86fo.cn [字体:大 中 小] 大诗人王维对素食的看法 王维是盛唐时代著名的诗人,字摩诘,他才华卓异,九岁知属辞,十九岁举解头,二十一岁进士擢第,一生写下了大量脍炙人口的绝妙诗句,其中如《相思》、《九月九日忆山东兄弟》、《送元二使安西》等名篇至今仍传诵不衰。王维不仅以诗名盛于开元、天宝间,他还非常善于属文、作画,同时对音乐也十分精通。有这样两则故事,可以对王维的卓越才华有更为全面的了解。 开元七年(719),王维十九岁的时候,赴京兆府,试举解头。《集异记》记有这样一段传说:“维未冠,文章得名,妙能琵琶。春之一日,岐王引至公主第,使为伶人,进主前。维进新曲,号《郁轮袍》,并出所为文。主大奇之,令宫婢传教。召试官至第,喻之作解头登第。”这则故事是说,王维在京应考期间,甚得歧王的激赏。年少的王维不仅因文章得名,还弹的一手妙好的琵琶,歧王亲自带他到公主的府第,让他扮作伶人,并演奏自己作的《郁轮袍》曲。公主大为惊奇,不仅令宫婢传教王维的这首新曲,还特将考官召来,内定王维登第。少年王维解头登第的“内幕”,原来是到公主府上弹奏琵琶,这可真是一件畅人心怀的大“奇闻”。 另一则故事则见于正史,新、旧《唐史》均载有此事。《旧唐史·王维传》云:“人有得奏乐图,不知其名。维视之曰:‘ 《霓裳》第三叠第一拍也。’好事者集乐工按之,一无差。”只根据画中乐师们的姿态,便可准确断定正在演奏的曲目是《霓裳羽衣曲》,且正好是第三叠第一拍,这足可证明王维对绘画及音乐是何等的精通了。无怪乎王维开元九年(721)进士及第,在朝廷里所担任的第一个官职竟是大乐丞。 除了艺术上的成就外,王维最引人关注的便是他与佛家的密切渊源了。王维出生于武后圣历二年(699),一说长安元年(701),他所得以啸咏终日、徜徉自得的那个历史时代正好是中国古代文化最为发达的时期之一,其时佛教鼎盛、高僧辈出、朝廷倾礼,净土、华严、禅宗、律宗等都得到进一步的成熟和完备,更是曹溪禅法正式创立,逐步取代北宗神秀一系的正统地位而发扬光大的重要时期。王维“以般若力,生菩提家”,其全家人均虔信佛法,茹素戒杀。王维的名字本身就深含禅机,他名维,字摩诘,连读恰为“维摩诘”。稍通佛学的人,都会知道有一部《维摩诘所说经》,其中通达甚深般若智慧,神通广大的维摩诘长者,是一位得到释迦牟尼佛称许的大居士。又此经专说般若,是禅宗的根本经典之一。王维既以维摩诘作为自己的名与字,可以观见他对其人的仰慕之情,又可透露出他与佛教、尤其是与禅宗的深厚缘分。王维早年诗作《春日上方即事》有“好读《高僧传》,时看辟谷方”,及“北窗桃李下,闲坐但焚香”的诗句,其向道之心油然。他所交游的僧人为数甚多,记于诗文之中的就有道光禅师、璿上人、道一禅师、瑗公上人及北上传法的六祖门下神会禅师等十余僧,且几乎均为禅僧。与他关系密切的居士则有胡居士、萧居士、魏居士等,也都以禅法自娱。对于潜心向佛的诗人王维来说,对方外高人的参访及与意气相投的道友们的共修,自然而然地成为他日常生活的重要部分,尤其是他隐居生涯的主要内容。 佛教主张众生平等,恩德布施八方上下,深大无量,不可胜言。而慈心不杀,严格茹素,更是大乘佛法的必然要求,也是汉传佛教的一贯传统。王维生于素食之家,他的母亲崔氏在他很小的时候就开始带发修行,并因同乡的关系,师事一代名僧大照(《宋高僧传》记为大慧)普寂禅师30余年,一生“褐衣蔬食,持戒安禅”(《请施庄为寺表》),对事母至孝的王维产生了莫大的影响。激发王维山水诗创作灵感,环境极为幽静的蓝田辋川山居(即辋川别业),就是他为了方便自己母亲宴坐经行修道之用而购置、营建的。他的弟弟王缙,《新唐书》记其“素奉佛,不茹荤食,晚节尤谨”,甚至劝说代宗皇帝李豫信佛。王维自己也是常年素食,到晚岁就更加严格,《旧唐书》说他“斋中无所有,唯茶铛、药臼、经案、绳床而已。”素食生活的淡安与平和,在王维的笔下,更是多了几分舒惬的雅韵和审美的意味。王维说:“君子以布仁施义,活国济人为适意”,“纵其道不行”,其行为也决不背离本衷。他由衷地赞扬德人达士:“虽方丈盈前,而蔬食菜羹;虽高门甲第,而毕竟空寂。人莫不相爱,而观身如聚沫;人莫不自厚,而视财若浮云。”(《与魏居士书》)和“比布衣以同年,甘蔬食而没齿”(《为人祭李舍人文》)的高贵品格与闲淡旷达的胸襟。他在《谒璿上人》一诗中写有“誓从断荤血,不复婴世网”的诗句,决心谨遵佛法教敕、上人风训,茹素戒杀,勤求出世解脱之道。他说:“设罝守毚兔,垂钓伺游鳞,此是安口腹,非关慕隐沦。吾生好清净,蔬食去情尘。”(《戏赠张五弟諲三首》)对那些虽然也有兴致尝试过退隐的生活,但却因口腹之欲而捕兔钓鱼的行为表示不满,他标明自己与众不同的素食追求,赞扬蔬食可以养护人的慈柔清净的志趣,可以有益于澹泊物欲,怡性安神。他还称赞在家居士“药藉茹荤,虽愈疾而不受”的严明自律(《京兆王氏墓志铭》)。他的诗句:“悲哉世上人,甘此膻腥食。”(《赠李颀》)对于世人受口腹之欲的盲目驱使,不惜杀生害命,迭相吞噉的不幸事实表示了深切的悲悯。 在王维的诗文中,常年的素食生活并没有使他感到丝毫的清苦,相反却使诗人的情思更加的欣悦润泽。请看他的《游感化寺》诗:“抖擞辞贫里,归依宿化城。绕篱生野蕨,空馆发山樱。香饭青菰米,佳蔬绿芋羹。誓陪清梵末,端坐学无生。”一碗青菰米,一钵绿芋羹,在他眼里竟是那样的色香味美。而诗句:“山中习静观朝槿,松下清斋折露葵。”(《积雨辋川庄作》)描写简朴自然的素食生活,竟也有了几分超然出尘的余韵。王维的素食选择是与他对人生终极目标的追求紧密相关的,他相信仁德博厚可以感动天地万物,宇宙苍生本来可以各得其所,相敬相和。在《大唐大安国寺故大德净觉禅师碑铭》有这样的名句:“猛虎舐足,毒蛇熏体;山神献果,天女散花。澹尔宴安,曾无喜惧。”称赞净觉禅师德业纯厚,感动天人,兼及禽兽,无不倾心向善。他的《戏赠张五弟諲三首》诗中,还有这样的怡人诗章:“我家南山下,动息自遗身。入鸟不相乱,见兽皆相亲。”以及“青苔石上净,细草松下软。窗外鸟声闲,阶前虎心善。”人在大自然中,原来是可以那样的物我相亲,任运自在,一幅人与自然万物泯然无间、尽善尽美的和谐画卷,尽收眼底,感人至深。 苏轼在《东坡志林》中说:“味摩诘之诗,诗中有画;观摩诘之画,画中有诗。”对王维的诗艺意境作了很好的总结。王维之所以能有如此之高的艺术成就,不仅仅在于他全方位的艺术素养,更为重要的还在于他终身对于禅理的玩味与修习,而朴素慈柔的素食选择亦使他远离杀业,培植着与自然万有坦然一如的亲密氛围,更加细微地去领略和感知自然界的净美与和谐。他说:“寂寥天地暮,心与广川闲。”(《登河北城楼》)以及:“我心素已闲,清川澹如此。”(《青溪》)正是由于他能以一位仁者的胸怀兼爱万物,以一位禅者的目光览观山水,反映在他的诗中便自然而然的有了一种其他诗人所难以企及的静美、寂悦、澄旷。在他的《山中与裴秀才迪书》中这样写道:“夜登华子冈,辋水沦涟,与月上下。寒山远火,明灭林外。深巷寒犬,吠声如豹。村墟夜舂,复与疏钟相间。此时独坐,僮仆静默……”。在这篇短文中,诗人王维那种清寂雅净的胸襟与闲静从容的心地,带给人恬澹宁和的无尽遐思,可说是诗文之中的极品。 王维才思绝妙超群,品格也极为高贵,在史书中尤以笃诚奉佛而著称。王维事母至孝,其母去世后,他“柴毁骨立,殆不胜丧。”他的妻子去世很早,大约在王维三十来岁的时候,其妻便不幸亡故了,他从此终身独处,史称“妻亡不再娶,三十年孤居一室,屏绝尘累。”(《旧唐书·王维传》)甚是希有。王维晚年有《偶然作六首》传世,其第六首为:“老来懒赋诗,惟有老相随。宿世谬词客,前生应画师。不能舍余习,偶被世人知。名字本皆是,此心还不知。”可看作是他对自己一生的总结,其受佛家思想影响之深,亦由此可见。其第三首,有诗句:“爱染日已薄,禅寂日已固。”可以见到他对佛门修持之功用力之深,也是对他自己一生行持的绝好注脚。

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Benefits of being vegetarian There has never been a better time to go vegetarian. Mounting evidence suggests that meat-based diets are not only unhealthy, but that just about every aspect of meat production - from grazing-related loss of cropland, to the inefficiencies of feeding vast quantities of water and grain to cattle, to pollution from "factory farms" - is an environmental disaster with wide and sometimes catastrophic consequences.There are 20 billion head of livestock on Earth, more than triple the number of people. According to the Worldwatch Institute, global livestock population has increased 60 percent since 1961, and the number of fowl being raised for food has nearly quadrupled in the same time period, from 4.2 billion to 15.7 billion. The 4.8 pounds of grain fed to cattle to make one pound of beef represents a colossal waste of resources in a world teeming with hungry and malnourished people. According to Vegfam, a 10-acre farm can support 60 people growing soy, 24 people growing wheat, 10 people growing corn - but only two raising cattle.Food First's Frances Moore Lappé says to imagine sitting down to an eight-ounce steak. "Then imagine the room filled with 45 to 50 people with empty bowls... For the feed cost of your steak, each of their bowls could be filled with a full cup of cooked cereal grains." Harvard nutritionist Jean Mayer says that reducing U.S. meat production 10 percent would free enough grain to feed 60 million people. U.S. animal farms generate billions of tons of animal waste every year, which the Environmental Protection Agency says pollute our waterways more than all other industrial sources combined. The infamous 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill dumped 11 million gallons of oil into Prudoe Bay, but the relatively unknown 1995 New River hog waste spill in North Carolina poured 25 million gallons of excrement into the water, killing 14 million fish and closing 364,000 acres of shell fishing beds. Hog waste spills have caused the rapid spread of Pfiesteria piscicida, which has killed a billion fish in North Carolina alone.Other than polluting water, beef production alone uses more water than is used in growing our entire fruit and vegetable crop. Also, more than a third of all raw materials and fossil fuels consumed in the U.S. are used in animal production. Meat also increases our carbon footprints. According to the United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organization, livestock around the world contribute more greenhouse gases (mostly methane) to the atmosphere - 18 percent of our total output - than emissions from all the world's cars and trucks."There is no question that the choice to become a vegetarian or lower meat consumption is one of the most positive lifestyle changes a person could make in terms of reducing one's personal impact on the environment," says Christopher Flavin of the Worldwatch Institute. "The resource requirements and environmental degradation associated with a meat-based diet are very substantial."

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素食与健康,关于素食主义的辩论 东方的素食,通常认为起源于印度。由于宗教原因,印度是一个崇尚素食的国度,严格的印度教徒已经有两千年的素食历史。直到现在,印度人的饮食结构也是以素食为主。 在中国,古代的很多先哲们相信素食可以修身养性,益寿延年。到了魏晋南北朝时期,佛教从印度传入中国,虽然佛教在印度只要求戒杀生,并不要求素食,但梁武帝颁布了法令,禁止僧尼食肉,佛教在中国才成为素食的宗教。佛教使得素食在民间广泛传播。经历几个朝代后,中国的素食烹饪技巧达到了很高的水平。现代社会,以大量肉食为代表的饮食方式所带来的各种问题,正在逐渐威胁人类的生存。“富贵病”人群日益增多,动物种族的数量日渐萎缩,自然环境被不断破坏,疯牛病、口蹄疫、非典、禽流感接踵而至……随着时代的进步,人们逐渐开始了对“吃”的反省。如何吃不仅仅是个人的选择,更是一个社会现象,涉及到人与自然的和谐共处,甚至关系国计民生。素食是一种更健康更回归自然的饮食方式,既可为身体提供足够的营养,又色香味俱佳,还可以爱护动物,节约资源,保护环境,让人与自然更加和谐。素食向世人展现了一种更环保、更节能、更有人文关怀的一种生活方式。 各地的素食主义或多或少都跟宗教有一定的关系,大多数宗教的创始人都有素食的倾向,或者是彻底的素食主义者,在教义中也往往有非暴力,宽容,避免杀生的内容。基本上各宗教都能做到尊重生命、爱惜生命进而保护生命,素食主义跟这些理念不无渊源。 据史料记载,古代的日本人以谷类、豆类、蔬菜和少量的鱼类和贝壳类作为食物,几乎不食用禽肉和兽肉。佛教传入日本后,狩猎和捕鱼也成为禁忌。日本天皇还颁布过一项法令禁止食用鱼类和贝类,虽然几十年后,食用鱼类和贝类又被得到认可,但日本人真正开始吃肉是在大约130年以前。西方的素食起源于地中海地区。古希腊的许多智者都提倡素食,其中毕达哥拉斯可能是最早的素食者,所以,在1847年英文“Vegetarian”一词出现以前,不吃肉的人通常被称为毕达哥拉斯信徒或追随者。几个世纪以前,西方的一些宗教派别和修行团体也开始倡导素食,而真正具有里程碑意义的事件,是1847年诞生于英国曼彻斯特的第一个素食协会,此后,素食主义运动也在其他西方国家流行开来。一直以来,西方社会对健康、伦理和环境问题的关注,对素食主义的发展起到了很重要的推动作用。对现实社会里动物受到的种种悲惨待遇,激发人们从伦理学的角度对动物权利以及动物与人类关系的思考,很多人受此影响而选择了素食。 目前英国的素食者已经达到了400万,占总人口的7.5%;美国有2.5%左右的人口是素食者;荷兰、德国、意大利和西班牙等国,也有较高的素食者比例。然而,正当越来越多的西方人转向素食的时候,自古以农耕和素食为主的亚洲国家,却逐渐放弃了自己的饮食方式,反而开始追逐西方的肉食传统。这是很多素食者所担忧的一个问题。

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Meet your meat(dictated from PETA video by Daniel&Kevin ) you are about to see is beyond your worst nightmares. But for animals raised on modern intensive production farms and killed in slaughterhouses, it is cold, inescapable reality. Once you see for yourself the routine cruelty involved in raising animals for food, you'll understand why millions of compassionate people have decided to leave meat off their plates...for good.Caption: Chickens and TurkeysChickens are probably the most abused animals on the face of the planet. They are crammed into filthy sheds by the tens of thousands, immersed in their own excrement among the corpses of other birds,who died of heart attack or stress. Some even die of starvation brought on by becoming crippled from growing so large, so fast, that their legs cannot withstand the weight, which makes them unable to reach food。After being genetically manipulated, and fed antibiotics to promote unnatural rapid growth, their hearts, lungs and legs often break down under the added weight. Heart attacks and crippling leg deformities are far too common。.A PETA investigation found this farmer killing sick and injured turkeys by beating them with a metal rod then tossing them aside, leaving them still conscious and suffering. This was deemed legal and standard by the industry. These turkeys were left languishing for six hours,before being loaded back onto another truck to be taken, injured, to the slaughterhouse, another four hours from the scene of this accident. This undercover video shows the standard method of gathering chickens for slaughter. After enduring weeks of filthy crowded conditions, the animals are loaded onto trucks and taken through extreme weather conditions without food or water to slaughterhouses, where they are snapped into shackles by their fragile legs, and have their throats slit, often while still conscious. Many are scalded alive in the feather-removal tanks.Caption: Egg-laying HensIf you thought it couldn’t be any worse, think again. Between five and eleven hens are crammed into tiny wire cages during egg production. The animals might go insane from the oppressive conditions and attack one and another, so their beaks which are full of nerve-endings are painfully sheared off with a hot blade. These hens are so crowded; they are unable to spread even one wing during their entire miserable lives. They are unable to do anything natural, such as dust-bathing or foraging through the grass. It takes an average of thirty-four hours in these conditions to produce just one egg. When egg production drops, producers often shock the bodies of the worn out birds into another laying cycle by withholding food for up to fourteen days. Many die of starvation.. Because their bones are so weak, their bodies so worn down, up to ninety percent of hens have broken bones or are hemorrhaging by the time they make it to slaughter.Caption: Dairy Cows and Veal CalvesCattle are castrated, have their horns chopped off, and are repeatedly branded ... all without painkillers. At auctions,electric prods are used to torment the frightened animals into going where the workers want them to go. The USDA allows meat from animals with cancerous lesions and puss-filled wounds to be certified as USDA pure, so injuries and illnesses often go untreated. After enduring close to a year crammed into feed-lots, cattle are loaded onto transport trucks and shipped through all weather extremes. At slaughter, their throats are slit open, and many are skinned and dismembered while still fully conscious.Dairy cows have it even worse. Even though they give milk for the same reason that humans do, for their babies, on today’s dairy farms, mother cows are treated as nothing more than milk machines. Forty percent of dairy cows are lame by the time they reach the slaughterhouse. They are hooked up to machines a few times per day, machines that often injure them. At the end of their lives they either go straight to slaughter or are sold for slaughter at a cattle auctions. More than one hundred thousands cows are unable to walk off the transport trucks every year. Yet, they are slaughtered for human food anyway. At a fraction of their natural life span, they’re shipped to slaughter. Most hamburger in this country comes from spent dairy cows.Cows give milk for their offspring, not for human beings. These mother cows are impregnated annually to keep the milk flowing. And their babies are torn from them shortly after birth, which cause both of them profound distress. Many of the males are sold to veal farmers, who cram them into tiny crates where they cannot turn around or even comfortably lie down. If you are consuming milk, you are supporting the veal industry. Veal calves who can barely walk because their muscles have atrophied from lack of use and an anemia-inducing diet are also often sold at auctions.Caption: PigsConfined to tiny stalls, that don’t even allow mother pigs to turn around for most of their pregnancy, the first time that these animals will breathe fresh air is when they are on the back of a truck, headed for the slaughterhouse. Many will go insane from the complete lack of stimulation.Shortly after birth, baby pigs have their ears mutilated, the ends of their teeth chopped off, their tails cut off and they are also castrated -- all without any painkillers.Pigs, who aren’t growing quickly enough called ‘fall behinds’, are killed by being slammed head first against the concrete floor as you see here. Like chickens, pigs grow so quickly that they can't walk normally. Their limbs simply can’t sustain their drug-induced bulk. Many pigs become ill or injured but are not put out of their misery because, as long as they are still alive,they have a chance of generating profits for the company if they can make it to slaughter. Those who obviously can’t make it to the slaughterhouse are shot by a captive bolt gun so they don’t waste the company’s money by eating feed.Moving pigs by beating them with gate rods is one of the more common forms of abuse. Pigs are often packed so tightly together on unventilated trucks that their limbs snap under the weight of other terrified animals. And they sometimes freeze to the sides of the truck or die of dehydration. In fact, four hundred thousand pigs who are unable to walk off the truck arrive at slaughterhouses each year. One hundred thousand arrive dead. These are industry figures. Some speculate that the real numbers are much higher.After being electrically prodded and then forced onto the killing floor, improper stunning causes pigs to endure having their throats slit while thy are still awake. Some are burned alive in the scalding tank that is used for hair removal.Please think about what you have seen. Every time we sit down to eat, we make a choice. Please choose vegetarianism. Do it for the animals, do it for the environment, and do it for your health. To find out more, check out PETA’s vegetarian website Goveg.com or call for a free vegetarian starter kit at 1-888-VEG-FOOD . And share this with a friend. Thank you.

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