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首页 > 学术期刊 > 微弱信号检测在生活中的应用论文

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226 评论


If in the input signal processing system, signal-to-noise ratio has been bad, even among buried in noise signal, so we want to come out, with only the signal detection method of low noise electronic design washed-up. Weak signal detection is using modern electronics and signal processing method to extract useful signal from the noise, the key is to reduce the noise. Recovery, and increase and extract useful signal. Related detection technology is according to the related principle, through the autocorrelation or cross-correlation computing to maximize the compression bandwidth, reduce the noise, to detect weak signal a technique. This paper from the signal processing system signal-to-noise improvement to simply discusses the principle of weak signal detection. Emphasis is made to the relevant assay detect weak signal principle, method and application

169 评论



360 评论


If the signal-to-noise ratio at the input terminal of signal processing system is bad, or even buried in the noise, low noise electronic design will not be sufficient to detect the signalWeak signal detection allpies modern electronics and signal processing methods to extract useful signal from the noise, the key of which is to reduce the noise and recover, increase and extract useful signal. Related detection technology is a technique based on the relativity principle.It can utmostly reduce the bandwidth and the noise and test the weak signal through the calculation of autocorrelation or cross-correlation.This paper will discuss simply the principle of weak signal detection based on the improvement of signal-to-noise ratio in the signal processing system. It puts an emphasis on the principle, method and application to detect weak signal applying relativity detection.人工翻译,请参考

248 评论


The lock-in amplifier, is called LIA, it is one take the correlation instrument as the core weak signal detection instrument, it can examine the weak sinusoidal signal in the strong noise situation the scope and the phase. It has four main part compositions: The signal channel, refers to the channel, the correlation instrument (i.e. correlation detector) and the direct-current amplifier. Any instrument has own main performance index, the equivalent noise band width, the signal-to-noise ratio improvement and the dynamirange take lock-in amplifier's main performance index, is helpful to its understanding in understanding that its principle of work as well as the blockage decide amplifier's application. This article main discussion lock-in amplifier's principle of work and in laser smog test system's application.

159 评论


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