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我也不清楚你熟悉那些方面的,或者你想写那些方面的都不太清楚。给你些选题你自己参考参考下。影响毕节地区饲料质量安全的因素及对策的研究 香鱼幼鱼饲料蛋白需要及膨化加工的研究 陕西省饲料产品质量安全面临的问题与对策研究 刺参幼参饲料原料选择与蛋白质营养需求的研究 饲料蛋白质、脂肪水平与投喂频率对大黄鱼幼鱼生长和饲料利用的影响 中国饲料安全现状分析及监督管理策略 C饲料公司进入油脂业的模式及运作研究 近红外光谱分析技术在饲料品质快速检测中的应用研究 大黄鱼膨化饲料溶失率及对水环境中氮、磷含量的影响 荆州地区猪场饲料真菌的调查 中华鳖对低蛋白和红鱼粉饲料利用的研究 影响我国饲料质量安全的因素及对策的研究 斑节对虾饲料鱼粉替代研究及商品饲料环境安全性评价 基于作业与标准的饲料行业成本管理 山羊饲料养分瘤胃降解规律的研究 中国奶牛饲料利用现状及发展前景 饲料企业产品质量控制 不同能量饲料的组成差异及瘤胃降解特性的比较研究 饲料中脂肪与蛋白质水平对大口黑鲈生长、体组成、非特异性免疫和血液学的影响 山羊常用饲料瘤胃降解率的研究 黄颡鱼幼鱼对饲料中蛋白、能量、钙、磷和脂肪酸需要量 家蚕颗粒人工饲料育的研究 我国饲料粮消耗现状分析与猪、鸡饲料粮需求预测 小鼠不同发育阶段饲喂高能饲料对若干生理指标的影响 半滑舌鳎和漠斑牙鲆饲料性能的研究

319 评论


Qinghai Lajia site is Qinghai Minhe County Guanting basin an important Qijia culture of prehistoric settlement sites in the center, in the back 4200~3500 years, but before the period of Qijia Guanting basin plant remains analysis on this is almost a blank, the flotation system carried out at the Lajia site, the carbonized plant remains rich. Lajia flotation unearthed plant remains include carbonized wood and plant seeds in two categories, there are five different crop plant seeds, millet, millet, soybean, wheat, hemp and historical records, and the "grain" of the number is exactly consistent; in addition also unearthed some weed, through analysis, can observed number in all kinds of weeds in the panicoideae is the largest, and the number in the panicoideae in Setaria most, because the number of unearthed unearthed millet, millet and millet subfamily showed positive correlation, so that the flotation unearthed subfamilies of broomcorn millet seed is upland weeds associated; in addition, floating out a certain number of hygrophilous plants, such as the Cyperaceae, perilla and so on, but the number is very small. Through the comparative analysis, carbonized plant remains unearthed in different background unit can be drawn at the Lajia site, ash ditch has not made a refuse pit with, charcoal content sites is very low, whereas the number of charring wood part ashpit and unearthed seed remains were higher than the average, the human behavior that have different functional, and the real address as the address may be cleaned regularly, leaving no carbonized plant remains too much. But according to the comparative analysis on Flotation of the foci of charcoal and weed, fuel is likely to be the use of straw and straw, rather than wood.这样可以么?

234 评论


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