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Every nations has its own essential distinguishing features which are only blong to its own nation and don't share with the other nations no matter they're great or small. Meantime,because of the divergence among culture and customs of different nations,people come from different countries, localities, nations form different customs, standpoint of manners or behavior standards.The text introduces generally the influence of culture and customs to thinking mode, negotiation mode, negotiation manner, negotiation effeciency, negotiation group and also national conditions and folk custom of every nations for these knowledge involved may become important factors in some specific conditions. And,the text explains with related cases.

311 评论


楼主下班回家帮你翻译可以不 站内联系

175 评论


every nation,in spite of its scale,posseses its own distinguish characteristics from other nations.at the same time,the differences between the cultural traditions of different nations cause the countries and districts to form different customs,manners and behavioral criterion.the essey introduces the influence which cultural traditions has experience on the thinking way, negotiating way,negotiation efficiency and circles of negotiation.also different national conditions and customs of various contries all over the world are included,because the related knowledges can become certain important facts concering about nigotiation in some specific suitiation,and this essey will give correspondent cases.

356 评论


With the expansion of the openness and pupularization and sharing and interconnection of computer network technology . Network security has become an international problem, every year The aggregate loss that has been caused by the damage and destruction of the security system of computer network has amounted to be as much as ten billion USD .Confronting with the increasing security threat, One more effective technology is needed to cope with these problems and the intrusion detecting system can provide such assistance for us . As a kind of active security protective technology , Intrusion dectecting system provides the actual protection for the inner and outer attack by intercepting the attack and responding to the intrusion before damaging the network system . with thenetwork technology getting more and more strict and rigourous in its security properties , The intrustion detecting system can provide the comprehensive and complete service from the the stereo and longitudinal and latitudinal and multilayers aspects of the network security , which has become the best choice for the time being . This test began with the introduction of the generalized situation of the intrusion detecting system, including its source, its categories, and its relevant products , and the problem existing for the present has been analyzed and its development trend has been generalized simply . The further study of the detailed inforamtion of Snort has been performed , including its features and construction and detecting procedures and so on , finally, How to install configuration of Snort IDS on the windowns has been introduced correspondily 纯手工翻译,希望满意并采纳,谢谢!

242 评论


每一个民族无论其大小,都有其自身本质上的特点,都有着只属于自己民族而为其他民族所没有的特征.同时也因各民族文化习俗的差异,决定了来自不同国家不同地区不同民族的形成了不同的风俗习惯,态度立场或行为准则 Every nation, whether it is big or small, has in itself some essential features belonging just to itself and not possessed by any other nations. Meanwhile the differences of cultural customs in different nations determine the different customs and habits, attitudes and stands or codes of behaviour from different countries, areas and nations.本文主要介绍了文化习俗对思维方式、谈判方式、谈判态度、谈判效率、谈判群体的影响以及世界各国的国情民俗,传统习惯等,因为这些相关知识在特定情况下可能成为影响谈判的重要因素.并且文章附有相关案例 This article/paper mainly introduces the influence of cultural customs on the way of thinking and negotiation as well as attitude, efficiency and groups of negotiation because the relevant knowledge may become the important factors that will affect the negotiation under certain ciucumstances. In addition, the article is attached with some relevant cases/examples.

134 评论


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