Abstract: granary multi-channel temperature cycle detection circuit is designed to control technology and science grain situation were one of the key technology, in view of the particularity of grain storage and system function of internal temperature of grain should focus on the test and analysis. AT89S52 SCM is introduced to the core controller, including microcontroller programming using C language design and Dallas semiconductor company adopts the digital temperature sensor DS18B20 sensor granary multi-channel temperature cycle detection circuit system design, and practical operation of the system, the data is analyzed. Based on the collected eight barn temperature testing system, for example, USES the P1 mouth synchronization AT89S52 SCM team read fast, the temperature DS18B20 in multi-channel temperature measuring system for multiple sensors quickly and accurately identify and processing, and use two kinds of control, automatic cycle detection mode and single path choice test model, and gives a concrete realization method, the simulation results and experimental data. Managers need not deep spot, can check for food, real-time temperature data disaster, realize the comprehensive analysis forecasting barn temperature automatic and intelligent management. 别说我误导你额、
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食品营养与健康论文 【摘要】 有专家说:未来的健康,靠药物不是最理想的出路,而饮食将对健康起绝对性作用。这话很有道理,俗话说“病从口入”,也是说人在吃上如
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