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Theme party is an important form of class activities, classes and effective means of education and moral education work in school is main position.As the network age, people's values and outlook, moral philosophy and attitude to life and existence is changed, the education workers must adjust, advancing with The Times and adapt to the new situation under network environment and development. Currently, the primary class cannot exist with the network environment problems. Therefore, the school must stand in the development, all-round, coordinated and reshape the banner, organization of special training, improve the quality of teacher professional class, improve strategy research, thereby improving pertinence and effectiveness of moral education, cultivate modern moral qualities of youth.Using the method of documentary, questionnaire survey method, the case study and comparison analysis. Firstly, the analysis of the network environment on the effect of class under the network environment, the main characteristics of the class, the main function, commonly used types and theoretical basis and organizational principle. Then for class status surveys, summed up now, class education target, vague existing content from students' practical and creative design, the student participation owed is not high, the emotional interaction such problems, and finally put forward four, improve class strategies, clear goal, the class under the network environment, perfect the juvenile moral system, Network environment characteristics, the breakthrough with banner development bottleneck, Develop school-based training, improve the special class quality, To create a good atmosphere, improve class status.

93 评论


Class Meeting is important form of class activities, main channel and effective means of class education and the main front of moral education in schools.With the coming of internet time, people's values, world view, moral philosophy, attitudes to life and way of life are changed enormously. Educators must self-adjusting with the times and actively adapt to the network environment, the pace of new developments and requirements. At present, There are some not compatible with the network environment issues in primary and secondary class meetings. So schools must stands on the high degree of development to overall coordinate and remodel the function of class meeting and organize special training, improve class teacher professionalism, carry out research on class meeting, come up with improvement policy to increase relevance and timeliness of education and educate adolescent with modern ideological and moral quality.This article uses literature, case studies, questionnaire surveys and comparative analysis to research. At first, it analyzes the effect of internet environment on class meeting and makes overall grasp of main features, the main function of the type commonly used, theoretical basis and principles of organization in class meeting under the effect of internet environment. Then this article makes research on the current situation of class meeting and makes an conclusion that class meeting has problems of vague educational goals, subject content is removed from students practice, less creative on design, low student participation, Emotional interaction not in place, etc. At last, this article comes up with four policies of improving class meeting, that is, specific class meeting goals to improve ideological and moral system of students under the network environment; comply with characteristics of the network environment to break through the bottleneck of class meeting; carry out specific school-based training to improve the quality of class meeting; create a good atmosphere to improve the status of class meeting.看看能不能帮上你 呵呵 我自己翻译的 见笑了

171 评论


Entering the 21st century, the computer technology, thenetwork technology rapid development, e-commerce has become a strong vitality and business mode. Under the e-commerce environment, producers of production will come according to market demand, its sales will be accomplished by computer and network, will completely change traditional business modes of business processes. Business environment of the revolutionary change will inevitably lead to the denotation and connotation of the management accounting, information technology revolution change fundamentally impact and challenges the traditional accounting basic theory system and accounting model. This article mainly from the influence of e-commerce on accounting is analyzed, and puts forward some improvement measures.Any accounting theory is based on certain accounting environment and practical basis. E-commerce greatly changed the traditional accounting environment of accounting theory, also inevitable effects. E-commerce from the organization or geography is a virtual enterprise, the traditional accounting theory and the corresponding principles need to develop. Based on modern information technology on the basis of e-commerce has impact on the traditional accounting pattern, new social economic environment, the development of e-commerce in China's economic development has brought an unprecedented opportunities and challenges.

171 评论


啊哈(这个“啊哈”乃证据助词,)希望一品 优刊  帮到伱了(づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ

120 评论






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116 评论


Introduction: Entering the 21st century, computer technology, the rapid development of network technology, electronic commerce has become a very strong life business way. E-commerce environment, producers will be market demand for production, its sales will be done by means of computer and network, will completely change the traditional business mode of business processes. Revolutionary changes in business environment will inevitably lead to the connotation and extension of accounting management revolutionize the information technology impact and fundamentally challenges the basic theory of traditional accounting system and accounting models. This article, from the impact of electronic commerce on the accounting analysis, and propose improvement measures. Any accounting theory is always based on certain accounting environment and practical foundations. E-commerce has greatly changed the traditional accounting environment inevitably impact on the accounting theory. E-commerce in terms of organizational or geographical is a virtual enterprise, the traditional principles of accounting theory and the corresponding need to develop. Built on the basis of modern information technology, e-commerce has been the impact of the traditional accounting model, the new socio-economic environment, the development of e-business to China's economic development has brought an unprecedented opportunity and challenges.

246 评论



139 评论



259 评论


Theme party is an important form of class activities, classes and effective means of education and moral education work in school is main position.As the network age, people's values and outlook, moral philosophy and attitude to life and existence is changed, the education workers must adjust, advancing with The Times and adapt to the new situation under network environment and development. Currently, the primary class cannot exist with the network environment problems. Therefore, the school must stand in the development, all-round, coordinated and reshape the banner, organization of special training, improve the quality of teacher professional class, improve strategy research, thereby improving pertinence and effectiveness of moral education, cultivate modern moral qualities of youth.Using the method of documentary, questionnaire survey method, the case study and comparison analysis. Firstly, the analysis of the network environment on the effect of class under the network environment, the main characteristics of the class, the main function, commonly used types and theoretical basis and organizational principle. Then for class status surveys, summed up now, class education target, vague existing content from students' practical and creative design, the student participation owed is not high, the emotional interaction such problems, and finally put forward four, improve class strategies, clear goal, the class under the network environment, perfect the juvenile moral system, Network environment characteristics, the breakthrough with banner development bottleneck, Develop school-based training, improve the special class quality, To create a good atmosphere, improve class status..........5分给你翻译....

112 评论



240 评论


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