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自动变速器具有操作容易、驾驶舒适、能减少驾驶者疲劳的优点,已成为现代轿车配置的一种发展方向。装有自动变速器的汽车能根据路面状况自动变速变矩,驾驶者可以全神贯注地注视路面交通而不会被换挡搞得手忙脚乱。 汽车自动变速器常见的有三种型式:分别是液力自动变速甜(AT)、机械无级自动变速器(CVT)、电控机械自动变速器(AMT)。目前轿车普遍使用的是AT,AT几乎成为自动变速器的代名词。 AT是由液力变扭器、行星齿轮和液压操纵系统组成,通过液力传递和齿轮组合的方式来达到变速变矩。其中液力变扭器是AT最重要的部件,它由泵轮、涡轮和导轮等构件组成,兼有传递扭矩和离合的作用。 自动变速器的挡位 一般来说,自动变速器的挡位分为P、R、N、D、2、1或L等。 P(Parking):用作停车之用,它是利用机械装置去锁紧汽车的转动部分,使汽车不能移动。当汽车需要在一固定位置上停留一段较长时间,或在停*之后离开车辆前,应该拉好手制动及将拨杆推进“P”的位置上。要注意的是:车辆一定要在完全停止时才可使用P挡,要不然自动变速器机械部分会受到损坏。另外,自动变速轿车—[装置空挡启动开关,使得汽车只能在“P”或“N”挡才能启动发动机,以避免在其他挡位上误启动时使汽车突然前窜。 R(Reverse):倒挡,车辆倒后之用。通常要按下拨杆上的保险按钮,才可将拨杆移至“r”挡。要注意的是:当车辆尚未完全停定时,绝对不可以强行转至“r”挡,否则变速器会受到严重损坏。 N(Neutral):空挡。将拨杆置于“N”挡上,发动机与变速器之间的动力已经切断分离。如短暂停留可将拨杆置于此挡并拉出手制动杆,右脚可移离刹车踏板稍作休息。 D(Drive):前进挡,用在一般道路行驶。由于各国车型有不同的设计,所以“D”挡一般包括从1挡至高挡或者2挡至高挡,并会因车速及负荷的变化而自动换挡。将拨杆放置在“D”挡上,驾车者控制车速快慢只要控制好油门踏板就可以了。 2(Second Gear):1挡为前进挡,但变速器只能在1挡、2挡之间变换,不会跳到3挡和4挡。将拨杆放置在2挡位,汽车会由1挡起步,当速度增加时会自动转1挡。2挡可以用作上、下斜坡之用,此挡段的好处是当上斜或落斜时,车辆会稳定地保持在1挡或2挡位置,不会因上斜的负荷或车速的不平衡、令变速器不停地转挡。在落斜坡时,利用发动机低转速的阻力作制动,也不会令车子越行越快。 1(First Gear):1挡也是前进挡,但变速器只能在1挡内工作。不能变换到其他挡位。它用在严重交通堵塞的情况和斜度较大的斜坡上最能发挥功用。上斜坡或下斜坡时,可充分利用汽车发动机的扭力。中英文都有Automatic transmission is easy to use, driving comfort, reduce driver fatigue strengths, has become a modern car targeted a direction for development. Equipped with automatic transmission vehicles according to road conditions variable automatic transmission moment, drivers can watch with rapt attention to road traffic and not do a shift Shoumangjiaoluan. Automatic Transmission There are three common types: hydraulic automatic transmission are sweet (AT), non-mechanical-automatic transmission (CVT), electronically controlled mechanical automatic transmission (AMT). At present the widespread use of cars is AT, AT almost become synonymous with automatic transmission. AT variable-twisting by the hydraulic, gear and hydraulic control system components, transmission and hydraulic gear through the combination of methods to achieve variable speed moments. One variable hydraulic AT-twisting is the most important components, it round by the pump and turbine components, such as round and derivative components, both off and the transmission of torque. Automatic Transmission Shift Generally speaking, the automatic transmission into the Shift P, R, N, D, 2,1, or L, and so on. P (Parking): used for parking purposes, it is using mechanical devices to lock the rotation of the vehicle, the vehicle can not be moved. When the vehicle needs in a fixed position on the stay for a longer period of time, or in parked vehicles * after leaving before the players should pull brake and Bogan will promote the "P" position. It should be noted that: vehicles must be completely stopped when the use of P block, or else automatic transmission mechanical parts will be damaged. In addition, the automatic transmission cars - [device activated switch in neutral gear, the car can only be made in the "P" or "N" to start the engine block, to avoid errors in other Shift on when the car suddenly started channeling ago. R (Reverse): Reverse Gear, reversing vehicle use. Usually allocated according to the insurance rod button, Bogan will be moved to the "r" block. It should be noted that: When the vehicle has not been completely stopped time, and must not be forcibly transferred to the "r" block, or transmission would be seriously damaged. N (Neutral): neutral gear. Bogan will be placed in "N" on the block, between the engine and transmission has been cut off from power. Such as a brief stopover at Bogan can be placed in this block and pull-hand brake, his right foot can be removed from the brake pedal a short break. D (Drive): forward block, used in general road traffic. States have different models because of the design, "D" block generally includes high block from a block or two block high block, and because of changes in speed and load automatically shift. Bogan will be placed in the "D" block, the motorists to control the pace as long as the speed control can be good on the accelerator pedal. 2 (Second Gear): 1 block to block progress, but only in a block transmission, transformation between the two guards, will not jump to block 3 and 4 blocked. Bogan will be placed on Shift 2, a block from the car will start, when the rate increase will automatically turn a block. 2 block can be used as the upper and lower slopes of the use of the benefits of this block is on the ramp or when the down ramp, the vehicle will maintain stability in a block or two block position, not on the ramp of the imbalance in speed or load , To block transmission continuously. Drop-in slope, the use of low-speed engines for the resistance to brake, the car will not make the trip sooner. 1 (First Gear): 1 block also block progress, but only in a block transmission to work. Can not transform into other Shift. It used in the serious traffic congestion and the greater inclination to play on the slope of the function. On the slopes or the slopes, they can take full advantage of the automobile engine torque.

333 评论


自动变速器具有操作容易、驾驶舒适、能减少驾驶者疲劳的优点,已成为现代轿车配置的一种发展方向。装有自动变速器的汽车能根据路面状况自动变速变矩,驾驶者可以全神贯注地注视路面交通而不会被换挡搞得手忙脚乱。 汽车自动变速器常见的有三种型式:分别是液力自动变速甜(AT)、机械无级自动变速器(CVT)、电控机械自动变速器(AMT)。目前轿车普遍使用的是AT,AT几乎成为自动变速器的代名词。 AT是由液力变扭器、行星齿轮和液压操纵系统组成,通过液力传递和齿轮组合的方式来达到变速变矩。其中液力变扭器是AT最重要的部件,它由泵轮、涡轮和导轮等构件组成,兼有传递扭矩和离合的作用。 自动变速器的挡位 一般来说,自动变速器的挡位分为P、R、N、D、2、1或L等。 P(Parking):用作停车之用,它是利用机械装置去锁紧汽车的转动部分,使汽车不能移动。当汽车需要在一固定位置上停留一段较长时间,或在停*之后离开车辆前,应该拉好手制动及将拨杆推进“P”的位置上。要注意的是:车辆一定要在完全停止时才可使用P挡,要不然自动变速器机械部分会受到损坏。另外,自动变速轿车—[装置空挡启动开关,使得汽车只能在“P”或“N”挡才能启动发动机,以避免在其他挡位上误启动时使汽车突然前窜。 R(Reverse):倒挡,车辆倒后之用。通常要按下拨杆上的保险按钮,才可将拨杆移至“r”挡。要注意的是:当车辆尚未完全停定时,绝对不可以强行转至“r”挡,否则变速器会受到严重损坏。 N(Neutral):空挡。将拨杆置于“N”挡上,发动机与变速器之间的动力已经切断分离。如短暂停留可将拨杆置于此挡并拉出手制动杆,右脚可移离刹车踏板稍作休息。 D(Drive):前进挡,用在一般道路行驶。由于各国车型有不同的设计,所以“D”挡一般包括从1挡至高挡或者2挡至高挡,并会因车速及负荷的变化而自动换挡。将拨杆放置在“D”挡上,驾车者控制车速快慢只要控制好油门踏板就可以了。 2(Second Gear):1挡为前进挡,但变速器只能在1挡、2挡之间变换,不会跳到3挡和4挡。将拨杆放置在2挡位,汽车会由1挡起步,当速度增加时会自动转1挡。2挡可以用作上、下斜坡之用,此挡段的好处是当上斜或落斜时,车辆会稳定地保持在1挡或2挡位置,不会因上斜的负荷或车速的不平衡、令变速器不停地转挡。在落斜坡时,利用发动机低转速的阻力作制动,也不会令车子越行越快。 1(First Gear):1挡也是前进挡,但变速器只能在1挡内工作。不能变换到其他挡位。它用在严重交通堵塞的情况和斜度较大的斜坡上最能发挥功用。上斜坡或下斜坡时,可充分利用汽车发动机的扭力。

291 评论


braking systembrakestaff

101 评论


摘要- Cobots是一类机器人的使用不断 无级变速发展高保真可编程 约束的表面。 Cobots消耗很少的电力 即使在提供高输出部队,其传输效率高众多的 传动比。 Cobotic变速箱也有能力 采取行动作为一个制动器或将成为完全免费。设计 和性能Cobotic手控制器,最近 发达国家六自由度触觉显示器,是审查。 这个装置表明,高动态范围和低功耗 消费实现的cobots 。彻底的比较 电源效率cobotic系统与传统的 机电系统提供。 三个关键要求机器人技术用于 假肢和康复是低体重,低功耗 消费和安全性。我们建议cobotic技术作为 传输架构,可以处理这些问题。 Cobots是机器人利用非完整约束 的指导车轮的相对速度有关的 机制的联系。阿cobotic传播是一个不断 无级变速器(无级变速器)之间的积极和消极 比率,可以涉及两个平移速度,两个 旋转速度,或旋转速度为平移 速度[ 1 ] 。我们最近推出了Cobotic手 控制器(图1 ) ,六自由度动力 合作机器人,并阐述其能力作为触觉界面[ 2 , 3 ] 。通过本论文中,我们表明, 机械结构和传输中使用 Cobotic手控制器处理所有三个以上 上述要求的假肢和机器人 康复。

172 评论


Brake System

217 评论


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