One day a begger was begging,he wondered why the rich never satisfied.He remember a rich man he knew,he thought the rich man had gained enough that he could stop his business and had comfort once for all.But he didn't.His ship broke because of the storm,and his great wealth has gone like the dreams of a night.He thought he would be satisfied if only he could get something to eat.As he thought,a Fortune appeared,the Fortune offered him gold,which would be really gold only if lying in his bag,and every piece that falls upon the ground shall become dust.But the begger didn't react as he thought,he wasn't satisefied with the whole bag and still wanted more.At last the bag burst and he became poorer than before.
Hey dear,i am so sorry that it is not here any more.I like the bird so much.She is so lovely.I really want to keep and take care of it forever.But she is a bird,she needs the sky not the cage.So I let her go.My mom tells me,if you love someone,you should know what he needs and wants.Please five me.It is my way to love your gift.。
with the development of customer consumption concept, more and more customer choose to purchase high price luxury mooncake for gift. it is popular that the mooncake be transferred beeen different panies, anization, and individuals. at this time, people always tend to choose mooncake with luxury package.
as for mooncake itself, there is little difference, the most differences are demonstrated in package, for high price mooncake, there is always a plex package. but why not the simple one.
it is the manufacturers' market strategy to determine it. by this way, the gift market of mooncake may be prompted , and producer may achieve more benefits from the market, furthermore, this market may contribute to internal consumption and GDP growth, to provide more positon for employees.
the disadvantage is that it waste too much recources not for value-added subject. the producer share more risk to enter such market. if the mooncake is stagnant in market, it means high inventory level, the investment may not be refunded in time.
Believe yourself and you will be better
I am a confident child. Everything in the growing very confident I can do! Confidence is also the mother of success! Self-confidence is more important than ability. So with confidence, you will half the battle。So, be confident, you will be better
long time ago , There was a king , Name laison . He had three sons , But one day , he lost them..,He was very worried and sad so he went everywhere to look for them. One day he was passing a mountain,he saw some tigers playing in it .He came up to ask if they had seen his sons but got no answer. He went on to a field where some ducks were resting on it .He came up to ask about his lost sons but they also hadn't seen them. Finally he asked his friends in the woods to help him look for his sons .All the animals were very glad to help him because he was always to help others in the usual days .With the help of the animals in the forest his sons were found at the foot of a mountain.Laison thanked them again and again.。
James Carter, the director of a nonprofit anization will provide services to 55 seniors and the older on next Tuesday,which aims at helping seniors realize that they're as young and active as they want to be. Getting older does not mean sitting around waiting to die.His services are available locally and statewide, and covers a large ranges of items concerning with all the aspects of eging peopl's daily life. New activities at the Senior Center include Bingo on Friday and Saturday nights, with a grand prize of $50 will be held each nightin order to help prevent Alzheimer's andosteoporosis。
When the aerials are down, and your spirit is covered with snows of cynici *** and the ice of pessimi *** , then you've grown old, even at 20, but as long as your aerials are up, to catch waves of optimi *** , there's hope you may die young at 80.。
Time's clock runs non-stop.
To realize the value of one year, ask a student who has failed a grade.
To realize the value of one month, ask a mother who has given birth to a premature baby.
To realize the value of one week, ask the editor of a weekly newspaper.
To realize the value of one hour, ask o lover who are waiting to meet.
To realize the value of one minute, ask a traveler who has just missed his train.
To realize the value of one second, ask the motorist who has just avoided an accident.
To realize the value of one millisecond, ask the athlete who has won a silver medal in the Olympics.
Treasure every moment that you have! And remember that time waits for no one. Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That's why it's called the present!
Kate looked at Paul disapprovingly: You use much too much salt on your food, Paul — it's not good for you!” Paul put down his knife and frowned:”Why on earth not! If you didn't have salt on your food it would taste awful„ like eating cardboard or sand„ just imagine bread without salt in it, or potatoes or pasta cooked without salt!” Kate was patient. She didn't want to quarrel with Paul. She wanted to persuade him. She said firmly:”But too much salt is bad for you. It cause high blood pressure and latter on, heart-attacks. It also disguises the taste of food, the real tastes which are much more subtle than salt, and which we have lost the sensitivity to appreciate any more.”。
1、论文题目:要求准确、简练、醒目、新颖。 2、目录:目录是论文中主要段落的简表。(短篇论文不必列目录) 3、提要:是文章主要内容的摘录,要求短、精、完整。 字
一、 段意归并法。 把每段的段意连来,就是文章的主要内容。先把全文读一遍,对课文有个大致的了解;再一段一段认真的读,读懂每个段,弄懂每个自然段的段落大意,只要把
《意林》杂志简介 励志激扬人生 《意林》改变命运 励志激扬人生,《意林》改变命运。意林杂志创刊于2003年8月,顾名思义,意韵深长,蔚然成林。“意”就是意境、
he history of English language英语的历史The history of the English language began ove
Oh, my god!