绿色贸易壁垒 Green Trade Barrier trade organizations: striving for fair benefits from trade in non-wood forest productsK. Dürbeck Klaus Dürbeck is a consultant based in Raubling, sampling of organizations and alliances that bring together producers and traders committed to ecological, economic and social sustainability. Green trade organizations aim to secure sustainable supply systems and to ensure benefits to local people from national, regional and international trade. These organizations promote trade practices that adhere to the principles of sustainable development in all its facets: ecological sustainability (use and conservation), economic sustainability (productivity) and social sustainability (equity). The main handicap of those involved in production and trade of non-wood forest products (NWFPs). from indigenous peoples' associations to private-sector enterprises, is the lack of market information and market access and the difficulty of obtaining information on appropriate processing technologies for their products. Green trade organizations can help improve access to national and/or international markets for NWFP producers, especially those in developing countries, and at the same time provide guidance on increasing added value for their agricultural and forest products. In addition, they can assist in the export of products, thus helping to provide foreign exchange for the home country. Green trade organizations are united in various alliances according to their main focus (ecological, social or economic): • The International Federation for Alternative Trade (IFAT) () brings together producers of handicrafts and food products from developing countries with buyers and managers of "alternative" trading organizations to do business in a way that is beneficial and fair, avoiding traditional intermediaries. • The Fair Trade Federation (FTF) () is an association of wholesalers, retailers and producers committed to providing fair wages and good employment opportunities to economically disadvantaged artisans and farmers worldwide. It links low-income producers with consumer markets and educates consumers about the importance of purchasing fairly traded products which support living wages and safe and healthy conditions for workers in developing countries. FTF also acts as a clearinghouse for information on fair trade and provides resources and networking opportunities for its members. • The Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) () is an alliance of companies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and trade union organizations working to promote correct implementation of codes of labour practice. Its activities include the monitoring and independent verification of the observance of code WITH AN EMPHASIS ON NWFPs In recent years green trade organizations have been established for NWFP marketing all around the globe. EcoMarket International () has been established on Internet as the European platform for green products, services and information. In the Netherlands, ProFound () has initiated a NWFP exporters database to provide all potential exporters of NWFPs a means of advertising on the Internet. The Natural Resources Institute in the United Kingdom carries out work comparing ethical and conventional trade in NWFPs () and has established the UK Consultative Group on Ethical Trade and Forests (). The following examples of green trade organizations give an idea of some of the different types of organization that place specific emphasis on NWFPs. Green Trade Net The Green Trade Net initiative of the German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ) offers assistance for the full range of activities from harvesting of the raw material to processing, research and trade contacts. The Green Trade Net office provides detailed company, product and country information for importers, producers and consultants. The information base currently covers more than 650 organic products (including many edible NWFPs) from 27 developing countries. The following services are available: • Green Trade Net provides the opportunity for producers to contact importers and to offer their products through the Web site (); • importers can search for export products via the Green Trade Net office by fax, phone or e-mail; • information is available with regard to different product groups such as essential oils, herbs or tea; • importers are sent information about specifications, availability, certification status and producers; • monthly mailings of current offers in different product groups are sent to importers; • Green Trade Net distributes product samples to interested importers (of which more than 160 are in contact): • direct links are established between registered exporters and importers that have expressed an interest in their registration of producers and product promotion is done on the basis of written consent. Information given by Green Trade Net is free of charge. 这些网站很不错的,由于字太多了,所以不能粘贴,楼主自己去看吧:D hit by foreign 'green' barriers2002-07-24China DailyFarmers in China are being hit by foreign "green" trade barriers which are threatening the prospects for the country to become a major exporter of agricultural products in the wake of its entry to the World Trade Organization. The warning came from foreign trade experts and industrial insiders. "Green" trade barriers refer to technical, safety and hygiene standards introduced for the benefit of environment and public health. The country's agricultural exports have met with a growing number of such barriers in the first half of this year and the trend may continue, said Professor Xue Rongjiu, of the University of International Business and Economics. "It has become a pressing and critical problem for China to strengthen its capability to cross over those barriers that are posing unprecedented challenges to its exports of farm goods grown in a traditional way," said Xue, a prominent researcher on WTO studies. In 2001, China's exports of farm produce fell by US$7 billion as a result of "green" trade barriers, Xue said. A total of 1,140 shipment batches of farm goods were held up by the US Food and Drug Administration in the first three months of this year allegedly for violation of environment and health standards. Xue said the barriers have greatly affected China's farm goods exports, especially in the coastal areas where most of the country's exports come from. For instance, the volume of exported frozen chickens via Shenzhen port in South China's Guangdong Province declined by 40 percent year-on-year in the first four months of this year as a result of limits from "green" trade barriers. What's worse, the countries that apply "green" trade barriers to Chinese agricultural goods have expanded from developed WTO members such as the United States, Japan and European Union nations to include some other members including South Korea and Singapore. At the same time, the categories of affected farm goods have also increased from tea, honey, frozen chicken to cover all livestock and aquatic products, the professor said. The "green" trade barriers have made it unlikely that China can dominate in the exports of labor-intensive farm products that range from vegetables, nuts and fruit to shrimp or poultry. Xue blamed the worsening problem on poor environmental awareness and lax quality management systems. Influences and Countermeasures of Green Trade Barrier on Export Trade of Chinese Agricultural Products<<东北农业大学学报(英文版) >>2005年02期LI Shuang , GUO Xiang-yu With the worsening of environment, many countries pay more attention to the environmental protection. Green (organic) trade barrier gradually attracts more attention to the non-tariff barrier in the international trade. However, according to the economic levels of different countries, great differences exist in environment standards of these countries which resulted in the appearance of green trade barriers as trade protection. This study classified the connotations and characteristics of green trade barrier, gave the descriptions on the development and type of green trade barrier, and analysed the influences on China's export and put forward some countermeasures which aimed at stimulating the development of our foreign trade.技术贸易壁垒Technical Barriers to Trade很不错的关于技术贸易壁垒的网站哦,很全面的. barriers to tradeTechnical regulations and product standards may vary from country to country. Having many different regulations and standards makes life difficult for producers and exporters. If regulations are set arbitrarily, they could be used as an excuse for protectionism. The Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade tries to ensure that regulations, standards, testing and certification procedures do not create unnecessary obstacles. 楼主,你只要去google一下Green Trade Barrier 和Technical Barriers to Trade,就会有很多资料了
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[1] 夏友富,俞雄飞,李丽.技术性贸易壁垒对出口贸易发展的影响:中国的思考[J].技术性贸易壁垒动态.2005. [2] 杨昌举、宋国军、胡品洁.技术性贸易壁
绿色贸易壁垒 Green Trade Barrier trade organizations: striving for fair benefits from
国际贸易实务专业毕业论文参考选题 1、 电子商务与我国对外贸易发展研究 2、 入世对我国农产品贸易的影响与对策研究 3、 绿色壁垒对我国外贸出口的影