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With the modern scientific and technological progress, economic development, advertising culture more and more by the region's popular culture and people's way of life, consumer psychology and other factors. Bobo culture is divided into social classes to describe the form and characteristics of Bobo culture embodied in the current new wave of lifestyle and family values. Bobos in emerging sectors of the society will soon become a mainstream consumer groups. Life as a concept has a unique consumer groups, and their attitude towards life, values have slowly infiltrated into their consumption patterns and consumer behavior, the consumption of this unique concept has gradually become a popular culture affects our lives. Bobo cultural charm of its unique culture of local advertising in particular, demands a change in the way advertising and advertising strategy of innovation performance has had a major impact. In this paper, Bobo Bobos culture and to study the object, through the analysis of the social strata of the social status, lifestyle, spending habits and so on to the ball to reveal the spread of culture in the process of advertising the specific application. Key words: Bobo culture; Bobos; consumer behavior; the way advertising appeals; ad performance strategy

349 评论


AbstractNow, environmental issues have become the iron and steel enterprises have to face challenges. In the iron and steel production, from mining of raw materials preparation, coking, sintering, ironmaking, steelmaking, and so on until the finishing line, smoke and dust exist in almost all of the production line, is not only one of the main sources of pollution, but also a waste of resources, the impact of physical and mental health workers, iron and steel enterprises is the main task of environmental the dust on the domestic iron and steel enterprises governance Shougang iron works with the status of dust control analysis, we can understand that in the dust control Shougang has invested huge in this area, but also to take a lot of advanced dust removal technology, compared treatment results significantly. Especially in the application of airtight cover. However, there are some inadequacies, such as the choice of the collector is still lagging , this research paper will be mainly on the 3rd Shougang blast furnace iron works and a silo hopper dust removal equipment of the transformation, including the working principle of electrostatic precipitator, bag filter, as well as the working principle of a long bag ESP transform low-voltage pulse bag filter. There are 3 high-rise silo hopper and a dust of new technologies and practical management of research, namely, the implementation of the dust source or single-double sealed airtight cover and dust vents mobile devices. More convenient in operation and maintenance, the dust concentration to achieve less than posts lOmg/m3, the concentration of precipitator emissions standard of less than 50mg/ above research and analysis will help future blast furnace of Shougang No. 1,2,4 hopper dust pollution, etc., so that Shougang iron works to improve the environmental words iron works, dust, sealed enclosures, ESP

330 评论


With the development of China's economy, the securities market plays a more and more important role. The securities market is generally composed of the bond market and the stock market, but the development make a spurt of progress in China's stock market, bond market, especially the development of corporate bond market lags behind, which seriously restrict the development of China's securities market, affect the financing efficiency of the whole society, can not fully play its effective role in resource allocation. Develop corporate bond market, not only can adjust the financing structure and financing of Chinese enterprises, but also to further improve China's capital market structure, therefore, is of great practical significance to develop and perfect the corporate bond market in china. Based on the analysis of the current situation of China's corporate bond market, find out the existing problems of China's corporate bond market and analyze the causes deeply, puts forward corresponding countermeasures to further promote the development of China's corporate bond market.

300 评论


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