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331 评论


Abstract:Since ChinaUniversityEnrollment began inthe latenineteen ninties,college students employment difficult problemarose,in recent years,decreasedinitial employmentrate of university graduates,supply and demand ratiois increased,the employment situation is not optimistic,receivedwidespread attention from all sectors of society,the employment problem ofuniversity studentshas become one ofthe most last outbreak of the financialcrisis sweeping the globe,so that morecollege students employmentdifficult,this paper analyzesthe employment situation of university studentsfrom many aspects,in order tolet the studentsunderstand the currentsocial situation,the employment problemand thus a better solutionKeywords:Reason and Countermeasuresof difficult employment for University StudentsThe characteristics ofthe largestemployment of college students isthe totalincrease ingraduates,high,andemployment situation ofwhole andnot improved the status quois contradictory,the difficult employment of college studentshasbecome an indisputable fact,investigate its reason,mainly is thedislocation oftalent supply andmarket demand,and thegraduates'Comprehensive toimprove the quality of personnel training,is the key tosolvethe difficult problem ofemployment of university students difficult employmentsituationoftalent gapsolution

338 评论


Along with Internet's development, grew on-line bank this kind of emerging financial service, compared the ordinary bank, on-line bank's operation was simpler and quickly. This article carries on from businessmen are invited to open companies bank's present situation obtains, carries on the analysis to businessmen are invited to open companies bank on-line bank existence's question, and puts forward some proposals. The paper altogether divides into following several parts: First: To incurs the good net silver the historical development to carry on the simple elaboration second: The analysis incurs the good net silver the development present situation third: Has analyzed move of good net silver existence some questions fourth: To incurs several suggestions which the good net silver will develop in the future

313 评论


为厦门港未 天成论来 文网的 写文章建设提出发展战略目标及发展策略。

234 评论


[abstract] the development of modern logistics industry, is closely related to the economic growth of the world. Port as an important link in modern logistics chain, with its unique location advantage and the advantage of infrastructure, in the modern comprehensive logistics system plays an increasingly important role. Efficient modern logistics has become a key support to regional economic development and industrial structure upgrade, port logistics can also become a focus in the study of different countries and regions. Xiamen as one of the important port in our country, should play a leading port of the west coast of Taiwan strait, give play to the port of radiation and is focused on the function, and national service on both sides of the strait. This article hopes to build xiamen into a container hub port of investigation and analysis, this paper discusses the direction ?很高兴为您解答,祝你学习进步!【语数英科】团队为您答题。有不明白的可以追问!如果您认可我的回答。请点击下面的【选为满意回答】按钮,谢谢!如果有其他问题请另发或点击向我求助,答题不易,请谅解,谢谢!你可以随时加入我团队,我随时恭候。

350 评论


完全人工翻译 Accompanying with the development of the Internet, there derived a new emerged financial services business of Internet banking which is more simple and speedy than the ordinary banks. In this paper, I will proceed with the present status of China Merchants Bank and have some analysis against the problems correlative with their online bank and give forth some suggestions. this thesis is divided into the following sections: I: A summary on the development history of the Internet bank of China Merchants Bank. II: An analysis for the development status quo of the Internet bank of China Merchants Bank. III: An analysis for some problems of the Internet bank of China Merchants Bank. IV: Some suggestions for the future development of the Internet bank of China Merchants Bank. 简释:第一、第二、第三、第四 按照西方人习惯用罗马数字。 网银用Internet bank当然用online bank或net bank 都无不可。第一个internet banking 是指整个网银行业。

243 评论


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