Title: Female consciousness in Xiao Hong’s
Title: the women's consciousness in Xiao hong’s "field of life and death"Summary: Xiao hong was an extraordinarily talent authoress, with the novel "field of life and death" which was indited in the mid 1930's and made her famous. by portraying the female roles such as the maidservant Ma、old women Wang、Jinzhi、Yueying and the fifth aunt, the author disclosed women's miserable lives under the oppression of feudal society of sexism, profundly revealed the origin of women's tragedy, had not only made a strong accusation against the feudal Confucian, but also called for women's consciousness
1.每一个生命都有独特的价值 2.珍爱生命,健康成长 4.每个生命都有生存的权利 5.生命的意义在于奉献 6.生命能创造奇迹 7.维护生命的尊严,树立敬畏生命意
Title: Female consciousness in Xiao Hong’s Abstract: Xiao Hong was an authoress
农村好婆婆事迹材料一: **,女,现年36岁,中共党员,20xx年以来任**镇**村计生专职主任、妇联主任。她不仅是公公和婆婆离不开的好儿媳,而且是让**村由