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Urban Tourism Industry;Core Competence;ConstructionAbstractThe study on core competence was originated from the western countries in theory developed quickly and practiced widely. Urban tourism industry was the subject of tourism and had been recognition by every city in domestic. Every city competed drastically. The issue of core competence of urban tourism industry came to my mind under the above backdrop. The study is aiming at developing and summating the present theory system of this issue as well as the practicing study on core competence of urban tourism industry is a new field in the study of tourism competitiveness. The paper put forward to the paradigm, identification system and development stratagem of core competence of urban tourism study mainly involves the theory of core competence, regional economics, industrial economics and tourism principles, etc. Combining positive study and normal study, this paper systematically studies core competence of urban tourism thesis is divided into five chapters. Fist of all, the paper introduces the necessity and significance of this issue, the main content and methods of this issue. In the second chapter, it introduces the origin of the theory, defies the central conceptions. Through comparing the paradigms of tourism competitiveness, the paper builds up an analyzing paradigm of core competence of urban tourism industry. The third chapter expatiate the paradigm of core competence of urban tourism industry, including the basic structure and affect factors, the mechanism of developing, identification characters and index system. The fourth chapter put forward to the stratagem and measures of constructing core competence of urban tourism industry by combining the paradigm, taking Xiamen as a case. The fifth chapter is a conclusion. It generalizes the main research conclusion and the insufficiency in the thesis. ....: Urban Tourism Industry; Core Competence; Construction

201 评论


Book: Annotation serial number. Author. Monograph. Book title [M]. publishing house, publication year. Beginning and end page number periodical: Annotation serial number. Author. Periodical. Autographs the [J]. publication name, the publication year (volume, time): Beginning and end page number collection: Annotation serial number. Author. Paper name: Collection name [C]. publication place: Publishing house, publication year. Beginning and end page number dissertation: Annotation serial number. Author. Autographs [D]. to preserve the place: Preserved unit, writing year. patent documentation: Annotation serial number. Patent owner. Autographs the [P]. patent nationality: Patent number, publication date

157 评论



185 评论


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341 评论


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