心理学方面的论文A psychological essay 重点词汇释义心理学psychology; psychics; pneumatology论文paper; thesis; dissertation; treatise; discourse
本文选取清远市三所高中的高一、高二、高三共315名学生作为被试,运用匹兹堡睡眠质量指数(PSQI)中译本和状态-特质焦虑量表(STAI)调查高中生的睡眠质量与焦虑状况的相关关系。结果发现:This article selects the first year, second year and third year students from three senior high schools in Qing Yuan City, a total of 315 students were chosen for the test, which uses the translated Chinese version of Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), together with State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), to investigate the correlation between senior high schools' sleep quality and condition of anxiety. The results show that: 1、高中生的焦虑状况不受性别、年级和学校类型的影响,但他们的特质焦虑程度普遍高于状态焦虑程度;The results showed that: 1, high school students from the anxiety of the situation of gender, grade and school type, but their degree of trait anxiety is generally higher than the level of state anxiety; 2、高三学生的焦虑水平最高,其中清城中学学生的焦虑水平为三所中学最高,睡眠质量最低;2, three students in the highest levels of anxiety, of which the city-ching of the anxiety level of secondary school students three secondary schools for the highest, lowest sleep quality;3、的高中生存在睡眠障碍问题,不同性别、年级的高中生的睡眠质量存在显著性差异,高一学生入睡所需要的时间最长,高二学生的睡眠效率最低; 3, of high school students there is the issue of sleep disorders, gender, year of the sleep quality of high school students, there was a significant difference, high-need students to fall asleep by the time the longest High students the lowest sleep efficiency;4、焦虑情绪是睡眠质量的重要影响因素,高中生的焦虑水平越高,睡眠质量越差。 4, anxiety is an important impact on sleep quality factors, the higher the anxiety level of high school students, the poorer sleep quality.
前大学生心理健康问题作为一种社会问题引起广泛关注,大学生的 个性化 与 社会化 不能保持应有的平衡,是当前大学生心理健康问题的实质,社会学的视角提供了大学心理健
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