Definitions of HumanismHumanism is a progressive lifestance that, without supernaturalism, affirms our ability and responsibility to lead meaningful, ethical lives capable of adding to the greater good of humanity.• American Humanist AssociationHumanism is a rational philosophy informed by science, inspired by art, and motivated by compassion. Affirming the dignity of each human being, it supports the maximization of individual liberty and opportunity consonant with social and planetary responsibility. It advocates the extension of participatory democracy and the expansion of the open society, standing for human rights and social justice. Free of supernaturalism, it recognizes human beings as a part of nature and holds that values—be they religious, ethical, social, or political—have their source in human experience and culture. Humanism thus derives the goals of life from human need and interest rather than from theological or ideological abstractions, and asserts that humanity must take responsibility for its own destiny. • The Humanist Magazine Humanism is a democratic and ethical lifestance which affirms that human beings have the right and responsibility to give meaning and shape to their own lives. It stands for the building of a more humane society through an ethics based on human and other natural values in a spirit of reason and free inquiry through human capabilities. It is not theistic, and it does not accept supernatural views of reality. • The International Humanist and Ethical UnionHumanism is an approach to life based on reason and our common humanity, recognizing that moral values are properly founded on human nature and experience alone. • The Bristol Humanist GroupHumanism is: A joyous alternative to religions that believe in a supernatural god and life in a hereafter. Humanists believe that this is the only life of which we have certain knowledge and that we owe it to ourselves and others to make it the best life possible for ourselves and all with whom we share this fragile planet. A belief that when people are free to think for themselves, using reason and knowledge as their tools, they are best able to solve this world's problems. An appreciation of the art, literature, music and crafts that are our heritage from the past and of the creativity that, if nourished, can continuously enrich our lives. Humanism is, in sum, a philosophy of those in love with life. Humanists take responsibility for their own lives and relish the adventure of being part of new discoveries, seeking new knowledge, exploring new options. Instead of finding solace in prefabricated answers to the great questions of life, humanists enjoy the open-endedness of a quest and the freedom of discovery that this entails. • The Humanist Society of Western New YorkHumanism is the light of my life and the fire in my soul. It is the deep felt conviction, in every fiber of my being that human love is a power far transcending the relentless, onward rush of our largely deterministic cosmos. All human life must seek a reason for existence within the bounds of an uncaring physical world, and it is love coupled with empathy, democracy, and a commitment to selfless service which undergirds the faith of a humanist. • Bette Chambers, former president of the AHAHumanism is a philosophy, world view, or lifestance based on naturalism—the conviction that the universe or nature is all that exists or is real. Humanism serves, for many humanists, some of the psychological and social functions of a religion, but without belief in deities, transcendental entities, miracles, life after death, and the supernatural. Humanists seek to understand the universe by using science and its methods of critical inquiry—logical reasoning, empirical evidence, and skeptical evaluation of conjectures and conclusions—to obtain reliable knowledge. Humanists affirm that humans have the freedom to give meaning, value, and purpose to their lives by their own independent thought, free inquiry, and responsible, creative activity. Humanists stand for the building of a more humane, just, compassionate, and democratic society using a pragmatic ethics based on human reason, experience, and reliable knowledge—an ethics that judges the consequences of human actions by the well-being of all life on Earth. • Steven SchafersmanHumanism is a philosophy of life that considers the welfare of humankind - rather than the welfare of a supposed God or gods - to be of paramount importance. Humanism maintains there is no evidence a supernatural power ever needed or wanted anything from people, ever communicated to them, or ever interfered with the laws of nature to assist or harm 's focus, then, is on using human efforts to meet human needs and wants in this world. History shows that those efforts are most effective when they involve both compassion and the scientific method - which includes reliance on reason, evidence, and free says people can find purpose in life and maximize their long-term happiness by developing their talents and using those talents for the service of humanity. Humanists believe that this approach to life is more productive and leads to a deeper and longer-lasting satisfaction than a hedonistic pursuit of material or sensual pleasures that soon service to others is a major focus of Humanism, recreation and relaxation are not ignored, for these too are necessary for long-term health and happiness. The key is moderation in all considers the universe to be the result of an extremely long and complex evolution under immutable laws of nature. Humanists view this natural world as wondrous and precious, and as offering limitless opportunities for exploration, fascination, creativity, companionship, and science cannot now and probably never will be able to explain the ultimate origin or destiny of the universe, I think Humanism can include more than atheists and agnostics. The lack of definite answers to these ultimate questions leaves room for reasonable people to hypothesize about the origin of the natural universe, and even to hope for some form of life beyond this fact, two of Humanism's greatest luminaries, Thomas Paine and Robert Ingersoll, maintained a hope for an afterlife. On the issue of whether God exists, Ingersoll was agnostic, and Paine believed in a deistic God who established the laws of nature but then stepped away and never intervenes in the world. Those beliefs did not interfere with their ability to lead outstanding humanistic , in my opinion, people holding such views can be Humanists if they believe that humanity is on its own in this world, and the lack of any evidence for an afterlife means this life should be lived as though it's the only one we have. • Joseph C. Sommer
The humanism is a kind of to introspect person, it requests to be concerned with the person's ultimate end meaning, expanding moral value and appreciating beauty value, developping sound personality with the classic ages vogue.
1547年9月26日,西班牙最伟大的小说家塞万提斯诞生于马德里附近的一个小城镇阿尔加拉·台·艾那瑞斯。 ■最走时运的青年时代 塞万提斯的全名叫米盖尔·台·塞万提斯·萨阿维德拉,他的父亲虽然是一个贫穷的游方郎中,但医术却很精湛。这位常年走南闯北的医生阅历非常丰富,深深体验到知识对一个人的重要,因此在给一些有藏书的富人看病时,都要借许多书带回家给儿子看。在少年时代就十分聪慧的塞万提斯读书之快,常让他的父亲大感惊讶,为了能让儿子读到更多的书,他再去给那些有书人家看病时就把儿子带上,他在屋里给人家看病,让儿子在门外看人家的书。 塞万提斯十三四岁时,就以读书最多而闻名于他们那个小城镇。大量的读书使塞万提斯有了创作的冲动和灵感,他慢慢开始学习写作诗歌。不久他写的诗歌就在他们那个小城镇里到处流传,以至于他的父亲独自一人去给人家看病时,人家就会问他:“啊,我们的诗人呢?” 1566年,塞万提斯一家来到马德里定居。没有多长时间,塞万提斯就以自己横溢的文学才华在马德里崭露诗名。当时在马德里享有盛名的人文主义学者胡安·洛贝斯·台·沃约斯读到塞万提斯的诗以后,亲自登门拜访,并把这位年仅19岁的青年招进自己开办的学校里学习。在这所学校里,塞万提斯的知识得到了最大的充实,并在沃约斯人文主义思想的影响下,写出了许多优美的诗篇,被传诵一时。 突然有一天,走出家门的塞万提斯看到一辆豪华的马车停在门前,生性诙谐的他随口开了一句玩笑:“是请我去参加宫廷的宴会吗?”不料马车夫却恭恭敬敬地说:“不,先生,是尊贵的大主教请你到他那儿去!”原来,西班牙大主教非常欣赏塞万提斯的诗篇。从此以后,塞万提斯经常到大主教那里走动,得到大主教的特别赏识。 1569年冬天,塞万提斯作为西班牙大主教的一名侍从,随从大主教来到意大利罗马。在陪同大主教游历意大利许多文化名城时,塞万提斯写下了很多赞美意大利的诗篇。罗马大主教胡里奥·夸维瓦看到这些诗篇之后,对塞万提斯大加称赞,于是西班牙大主教就把塞万提斯推荐给他当一名侍从。在罗马,塞万提斯因大主教夸维瓦的赏识,而遭到其他侍从的嫉妒和诬陷。不久,在夸维瓦的斡旋下,塞万提斯于1570年加入了西班牙驻意大利的军队,当了一名普通士兵。在当时,这对塞万提斯来说确是一件好事,因为当时西班牙人普遍认为,在意大利参加为王室效忠的军队,是一条通向荣华富贵的道路。 ■时运乖蹇,从战士到囚徒 16世纪上半叶,西班牙正处于鼎盛时期。1571年,著名的雷邦多海战爆发时,西班牙在欧洲仍是首屈一指的军事强国。1571年5月,威尼斯和罗马结成同盟,开始对向欧洲大举侵犯的伊斯兰教国家展开了历时三年的战争。当时西班牙负责提供东征的一半费用,并帮助威尼斯开辟在东部被土耳其海军封锁的航道。西班牙国王的弟弟堂胡安被任命为联军总司令,统辖着由西班牙和威尼斯组成的联合舰队,于1571年10月7日向驻扎在雷邦多海湾的土耳其舰队发起进攻。 当时塞万提斯就在“侯爵夫人”号战舰上,他正发着高烧。等交战的炮声打响以后,塞万提斯一下子冲出船舱,跑到舰长面前要求参加战斗。舰长和同伴都让他回船舱里休息,但他态度坚决地表示,他宁愿为国王战死也不愿当怕死鬼躲进船舱。舰长只好给了他12名枪手和一条大皮艇,让他随时准备向正靠近他们的敌舰冲过去。终于,塞万提斯和12名枪手冲上了敌舰,在面对面的拼杀中,塞万提斯的胸部和左手都受了伤,但他仍然继续战斗,直到联合舰队取得胜利了,他还浑身是血地挥舞着武器在敌人的舰船奔跑。这场海战使塞万提斯的左手残废了,在联合舰队里,人们把他称为“雷邦多”的独臂英雄。 1575年,28岁的塞万提斯请假回国探亲,堂胡安分别给国王和侯爵德·塞萨写了推荐他的亲笔信。塞万提斯带着两封信,于9月20日乘“太阳号”帆船返回祖国。当他们经过法国的马赛海岸时,突然遭到柏柏尔族人的三只海盗船的袭击。虽然“太阳号”船员们奋力搏斗,但最终船长被杀,船上所有的人都被海盗掳到阿尔及尔。塞万提斯身上的那两封本可以使他前途无量的推荐信,使他受尽了折磨。海盗们认定了他是贵族,向他索要巨额赎金,并且为防止这个“有钱人”逃跑,而给他戴上了脚镣和手铐。因为塞万提斯家无法筹措到巨额赎金,塞万提斯在阿尔及尔被囚禁了5年,直到1580年,他才被教士赎得自由。 然而,获得自由的塞万提斯回到马德里之后,很快就陷入了生活艰辛的困境里。因为5年前的辉煌战功早已被人遗忘,那两封推荐信给他的憧憬也早已化为泡影。他的家庭也因为了赎他而债务累累,他自己也因左手残废而找不到一份能养活自己的工作,他只好又捡起扔下多年的笔开始写起小说来。 ■塞万提斯就是堂吉诃德 时运乖蹇的塞万提斯一直在贫苦中挣扎,而且还由于种种原因数度入狱,但每次都能很快证明他是清白的。在参考资料《知识就是力量》
生物的本性是扩张与进化.高等物种歧视低等物种这是很正常的. 种族歧视在古代即已存在,但其现代形式是从资本原始积累时期开始的,至今,在世界上若干地区仍存在种族歧