The right scent for each seasonMy friend has a theory that certain perfumes go with different hair colours. When I sprayed the new Jo Malone English Pear and Freesia – a crisp, sweet floral with undertones of patchouli (not out until September) – she declared it a “blonde” scent. It was light, fresh and sweet, which, as a brunette, “wasn’t for her”. My red-headed friend agreed with her thesis: people had told her that Sisley’s Eau de Soir suited her personality because it smelt “warm and quirky”. I disagree. I think scents are seasonal, like clothes: hot weather suits sheer and floaty, while warm and heavy embodies winter. The smell of coconut would seem out of place under the mistletoe, and the air of cloves would feel wrong at a beach bar in the South of “signature” scent that you wear year-round is a lovely romantic notion, but I think you should have two: one for summer and one for like summer perfumes that have a clarity and simplicity because, at this time of year, you also have the smell of suncreams and deodorants to contend with. Too many complicated notes and the result will be seeking an Eau de Soleil, look for energising and invigorating bouquets. Zesty citrus notes such as lemon, mandarin and grapefruit will bathe you in a shower-fresh smell. They are often combined with the warmer, edgier notes of vetyver and bergamot to help soften the year, flower-rich heart notes return. Florals are perfect for summer; they evoke memories of an English country garden. They are also more feminine and romantic than citrus-based scents. Although they are associated with elderly ladies, the new releases are modern, punchy is also in vogue. The scent is like Marmite: some love it, others hate it. I’m in the former camp – I think it is soft and feminine. A vanilla-based perfume is classier when mixed with piquant or fruity notes such as pink peppercorns or bergamot, as that stops it from being Spiritueuse Double Vanille (£135, )La Maison de Guerlain fragrances are available in Harrods from July. This spicy vanilla scent with a woody cedar central note is my Malone White Tie and Tiara 2010 Cologne (£75, )A limited-edition mixture of summer flowers and fruit. The elegant scent blends jasmine and orange blossom with hints of pineapple and (£, )“Grapevine leaf crumpled between the fingers” reads the blurb for this fragrance’s unusual top note. Watermelon is the heart note, while the base notes are sandalwood and vanilla. Sounds crazy, smells ’Occitane Paeonia Eau de Toilette (£28, )A rich floral centred around heart notes of peonies and roses. Finished with a top note of grapefruit to create a fresh yet romantic No 9 Harrods Rose (£90, )The New York perfumery has created a divine scent, but with a terrible name. Mixes white rose and tuberose with a musky base.
水是配合植物性香料、动物性香料、合成香料溶于酒精,再加必要的保留剂、色素和水等配制而成的。 优秀的香水来自优质的香料和纯粹醇。 (1)香料:香水通常含有10%-30%的香料,多数为25%,是含香料的水剂中香料含量最高的一类,也是留香最持久的一类,因而主要作用是散香。香料配合的适当与否对香水的质量有重大影响,适当配搭的香料,本身散发的芳香分子可给人以愉快的体验;但如果香气过强,则可能会刺激嗅神经,引起嗅觉麻痹,甚至头晕,而导致不快感。有些香料,必须通过适当的稀释,才可发出优雅的芳香。 (2)溶剂:理想的溶剂本身应该无臭,容易溶解所有香料,长时间保存也不会变味、变色。由于乙醇(酒精)很接近这个要求,因而被广泛应用到各种香水中作为溶剂。从香料的溶解性考虑,以95%浓度的酒精最合适,因此,标准的香水都是把香料溶于95%酒精而制成的,当然也有低于这一浓度的。为了配制理想的香水,乙醇往往需要经过脱臭处理以获得纯粹醇。 (3)保留剂(保香剂、保调剂、定香剂、固定剂):香料分子散发的快慢对香水很重要,挥散快者要减慢。使各种香料以差不多同样的速度挥散的成分就是保留剂。一般用作保留剂的是一些沸点高、分子量大的物质,它们根据香气的强弱可分为两类:一类是有芳香的保留剂,如洋茉莉香醛。一类是有弱香或几乎无嗅者,如香荚兰素麝香。 (4)水分:水分有利于提高香气的质量,因为水分含量多时,香气的散发性好,乙醇的刺激嗅小,但过量的水分不利于香料的溶解。所使用的水为新鲜的蒸馏水,含量通常约在5%~10%; (5)陈化或熟成:这是调制香水的重要操作之一。配制成的香水,香气末完全调和,要放置一段时间(数周或数月),以改善粗糙的香调,此谓陈化期或熟成。现在利用高周波、短波、超音波等在极短时间也可达到熟成效果 利用芳香精油,做出自己喜爱的香水。你可以制作出这世界上只有属于你自己味道的香味!除了能享受自制香水的乐趣之外,同时它也具备了芳香疗法疗效。如果有一天,你没有理由地陷入低潮,不妨加一点肉桂香精油在淡香水里,相信一定可以帮助你恢复精神的。 如果是第一次制作自己的香水,请你先试用薰衣草精油。因为薰衣草精油几乎和其他所胡的精油都能相互搭配。它可以缓和味道过于甜的精油,让味道太强烈的精油变得优雅,是非常好用的精油。 基本的科隆香水(淡香水)作法 所谓的科隆香水,是指全部精油占了3~5%的香水而言。 需要准备的东西(赋香率为5%) · 精制水10ml(药店或化学商店有售) · 无水酒精10ml(同上) · 计量用烧杯(化学器材店有售) · 玻璃棒(同上) · 空的香水瓶或喷雾器(百货公司的化妆柜台有售) · 薰衣草精油10滴(在香薰店中购买) 制作方法 ①把10ml的精制水放到烧杯当中,再加入10ml的无水酒精,最后滴进10滴薰衣草精油,用玻璃棒充分地搅拌均匀(注意:需轻力、缓慢细致地搅拌)。②把调好的香水放到瓶子里,放在阴暗场所三个星期。 ③把它装到香水瓶或喷雾器里,你就可以享用这股清新的香味了
化妆品是国家投资比较少,包袱比较轻,同时又是为国家创造高税利,创造大量就业机会的行业。下面是我为大家整理的化妆品营销研究论文,供大家参考。 [摘 要]本文在对国
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