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piano systemsummaryChoose this subject is because the many people are beginning to use computers to make the midi music, science and technology is developing at breakneck speed, time of rapid progress now, midi music have become acclimate the times of the development of music are necessary skills. this system combined with the practice and social needs, the use of the interface to a variety of sound, random 五线谱 practice and make music to learn as quickly as possible into the music palace. the software can help teachers supplementary

353 评论


Choose this topic because of the times many people start using the computer-generated MIDI music, the rapid development in technology, the present era of rapid progress, MIDI music has become the musicians adapt to the development of essential skills. The system combines my practice and social demands, using the piano interface, supporting a variety of sound effects, random read music to practice to music beginners who enter the music hall as soon as possible. The software can also help teachers assist students to practice the piano, to improve student interest in learning the piano and learning efficiency, greatly enhance the effectiveness of teaching. Rapid development in technology today, computer MIDI music is musicians, lovers, educators adapt to the development of essential skills. Art and music education in the music field, thanks to computer sequencer software (Sequencer), MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) and multimedia (Multimedia) technology development and mature PC-based machine (Personal Computer) based on the MIDI and multimedia systems such as the Japanese rose, constantly expanding with its use of space. Affected, the traditional music, music performance and music education methods are changing, people's understanding of music are constantly updated. Computer MIDI music for all music lovers, music learners and musicians provide a unlimited space: it allows music lovers to immerse even more into a variety of beautiful music being; it makes more music learners efficiency of learning a variety of musical knowledge; it allows musicians to arbitrary use of sound and creative skills to produce even more exciting music. Now I MIDI for computer applications, skills and read music combined to produce a simple, easy piano system to facilitate the piano for beginners to master the basic essentials as soon as possible. 回答者: marqueen - 六级 2010-6-2 11:35 piano systemsummaryChoose this subject is because the many people are beginning to use computers to make the midi music, science and technology is developing at breakneck speed, time of rapid progress now, midi music have become acclimate the times of the development of music are necessary skills. this system combined with the practice and social needs, the use of the interface to a variety of sound, random 五线谱 practice and make music to learn as quickly as possible into the music palace. the software can help teachers supplementary

241 评论


摘要: 现代教育家铃木镇一先生提出来的铃木(略)探索和发展人的潜能为出发点和最终目的,在教学过程中以“人性”和“人类爱”为中心,遵从人的自然发展规律,注重音乐技能与音乐内涵之间的传授关系,在培养和发展学生的音乐才能的同时,也重视培养健全人格.铃木教学法,开始仅应用于小提琴的教学,后又推广至其他器乐教学,现已应用(略)域的教学之中.铃木钢琴教学法是其中的一个分支. 铃木钢琴教学法是以铃木教育哲学及基本音乐教育原则为方向和基础,结合钢琴器乐及钢琴教学的实际特点,并针对当今钢琴教学中的误区和弊端,在实际教学过程中总结出的有铃木特色的钢琴教学法.铃木钢琴(略)目标不是培养专门的钢琴演奏人才,而是在教学生如何使用钢琴这门(略)的过程中,培养其音乐素养,丰富其精神世界,健全其人格品质.它的具体教学原则和教学实践都是根据这个教学目标制定和实施的.因此,它在对初学者的教学,读谱能力的培养,和学生演奏活动的安排等方面都有一套独特的铃木式的教学方案. 目前国内的钢琴教育空前地繁荣,各(略)层出不穷,然而有着五十多年发展历史并在世界十四个国家具有相当影响力的铃木钢琴教学...The Suzuki method of the Japanese modern educator Mr. Suzuki Shinichi which takes researching and(omitted)g human talent as its start point and terminal, focuses on humanity and human l(omitted) teaching process, obeying the rule of human development. It emphasis(omitted)ching relationship between the musical technique an(omitted)meaning .It not only develops the students musical talent but also nurtures their humanity. At the beginni(omitted) method was just applied on the violin teaching. With its p...目录:中文摘要 英文摘要 目录 引言 一、 铃木教学法的基本理念 (一) 铃木教学法产生的理论基础 (二) 铃木教学法的器乐教学规则 二、 铃木钢琴教学法概况 三、 铃木钢琴教学法的基本特点 (一) 铃木钢琴教学法的教学原则 (二) 关于初学者的教学--准备 (三) 读谱能力的培养教学 (四) 课堂之外的教学实践活动--十台钢琴音乐会 (五) 铃木钢琴教学法与当今中国钢琴普及教学的比较研究 结论 参考文献 后记

202 评论


之前也是为为论文苦恼了半天,网上的范文和能搜到的资料,大都不全面,一般能有个正文就不错了,而且抄袭的东西肯定不行的,关键是没有数据和分析部分,我好不容易搞出来一篇,结果还过不了审。 还好后来找到文方网,直接让专业人士帮忙,效率很高,核心的部分帮我搞定了,也给了很多参考文献资料。哎,专业的事还是要找专业的人来做啊,建议有问题参考下文方网吧 下面是之前文方网王老师发给我的题目,分享给大家: 论音乐听觉在钢琴教学中的实践 高校钢琴集体课教学模式探索 吕其明《红旗颂》双钢琴版本的演奏分析 试析贝多芬《第六钢琴奏鸣曲》Op10No2第一乐章 贝多芬《c小调第三钢琴协奏曲》Op37作品分析 莫扎特钢琴奏鸣曲的艺术特色 试论西方音乐史对钢琴演奏的影响 开创“中国风”钢琴语境 由钢琴考级引发的琴童教学思考 从智能钢琴集体课看钢琴教育的新探索 大数据网络时代的钢琴教学构想 高校钢琴教育提升学生音乐素养的路径 OBE理念下高师钢琴课程教学改革探析 学前教育钢琴即兴伴奏教学的实践探索 传统与当下:博雅教育理念与钢琴教育相融合的理论思考 钢琴伴奏在高职艺术院校声乐教学中的作用分析 《钢琴家》:那些见过战争的人,怎么会不憎恨战争 疫情期间“互联网+”在高校钢琴教学中的实践应用探讨 钢琴界“扫地”朱晓玫:只想躲在音乐背后 基于核心素养的高职钢琴教学策略探讨 基于人工智能的钢琴编曲音色识别系统设计 浅析中国古典舞基训与芭蕾舞基训钢琴伴奏的差异 巴赫康塔塔钢琴改编曲《羊儿可以安静地吃草》乐曲分析及演奏处理 浅析黄自艺术歌曲的钢琴伴奏 浅析钢琴曲《浏阳河》的音乐技巧与情感表现 浅析舒伯特艺术歌曲钢琴伴奏的魅力 浅探克拉拉·舒曼的钢琴生涯 王建中改编钢琴曲的艺术手法与特征 职业学校钢琴课程教学模式及课程体系拓展研究 钢琴演奏教学中听觉培养的价值探讨 钢琴演奏教学中如何培养学生的心理素质 试论钢琴基本功练习在钢琴学习中的重要作用 浅析慢练在钢琴练习中的作用 巴洛克歌剧咏叹调钢琴伴奏教学研究 贝多芬钢琴奏鸣曲演奏风格及创作特点探析 对中职学前教育专业钢琴课教学的思考 浅谈儿童钢琴快乐教育 中国钢琴作品《皮黄》的曲式特征与艺术特性 钢琴伴奏在艺术歌曲中的作用 钢琴即兴伴奏在小学音乐课堂教学中的应用策略探析 钢琴家的脚 学前教育专业核心素养下的钢琴教学策略 探析高职学前教育专业培养和提升学生儿歌钢琴伴奏能力的方法 浅析个性化教学法在高职钢琴弹唱教学中的应用 高校钢琴教学“归元”思考 浅析管弦乐钢琴伴奏艺术 现代音乐美学对钢琴演奏的启示 高校钢琴即兴伴奏教学的创新模式探析 音乐专业钢琴弹唱能力培养方法解析 胡同里的钢琴师 浅析钢琴制造工艺对触键和音色改变的重要性 高校钢琴教育中学生音乐素养的培养 音乐钢琴教学中培养学生即兴演奏能力的措施分析 中职学前教育钢琴即兴伴奏课程有效分层教学分析 关于钢琴教学中的审美教育与情感教育 中职学前钢琴教学中的课堂语言艺术探究 幸福的钢琴 对高校钢琴课程体系中学生综合能力培养的研究 过程性评价的内涵、价值及其在独立学院钢琴教学中的应用 中西方钢琴艺术的文化融合 中专音乐表演专业钢琴教学方法探究 简论丁善德钢琴音乐的成就、特色与演奏 藏羌彝民间舞蹈钢琴伴奏编创论略 钢琴艺术欣赏中的审美意识分析 元认知理念指导下的师范类院校钢琴启蒙教学研究 学前教育钢琴基础教学的实践研究 信息化环境下的高职学前教育专业开放式钢琴弹唱课堂教学策略研究 分层教学模式在高职钢琴教学中的应用研究 互联网时代下的钢琴教学形式研究 微课在高校音乐教育钢琴课程中的应用研究 在线钢琴教育的利与弊 雅俗共赏角度下钢琴曲《炎黄风情·走西口》音乐分析 钢琴组曲《圆明园漫步》创作风格及演奏特征研究 钢琴伴奏在合唱艺术中的作用 浅析肖邦《b小调第一钢琴谐谑曲》的演奏技法 高叠和弦在格里格钢琴抒情小品中的应用 贝多芬C小调奏鸣曲对西方钢琴艺术史的发展影响探究 琵琶曲与钢琴改编曲《十面埋伏》的比较研究 浅析路德维希·范·贝多芬第7钢琴奏鸣曲作品10之3中的踏板使用 内心听觉在高师钢琴基本技术训练中的应用探索 高职钢琴教学中体验式教学法的运用探讨 双钢琴教学对学生钢琴学习能力培养的作用 信息化环境下钢琴教学模式的创新 浅谈少儿钢琴学习兴趣的激发与培养 高校音乐师范生钢琴合奏能力的培养与实践 试论钢琴的调音及日常维护 浅论中国钢琴音乐作品的组织结构与演奏 钢琴演奏中的触键技巧与音色效果探索 钢琴曲《百鸟朝凤》中的民乐元素渗透 李斯特钢琴曲《夜莺》的演奏诠释 波特凯维茨与他的钢琴练习曲 “思政”视域下美育与高校钢琴教学的融合研究 简析钢琴演奏者的心理因素对表演的影响 钢琴演奏中的音乐听觉作用探讨 《安娜的笔记本》在民办高校钢琴基础教学中的运用 高校钢琴教学中比较教学法的应用 立德树人视域下的钢琴教育创新研究 高职院校钢琴审美教学的设置与教学方式探索 幼儿园钢琴教学中形象化的教学语言研究 钢琴小品《喷泉》曲式结构与演奏分析 浅谈合唱中钢琴部分的运用 钢琴演奏与教学中的触键技巧问题研究 钢琴演奏中触键与踏板对音色的影响

320 评论


Choose this topic because of the times many people start using the computer-generated MIDI music, the rapid development in technology, the present era of rapid progress, MIDI music has become the musicians adapt to the development of essential skills. The system combines my practice and social demands, using the piano interface, supporting a variety of sound effects, random read music to practice to music beginners who enter the music hall as soon as possible. The software can also help teachers assist students to practice the piano, to improve student interest in learning the piano and learning efficiency, greatly enhance the effectiveness of teaching. Rapid development in technology today, computer MIDI music is musicians, lovers, educators adapt to the development of essential skills. Art and music education in the music field, thanks to computer sequencer software (Sequencer), MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) and multimedia (Multimedia) technology development and mature PC-based machine (Personal Computer) based on the MIDI and multimedia systems such as the Japanese rose, constantly expanding with its use of space. Affected, the traditional music, music performance and music education methods are changing, people's understanding of music are constantly updated. Computer MIDI music for all music lovers, music learners and musicians provide a unlimited space: it allows music lovers to immerse even more into a variety of beautiful music being; it makes more music learners efficiency of learning a variety of musical knowledge; it allows musicians to arbitrary use of sound and creative skills to produce even more exciting music. Now I MIDI for computer applications, skills and read music combined to produce a simple, easy piano system to facilitate the piano for beginners to master the basic essentials as soon as possible.

228 评论


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