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Center the west thinking mode difference, the thinking mode has the very tremendous influence to the text content arrangement, it affects the people in to speak with good article time wording and phrasing, seeks a layout. Take a piece of Chinese advertisement as the example: The upscale repair □□middle-grade value □□star class service □□populace expend □□4,000 square meter Dadian to be mad space extraordinary, each series vegetable has it all, the full meal, the western-style food, the snack let Mr. to taste □□between the luxurious package, is elegant between, the hall chooses by you □□tastes the carefree flavor, the bird's eye view gorge character and style. This then the advertisement creation intention is publicizes carefreely occupies the dining shop, but the advertisement poem opening is only the introduction special details, but has not selected the subject, only arrives finally mentions by name the advertisement main point, fully has manifested Chinese's screw type thinking mode. However, English advertisement the western person straight line type thinking mode influence, is often used in the content arrangement straightforwardly, the clear method. For example: "Give him a diamond, the gift he ' ll never forget. Men diamond rings and men diamond wedding binds in bold and masculine designs. Priced from $,500 to $2,,000 A diamond is forever. The man diamond. When a women loves a man." □"delivers him a ring, he never forgets. Atmosphere but rough man ring and marriage abstention. Fixes a price 500 to 2,000 Yuan. A ring eternal is far. The woman if loves the man, delivers him the ring." Therefore in the advertisement translation process, may use the method according to the East and West different thinking mode which the retention, the substitution, revises to the related information to carry on processing, thus enhancement advertisement to differently audiences' attraction and persuasive power. (4) East and West society custom difference, the language is established by usage, in other words it is members of different social classes' experience of life and the manners and customs product which uses this language. The thing nationality society custom difference surely can manifest in its respective language expression. South Korea has a handset brand to call "Dragon", this kind of handset sells in China certainly receives welcome, because the dragon is sacred, king's symbol in the Chinese mind. But in the western person eye, Dragon actually is the evil symbol. Thought this handset had to be blocked in the western nation sale. Moreover, our country "the jade hare on the moon" the trademark certainly does not translate into "Jade Rab-bit", but is the translated work "Moon Rabbit". This is because the jade hare on the moon was in our country myth accompanies Wu Gang to live under the moon sweet-scented osmanthus tree's rabbit, therefore it became the month the synonym. "Moon Rabbit" this translated name both has manifested the our country ancient culture, and has avoided the misunderstanding, causes the person not to be able to mistake for is the rabbit which the jade does. (5) East and West society politics system difference, because the East and West social system is different, some reflected the Chinese characteristic politics, the economical, the social aspect words and expressions, to the western person which is not familiar with the Chinese national condition also can create the information transmission barrier. For instance: We advocated "five lecture, four is beautiful, three deep loves", at first once translated was "five stress, four beauties and three lovers" once causes take English as the mother tongue western person understanding was "four beautiful women and three sweetheart". After the revision translation in order to "five stress, four points of beauty and three aspects of love." in the advertisement translation also should avoid using in politics to have the special meaning, is easy to cause the misunderstanding trade name. For example: "Big huge mythical bird" 卷笔刀 the English translated name "ROCsharpeners" the big huge mythical bird is in the guy nationality myth fable one kind of biggest bird, has "the huge mythical bird regulation ten thousand miles", "the enormous legendary fish huge mythical bird spreads the wings" saying, has is ambitious saves high is far, the commendatory meaning which has boundless prospects. But the ROC three capital letters also are in the commonly used news words and expressions "Republic of China" English abbreviation, inevitably will have the misunderstanding or the nonessential association, also will be disadvantageous to the establishment the export commodity the good image, also will be disadvantageous to the maintenance country dignity.或Center the west thinking mode difference, the thinking mode has thevery tremendous influence to the text content arrangement, it affectsthe people in to speak with good article time wording and phrasing,seeks a layout. Take a piece of Chinese advertisement as the example:The upscale repair - middle-grade value - star class service -populace expend - 4,000 square meter Dadian to be mad spaceextraordinary, each series vegetable has it all, the full meal, thewestern-style food, the snack let Mr. to taste - between the luxuriouspackage, is elegant between, the hall chooses by you - tastes thecarefree flavor, the bird's eye view gorge character and style. Thisthen the advertisement creation intention is publicizes carefreelyoccupies the dining shop, but the advertisement poem opening is onlythe introduction special details, but has not selected the subject,only arrives finally mentions by name the advertisement main point,fully has manifested Chinese's screw type thinking mode. However,English advertisement the western person straight line type thinkingmode influence, is often used in the content arrangementstraightforwardly, the clear method. For example: "Give him a diamond,the gift he ' ll never forget. Men diamond rings and men diamondwedding binds in bold and masculine designs. Priced from $,500 to$2,,000 A diamond is forever. The man diamond. When a women loves aman." - "Delivers him a ring, he never forgets. Atmosphere but roughman ring and marriage abstention. Fixes a price 500 to 2,000 Yuan. Aring eternal is far. The woman if loves the man, delivers him thering." Therefore in the advertisement translation process, may use themethod according to the East and West different thinking mode whichthe retention, the substitution, revises to the related information tocarry on processing, thus enhancement advertisement to differentlyaudiences' attraction and persuasive power. (4) East and West societycustom difference, the language is established by usage, in otherwords it is members of different social classes' experience of lifeand the manners and customs product which uses this language. Thething nationality society custom difference surely can manifest in itsrespective language expression. South Korea has a handset brand tocall "Dragon", this kind of handset sells in China certainly receiveswelcome, because the dragon is sacred, king's symbol in the Chinesemind. But in the western person eye, Dragon actually is the evilsymbol. Thought this handset had to be blocked in the western nationsale. Moreover, our country "the jade hare on the moon" the trademarkcertainly does not translate into "Jade Rab-bit", but is thetranslated work "Moon Rabbit". This is because the jade hare on themoon was in our country myth accompanies Wu Gang to live under themoon sweet-scented osmanthus tree's rabbit, therefore it became themonth the synonym. "Moon Rabbit" this translated name both hasmanifested the our country ancient culture, and has avoided themisunderstanding, causes the person not to be able to mistake for isthe rabbit which the jade does. (5) East and West society politicssystem difference, because the East and West social system isdifferent, some reflected the Chinese characteristic politics, theeconomical, the social aspect words and expressions, to the westernperson which is not familiar with the Chinese national condition alsocan create the information transmission barrier. For instance: Weadvocated "five lecture, four is beautiful, three deep loves", atfirst once translated was "five stress, four beauties and threelovers" once causes take English as the mother tongue western personunderstanding was "four beautiful women and three sweetheart". Afterthe revision translation in order to "five stress, four points ofbeauty and three aspects of love." in the advertisement translationalso should avoid using in politics to have the special meaning, iseasy to cause the misunderstanding trade name. For example: "Big hugemythical bird" 卷笔刀 the English translated name "ROCsharpeners"the big huge mythical bird is in the guy nationality myth fable onekind of biggest bird, has "the huge mythical bird regulation tenthousand miles", "the enormous legendary fish huge mythical birdspreads the wings" saying, has is ambitious saves high is far, thecommendatory meaning which has boundless prospects. But the ROC threecapital letters also are in the commonly used news words andexpressions "Republic of China" English abbreviation, inevitably willhave the misunderstanding or the nonessential association, also willbe disadvantageous to the establishment the export commodity the goodimage, also will be disadvantageous to the maintenance countrydignity

189 评论



92 评论


Center the west thinking mode difference, the thinking mode has thevery tremendous influence to the text content arrangement, it affectsthe people in to speak with good article time wording and phrasing,seeks a layout. Take a piece of Chinese advertisement as the example:The upscale repair - middle-grade value - star class service -populace expend - 4,000 square meter Dadian to be mad spaceextraordinary, each series vegetable has it all, the full meal, thewestern-style food, the snack let Mr. to taste - between the luxuriouspackage, is elegant between, the hall chooses by you - tastes thecarefree flavor, the bird's eye view gorge character and style. Thisthen the advertisement creation intention is publicizes carefreelyoccupies the dining shop, but the advertisement poem opening is onlythe introduction special details, but has not selected the subject,only arrives finally mentions by name the advertisement main point,fully has manifested Chinese's screw type thinking mode. However,English advertisement the western person straight line type thinkingmode influence, is often used in the content arrangementstraightforwardly, the clear method. For example: "Give him a diamond,the gift he ' ll never forget. Men diamond rings and men diamondwedding binds in bold and masculine designs. Priced from $,500 to$2,,000 A diamond is forever. The man diamond. When a women loves aman." - "Delivers him a ring, he never forgets. Atmosphere but roughman ring and marriage abstention. Fixes a price 500 to 2,000 Yuan. Aring eternal is far. The woman if loves the man, delivers him thering." Therefore in the advertisement translation process, may use themethod according to the East and West different thinking mode whichthe retention, the substitution, revises to the related information tocarry on processing, thus enhancement advertisement to differentlyaudiences' attraction and persuasive power. (4) East and West societycustom difference, the language is established by usage, in otherwords it is members of different social classes' experience of lifeand the manners and customs product which uses this language. Thething nationality society custom difference surely can manifest in itsrespective language expression. South Korea has a handset brand tocall "Dragon", this kind of handset sells in China certainly receiveswelcome, because the dragon is sacred, king's symbol in the Chinesemind. But in the western person eye, Dragon actually is the evilsymbol. Thought this handset had to be blocked in the western nationsale. Moreover, our country "the jade hare on the moon" the trademarkcertainly does not translate into "Jade Rab-bit", but is thetranslated work "Moon Rabbit". This is because the jade hare on themoon was in our country myth accompanies Wu Gang to live under themoon sweet-scented osmanthus tree's rabbit, therefore it became themonth the synonym. "Moon Rabbit" this translated name both hasmanifested the our country ancient culture, and has avoided themisunderstanding, causes the person not to be able to mistake for isthe rabbit which the jade does. (5) East and West society politicssystem difference, because the East and West social system isdifferent, some reflected the Chinese characteristic politics, theeconomical, the social aspect words and expressions, to the westernperson which is not familiar with the Chinese national condition alsocan create the information transmission barrier. For instance: Weadvocated "five lecture, four is beautiful, three deep loves", atfirst once translated was "five stress, four beauties and threelovers" once causes take English as the mother tongue western personunderstanding was "four beautiful women and three sweetheart". Afterthe revision translation in order to "five stress, four points ofbeauty and three aspects of love." in the advertisement translationalso should avoid using in politics to have the special meaning, iseasy to cause the misunderstanding trade name. For example: "Big hugemythical bird" 卷笔刀 the English translated name "ROCsharpeners"the big huge mythical bird is in the guy nationality myth fable onekind of biggest bird, has "the huge mythical bird regulation tenthousand miles", "the enormous legendary fish huge mythical birdspreads the wings" saying, has is ambitious saves high is far, thecommendatory meaning which has boundless prospects. But the ROC threecapital letters also are in the commonly used news words andexpressions "Republic of China" English abbreviation, inevitably willhave the misunderstanding or the nonessential association, also willbe disadvantageous to the establishment the export commodity the goodimage, also will be disadvantageous to the maintenance countrydignity.

148 评论



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