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121 评论


外国电视剧英语论文有定性和定量的研究方法。英文论文写作要先做出摘要引言,然后提出一些理论,最后通过一定的论点查找到问题,解决问题的一个过程,提出问题是依据现状来说,解决问题需要解决你提出的问题。定性方法是 研究者可以作为局外人观察要研究的现象,让一切本来的规律去发生,发展。

260 评论


An industrial revolution is a fundamental economic change: between 1770 and 1850 the economy of England changed from mostly agricultural to mostly industrial this was the result not of one key invention but of technological progress in different fields coming together its center is the development of factories (which hadn't really existed before this time), but they couldn't have developed without better transportation creating larger markets and better transportation couldn't have existed without the growth of the iron industry, which couldn't have grown without steam engines society had a hard time adjusting to the new economic systemCauses of the British Industrial Revolution: expansion of trade, mercantile economic policy (see previous lecture) decline of: feudalism--farmers were no longer bound to the land guild system--the guild for a particular trade could no longer control who set up a new business the system of customary prices--the market is more free, instead of the old system where changing the price because of a shortage was seen as profiteering agricultural changes enclosure =the abolishment of the old system of communal farming and its replacement with family farms. Supposedly everyone had the same share of land as before, but the smallest farmers didn't have enough to survive as an independent farm and they went out of business and went looking for work. Took place 16th century to about 1820. four field crop rotation--wheat, turnips, barley, clover or alfalfa (turnips and hay crops make it possible to keep more livestock) new scientific approaches to farming (one of the pioneer scientific investigators of agriculture was an Englishman named Jethro Tull ) average agricultural surplus per worker doubled from about 25% to about 50% workers no longer needed in agriculture were available for industrial jobs (discussion) Iron: by 1720 most iron in England was imported due to a shortage of charcoal for smelting in 1709 Abraham Darby invented a way of smelting iron using coke (processed coal) instead of charcoal the iron industry took off after 1760 since iron ore and coal were both very plentiful in England 1779 Iron Bridge ( photo ) The Steam Engine: Newcomen Engine (about 1712) filled a cylinder with steam and then condensed it to draw the piston down. 1/2% efficient, but widely used to pump water out of coal mines. Watt Engine (1774) had had a separate condenser, making the engine much more efficient James Watt later added: sun and planet gear converted reciprocating into rotary motion to power machines automatic control mechanism double-acting engine made for much smoother power Transportation Technology: improved roads built in large numbers 1750-1815 (about 1000 miles), reduced transportation costs 20-30% Canals The Duke of Bridgewater's Canal started in 1759--7 miles but had to cross a river valley. People thought this was a wild dream, but built in 5 years. Very profitable--halved the cost of coal in Manchester canal building boom 1750-1800--by 1830 England had 3875 miles of navigable water (though only 1/3 of that was canals). The Oxford canal paid a 30% return for 30 years. provided much cheaper transportation of bulky goods The Factory System: the first big industry was cotton textile factories, though other kinds of factories developed as well machines had been used some by workers who did piece work at home with spinning wheels and hand looms. What brought the workers together into a factory was the invention of machines for spinning that could spin more than one thread at a time and then the application of water power first to spinning and then to weaving James Hargreaves, Spinning Jenny , invented 1764-1770 Roger Arkwright, Water Frame , 1769 Samuel Crompton, Mule , 1774-1779 Edmund Cartwright, Power Loom, 1786-1788 With these technologies the industry took off--by 1833 237,000 people were employed in cotton textile factories in England this was a whole new way of life 46% of workers were women, 15% children under the age of 13 ( Child Labor ) wages were barely enough for a family to survive if all members over the age of 8 worked in some areas 1/2 to 3/4 of worker families lived in a single room with no plumbing (dumped their chamber pot into the street or gutter) for examples see Living and Working Conditions in the Industrial Revolution reform laws started in 1833-- factory act of 1833 forbade employment of children under 9 and limited hours for children to 9 hours a day for children 9-13 and 12 hours a day for children 13-18 Chartist movement fought unsuccessfully for political change, but conditions gradually improved

111 评论



304 评论


In fact, I haven’t known The Pilgrim’s Progress is famous as Bible in the Western country before I read it. It’s a allegory story and teaches us how to overcome Pilgrim’s Progress was written by John Bunyan, a chief puritan writer of prose. The puritans refused his family members, neighbors and friends’ advice to seek the “Celestial City”. At last, he was successful. When he went there, he had experienced many failures and success. In our daily life, we also have the same experience. If we want to achieve our goals, we must work hard and overwhelm every failure and difficult. But nowadays, more and more people give up when they have something difficult, such as being out of employment, losing love and so on .Some even suicide .In my opinion, they are foolish. I won’t do that in my future .I believe that tomorrow is another day .Everything will be OK. Time is a good reason and good medicine .Once a psychology professor had given us a speech, he said the concept of happy is definitude our life and goals and working for the goals. No matter how you succeed or failure. I think the puritan is a happy man. Because he had a goal and try his best to achieve it .Life is interesting. Why don’t we be a happy person? I was so surprised that everything can be bought and sold, including honor, wives, husbands, children and so on. I always believe that human beings are humanity .They love each other, especially the family members .Perhaps this is the reason that Bunyan wrote this works. He was born in the English Renaissance .His works exactly satirize his society which is full of vices that violate the teachings of the Christian Pilgrim’s Progress also calls for us to endure poverty with patience in order to seek our goals .This view still influence us today .For example , in a happy family, the wife and husband must be tolerant when they don’t agree with each all, The Pilgrim’s Progress is an excellent works. The puritan is a man who full of confidence and never giving up. We should learn form him.

358 评论


英文论文写作也是先做出摘要引言,然后提出一些理论,最后通过一定的论点查找到问题,解决问题的一个过程,提出问题是依据现状来说,解决问题需要解决你提出的问题,这是论文的一个核心,在致谢方面,需要特别注重一下就行了,那么英文论文中研究方法有哪些?下面我们就为大家介绍一下。一、英文论文中研究方法有哪些?外语教学和科研中的两大研究方法(一)定性方法 (Qualitative approach)定性研究的基本情况:1. 研究者调查之前没有带什么框框;2. 研究者可以作为局外人观察要研究的现象,让一切事情让本来的规律去发生,发展,研究者不加控制和干扰;3. 研究者也可以参与到所调查的活动之中或者以观察者的身份参与活动;4. 在一般性的调查之后,可以进行深入的个案调查 (case study); 5. 所采取的方法是综合法和归纳法,最后成果多是描述性的或在描述过程中揭示一定的规律(即提出假设或结论) .英文论文(二)定量方法 (Quantitative approach)通过一连串的数字,表格,图标来说明问题,如《广告语言中的语用预设》 ,陈新仁 ,1998分类:统计方法 (statistical method) :人口普查实验方法 (experimental method) :交际教学法比翻译法好定量研究的基本情况:1.定量法通常是从假设出发,事先有个看法;2.定量法往往是要控制和操纵变量的;3.定量强调研究的客观性,远离数据,远离当事人,是局外人的视角;4.所得数据信度高,具有可重复性;5.所得结论具有普遍性。(三)定性方法和定量方法的比较定性方法 定量方法现象学观点 逻辑实证主义观点1. 强调亲身参与活动而获得经验;2. 只有通过个人主观经验才能认识人类行为;3. 了解就是移情;4. 依赖定性数据。1. 强调用实验方法来获取数据;2. 只有摆脱主观状态才能了解社会现象的因果关系;3. 了解要保持距离;4. 依赖定性数据。综合法 分析法1. 从部分到整体;2. 整体观;3. 面向内部结构;4. 了解过程;5. 假设一种动态现时。1. 从整体到部分;2. 成分观;3. 面向外部结构;4. 了解结果;5. 假设一种静态现实。归纳法 演绎法1. 以观察材料为出发点;2. 事先没有形成看法;3. 探索性的,扩展性的,描述性的;4. 可以生成假设;5. 成果,描述或假设。1. 以假设为出发点;2. 事先进行预示;3. 简约性的,推断性的,验证性的;4. 假设检验;5. 成果,理论。自然观察 操纵和控制1. 观察面广,但较分散;2. 变量不加控制,有利于了解变量的复杂关系,但也容易顾此失彼;3. 注意内容,但容易忽视形式;4. 主观,但解释力强;(四)定性研究和统计研究中的调查手段1.观察 (observation): participant and non-participant observation; not knowing what is not known and structured observation 访谈 (interview): open, structured and semi-open interview2. 笔记和日记 (log): detail is everything; chronological order3. 录音和录像4 . 口 头 自 陈 (verbal reporting): 边 想 边 说 (think aloud), 内 省 (introspection) , 回 忆(retrospection)5. 问卷 (questionnaire): open, closed and semi-closed(五)实验研究真正的实验研究:研究者对自变量的控制;对被试者的随机抽样外 语 研 究 中 的 研 究 只 能 是 准 实 验 研 究 (quasi-experimental research) 和 前 实 验 研 究(pre-experimental research) 准实验研究交际法比传统的翻译法好Objectives: 交际法比翻译法好Subjects: 两组(班)学生,各种条件(年龄,性别等)都是等值的,尤其是成绩也差不多。Instruments : Procedure: 前测,分别教学一段时间,后测Results and discussion

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