1报告人:Dr. Bin Ouyang,University of California Berkeley, Berkeley, California, United States时间:09月15日(周三) 10:00单位:中国科学院物理研究所参会方式:腾讯会议会议链接:会议ID:213 438 228会议密码:0915摘要:Promising materials in a lot of situations come with complicate composition and bond topology. The structural complexity makes such materials difficult to understand and manipulate. To rationale the design of materials with complex structure, data driven computational framework that combines first principal calculations, high throughput computation, data mining and machine learning has been established to answer two fundamental questions 1) How does the building block of complicate crystal structure --- atomic scale local structures influence materials properties? 2) How to design accessible chemical reaction pathway to synthesize promising materials in experiments? The capability of the current theoretical framework will be demonstrated by several case studies on materials for energy storage and conversion. Additionally, future opportunities and challenges on accelerating the discovery of new materials with structural complexity will be demonstrated.报告人简介:Dr. Bin Ouyang is a theorist working on predictive synthesis of inorganic materials, mass/phonon/electron transport, and materials discovery through data mining and machine learning. He obtained PhD in Materials Engineering at McGill University in 2017. Currently, he is a postdoc scholar at University of California Berkeley working on developing theoretical and computational tools to understand energy storage/conversion materials. Up until now, he has authored 45 papers in diverse fields of material science including batteries, catalysis, metal alloys and nanomaterials. He is interested in developing theoretical and computational tools for accelerating the discovery and understanding of materials with complex atomic structure and chemical 报告人:史春艳、Mark Kasperczyk时间:9月14日(周二)16:00主办方:苏黎世仪器参会方式:蔻享直播会议链接:摘要:想要实现控制超导量子比特和自旋量子比特,并无需校准混频器吗?参加我们的线上研讨会,了解SHFSG 信号发生器如何帮助您生成快速且高保真的量子门控序列,同时在频谱纯度和稳定性树立了新标杆。研讨会内容包括技术概述、仪器介绍和实际演示:· 工作频率高达 GHz,无需校准混频器· 可输出高纯度信号,最大化量子门控保真度· 单台仪器控制多达8个量子比特3报告人:薛光明,北京量子信息科学研究院时间:9月15日(周三) 10:00主办方:Oxford Instruments Nanoscience牛津仪器纳米科学部参会方式:蔻享直播会议链接:摘要:量子计算机是基于量子力学规律运行的计算机,超导系统是最可能实现普适量子计算机的方案之一。最近几年,超导量子计算得到了很大的发展,完成了“量子优势”的展示,即在某个特定的计算任务中超越经典计算机。本报告将介绍超导量子计算的发展历史,超导量子计算中核心的实验技术,包括量子比特设计制备、制冷机中测量线路实现、量子比特的操控等。报告人简介:薛光明,博士毕业于中国科学院物理研究所,现为北京量子信息科学研究院副研究员,从事超导量子计算方向研究有十余年的时间,目前工作主要集中在量子芯片性能的提高、芯片的扩展性能研究、芯片封装和低噪声宽带约瑟夫森放大器的设计和制备。4报告人:王健,北京大学时间:9月15日(周三)14:00单位:复旦大学物理系参会方式:zoom会议链接:会议ID:687 092 02732会议密码:178073摘要:After decades of explorations, suffering from the subtle nature and sample quality, whether a metallic ground state exists in a two-dimensional (2D) system beyond Anderson localization is still a mystery. Our work reveals how quantum phase coherence evolves across bosonic superconductor-metal-insulator transitions via magneto-conductance quantum oscillations in high-Tc superconducting films with patterned nanopores. A robust intervening anomalous metallic state characterized by both resistance and oscillation amplitude saturations in the low temperature regime is detected, which suggests that the saturation of phase coherence plays a prominent role in the formation of the anomalous metallic state. Furthermore, we carried out a systematic transport study on the macro-size ambient-stable ultrathin crystalline PdTe2 films grown by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). Remarkably, at ultralow temperatures, the film undergoes superconducting state and anomalous metallic state with increasing perpendicular magnetic field. The high quality filters are used to exclude the influence from external high frequency noise. Our findings offer the reliable evidences on the existence of anomalous quantum metallic ground states in 2D systems, which could be of fundamental importance for the understanding of quantum superconductor is a kind of superconducting system with strong spin-orbit coupling (SOC). It is reported that the broken in-plane inversion symmetry gives rise to Zeeman-type SOC, which polarizes the spins of the electrons to the out-of-plane direction and leads to a huge in-plane critical magnetic field much larger than Pauli limit. The Pauli limit is defined as the magnetic field required to destroy the Cooper pairs via the spin pair breaking effect in conventional superconductors. This special superconductivity with strong Zeeman-type SOC is called Ising superconductivity. Because of Zeeman-type SOC and spin polarizations, Ising superconductors exhibit large in-plane critical field up to several times of the Pauli limit. For the first time, we reported the observation of Ising superconductivity in macrosize monolayer NbSe2 films grown by MBE and the interface induced Ising superconductivity in ultrathin crystalline Pb films. Furthermore, the 6-monolayer (ML) (around 3 nm) PdTe2 film exhibits a large in-plane criticalfield more than 7 times of the Pauli limit, which is the characteristic of Ising superconductivity. Different from the previously reported Ising superconductors, the PdTe2 film keeps the in-plane inversion symmetry, which indicates that there exists a new mechanism of Ising superconductivity, so-called type-II Ising superconductivity.报告人简介:王健,北京大学教授,2001年本科毕业于山东大学物理学系,2007年博士毕业于中国科学院物理研究所。2006年到2011年,在美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学做博士后和助理研究员。2010成为北京大学副教授,并于2017年晋升为教授。2015年获得马丁·伍德爵士中国物理科学奖,2019年获得高等学校科学研究成果奖青年科学奖。他目前的研究兴趣是低维超导体和拓扑材料的量子输运性质。近年来,王健课题组与合作者在二维晶体超导中发现了量子格里菲斯奇异性,并在二维高温超导中发现了反常金属态,通过输运和Meissner测量发现了单晶格厚的FeSe薄膜中高超导转变温度的直接证据,发现了固态系统中对数周期的量子振荡,发展了一种探测拓扑超导的新方法(拓扑材料中尖端诱导的非常规超导电性),首先在超导转变温度大于60K的高温超导中无外磁场下探测到了原子线缺陷两端的Majorana束缚态,发现了无朗道能级的高陈数和高温量子霍尔效应等。他已经撰写了100多篇论文,包括Science,ScienceAdvances,NaturePhysics,NatureMaterials,NatureNanotechnology,NaturePhysics,NatureMaterials,NatureNanotechnology,NatureCommunications,PNAS,PhysicalReviewX,PhysicalReviewLetters,NanoLetters,JACS,AdvancedMaterials,ACSnano等杂志。北京大学王健实验室拥有超低温-高磁场测量系统和低温扫描隧道显微镜/谱-分子束外延组合式超高真空系统。5报告人:袁凡奇,北京计算科学研究中心时间:9月16日(周四)15:00单位:北京大学物理学院地点:物理大楼中楼212大教室摘要:When both inversion and time-reversal symmetries are broken, the critical current of a superconductor can be nonreciprocal. In this work we show that in certain classes of two-dimensional superconductors with antisymmetric spin-orbit coupling, Cooper pairs acquire a finite momentum upon the application of an in-plane magnetic field, and as a result, critical currents in the direction parallel and antiparallel to the Cooper pair momentum become unequal. This supercurrent diode effect is also manifested in the polarity-dependence of in-plane critical fields induced by a supercurrent. These nonreciprocal effects may be found in polar SrTiO3 film, few-layer MoTe2 in the Td phase, and twisted bilayer graphene in which the valley degree of freedom plays the role analogous to spin.报告人简介:Noah F. Q. Yuan got his Ph. D. from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in 2017, and then went to MIT as a postdoc in Liang Fu’s group. He is mainly interested in superconductivity and two-dimensional materials, and has been working on topological superconductivity, moiré superlattices, supercurrent diode effect and other related 报告人:李新征,北京大学时间:9月17日(周五) 15:00单位:合肥微尺度物质科学国家研究中心、国际功能材料量子设计中心、中科院强耦合量子材料物理重点实验室、中国科大物理系、科研部参会方式:蔻享直播会议链接:摘要:在凝聚态系统的物性模拟中,人们往往倾向于利用球-棒模型来理解电子结构。当原子核振动需要被考虑时,借助声子的概念,在简谐近似的框架下对其量子效应进行描述。在该报告中,我们将突破此理论框架,基于玻恩-黄展开来理解凝聚态体系中的物性。重点,是针对原子核量子效应进行模拟的路径积分分子动力学方法。利用此方法,我们将重点讨论核量子效应对氢键系统结构的影响、高压下轻元素的相图及电声耦合对其影响、金属表面氢原子扩散等具体物理问题。如果时间允许,我们还会介绍一个基于组内新发展的模型哈密顿量方法展开的铁电-顺电相变问题研究。报告人简介:李新征,北京大学博雅特聘教授。2000年、2003年、2008年分别在武汉大学物理系、中科院半导体所、德国马普学会Fritz-Haber研究所获学士、硕士、博士学位,2008-2011年在伦敦大学学院从事博后研究,2012年入职北京大学物理学院。主要研究领域是凝聚态物理中一些计算方法的发展与应用,重点是与核量子效应相关的理论方法的发展。基于这些工作,发表论文50余篇,他引2000余次,同时出版凝聚态计算方向英文专著一部(《Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matters: From Electronic Structures to Molecular Dynamics》)与群论课程中文教材一部(《群论及其在凝聚态物理中的应用》)。2016年成果入选中国科学十大进展(3/3),2019年获教育部高等学校科学研究自然科学一等奖(3/5)。现任Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter、Chemical Physics、Computer Physics Communications杂志编委、中国物理学会凝聚态计算专业委员会委员。7报告人:周昊欣,加州理工学院时间:9月16日(周四)10:00单位:合肥微尺度物质科学国家研究中心、国际功能材料量子设计中心、中科院强耦合量子材料物理重点实验室、中国科大物理系、科研部参会方式:蔻享直播会议链接:摘要:I will be presenting our observation of ferromagnetism and superconductivity in rhombohedral trilayer graphene. Rhombohedral trilayer graphene is a two-dimensional electron system where three layers of graphene are stacked to form a rhombohedral lattice. The band structure of rhombohedral trilayer graphene features van Hove singularities in the low energy regime, where the density of states diverges. The van Hove singularities can be enhanced by applying an electrical displacement field perpendicular to the sample, inducing Fermi surface instability. By combining cryogenic electrical transport measurement and quantum capacitance measurement, we found the Fermi surface instability drives spontaneous ferromagnetic polarization of the electron system into one or more spin- and valley flavors. The interplay of magnetic phase transitions and the change of the Fermi surface topology lead to a complex phase diagram in the density – displacement field space. More interestingly, superconductivity is observed near some phase boundaries, featuring zero resistance below 100mK that can be eliminated by sufficiently large electrical current or magnetic field. While the major features of the magnetic phase diagram can be captured by a simple Stoner model, the origin of superconductivity remains unclear. Our observation of the ferromagnetism and superconductivity in an itinerant electronic system may enable a new class of field-effect controlled mesoscopic electronic devices combining correlated electron phenomena.报告人简介:周昊欣于2015年本科毕业于中国科学技术大学少年班学院,2021年在美国加州大学圣巴巴拉分校获得物理学博士学位,导师是Prof. Andrea Young。他的研究集中在二维材料范德华异质结在低温下的热力学和输运性质,包括量子霍尔效应,关联电子磁性等。相关成果发表在Nature,Science 5篇,Nature Physics 2篇,Physical Review Letter 1篇。他于2021年获得加州理工学院IQIM Postdoctoral Fellowship,继续从事相关领域的研究工作。更多报告信息:
1报告人:Dr. Bin Ouyang,University of California Berkeley, Berkeley, California, United States时间:09月15日(周三) 10:00单位:中国科学院物理研究所参会方式:腾讯会议会议链接:会议ID:213 438 228会议密码:0915摘要:Promising materials in a lot of situations come with complicate composition and bond topology. The structural complexity makes such materials difficult to understand and manipulate. To rationale the design of materials with complex structure, data driven computational framework that combines first principal calculations, high throughput computation, data mining and machine learning has been established to answer two fundamental questions 1) How does the building block of complicate crystal structure --- atomic scale local structures influence materials properties? 2) How to design accessible chemical reaction pathway to synthesize promising materials in experiments? The capability of the current theoretical framework will be demonstrated by several case studies on materials for energy storage and conversion. Additionally, future opportunities and challenges on accelerating the discovery of new materials with structural complexity will be demonstrated.报告人简介:Dr. Bin Ouyang is a theorist working on predictive synthesis of inorganic materials, mass/phonon/electron transport, and materials discovery through data mining and machine learning. He obtained PhD in Materials Engineering at McGill University in 2017. Currently, he is a postdoc scholar at University of California Berkeley working on developing theoretical and computational tools to understand energy storage/conversion materials. Up until now, he has authored 45 papers in diverse fields of material science including batteries, catalysis, metal alloys and nanomaterials. He is interested in developing theoretical and computational tools for accelerating the discovery and understanding of materials with complex atomic structure and chemical 报告人:史春艳、Mark Kasperczyk时间:9月14日(周二)16:00主办方:苏黎世仪器参会方式:蔻享直播会议链接:摘要:想要实现控制超导量子比特和自旋量子比特,并无需校准混频器吗?参加我们的线上研讨会,了解SHFSG 信号发生器如何帮助您生成快速且高保真的量子门控序列,同时在频谱纯度和稳定性树立了新标杆。研讨会内容包括技术概述、仪器介绍和实际演示:· 工作频率高达 GHz,无需校准混频器· 可输出高纯度信号,最大化量子门控保真度· 单台仪器控制多达8个量子比特3报告人:薛光明,北京量子信息科学研究院时间:9月15日(周三) 10:00主办方:Oxford Instruments Nanoscience牛津仪器纳米科学部参会方式:蔻享直播会议链接:摘要:量子计算机是基于量子力学规律运行的计算机,超导系统是最可能实现普适量子计算机的方案之一。最近几年,超导量子计算得到了很大的发展,完成了“量子优势”的展示,即在某个特定的计算任务中超越经典计算机。本报告将介绍超导量子计算的发展历史,超导量子计算中核心的实验技术,包括量子比特设计制备、制冷机中测量线路实现、量子比特的操控等。报告人简介:薛光明,博士毕业于中国科学院物理研究所,现为北京量子信息科学研究院副研究员,从事超导量子计算方向研究有十余年的时间,目前工作主要集中在量子芯片性能的提高、芯片的扩展性能研究、芯片封装和低噪声宽带约瑟夫森放大器的设计和制备。4报告人:王健,北京大学时间:9月15日(周三)14:00单位:复旦大学物理系参会方式:zoom会议链接:会议ID:687 092 02732会议密码:178073摘要:After decades of explorations, suffering from the subtle nature and sample quality, whether a metallic ground state exists in a two-dimensional (2D) system beyond Anderson localization is still a mystery. Our work reveals how quantum phase coherence evolves across bosonic superconductor-metal-insulator transitions via magneto-conductance quantum oscillations in high-Tc superconducting films with patterned nanopores. A robust intervening anomalous metallic state characterized by both resistance and oscillation amplitude saturations in the low temperature regime is detected, which suggests that the saturation of phase coherence plays a prominent role in the formation of the anomalous metallic state. Furthermore, we carried out a systematic transport study on the macro-size ambient-stable ultrathin crystalline PdTe2 films grown by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). Remarkably, at ultralow temperatures, the film undergoes superconducting state and anomalous metallic state with increasing perpendicular magnetic field. The high quality filters are used to exclude the influence from external high frequency noise. Our findings offer the reliable evidences on the existence of anomalous quantum metallic ground states in 2D systems, which could be of fundamental importance for the understanding of quantum superconductor is a kind of superconducting system with strong spin-orbit coupling (SOC). It is reported that the broken in-plane inversion symmetry gives rise to Zeeman-type SOC, which polarizes the spins of the electrons to the out-of-plane direction and leads to a huge in-plane critical magnetic field much larger than Pauli limit. The Pauli limit is defined as the magnetic field required to destroy the Cooper pairs via the spin pair breaking effect in conventional superconductors. This special superconductivity with strong Zeeman-type SOC is called Ising superconductivity. Because of Zeeman-type SOC and spin polarizations, Ising superconductors exhibit large in-plane critical field up to several times of the Pauli limit. For the first time, we reported the observation of Ising superconductivity in macrosize monolayer NbSe2 films grown by MBE and the interface induced Ising superconductivity in ultrathin crystalline Pb films. Furthermore, the 6-monolayer (ML) (around 3 nm) PdTe2 film exhibits a large in-plane criticalfield more than 7 times of the Pauli limit, which is the characteristic of Ising superconductivity. Different from the previously reported Ising superconductors, the PdTe2 film keeps the in-plane inversion symmetry, which indicates that there exists a new mechanism of Ising superconductivity, so-called type-II Ising superconductivity.报告人简介:王健,北京大学教授,2001年本科毕业于山东大学物理学系,2007年博士毕业于中国科学院物理研究所。2006年到2011年,在美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学做博士后和助理研究员。2010成为北京大学副教授,并于2017年晋升为教授。2015年获得马丁·伍德爵士中国物理科学奖,2019年获得高等学校科学研究成果奖青年科学奖。他目前的研究兴趣是低维超导体和拓扑材料的量子输运性质。近年来,王健课题组与合作者在二维晶体超导中发现了量子格里菲斯奇异性,并在二维高温超导中发现了反常金属态,通过输运和Meissner测量发现了单晶格厚的FeSe薄膜中高超导转变温度的直接证据,发现了固态系统中对数周期的量子振荡,发展了一种探测拓扑超导的新方法(拓扑材料中尖端诱导的非常规超导电性),首先在超导转变温度大于60K的高温超导中无外磁场下探测到了原子线缺陷两端的Majorana束缚态,发现了无朗道能级的高陈数和高温量子霍尔效应等。他已经撰写了100多篇论文,包括Science,ScienceAdvances,NaturePhysics,NatureMaterials,NatureNanotechnology,NaturePhysics,NatureMaterials,NatureNanotechnology,NatureCommunications,PNAS,PhysicalReviewX,PhysicalReviewLetters,NanoLetters,JACS,AdvancedMaterials,ACSnano等杂志。北京大学王健实验室拥有超低温-高磁场测量系统和低温扫描隧道显微镜/谱-分子束外延组合式超高真空系统。5报告人:袁凡奇,北京计算科学研究中心时间:9月16日(周四)15:00单位:北京大学物理学院地点:物理大楼中楼212大教室摘要:When both inversion and time-reversal symmetries are broken, the critical current of a superconductor can be nonreciprocal. In this work we show that in certain classes of two-dimensional superconductors with antisymmetric spin-orbit coupling, Cooper pairs acquire a finite momentum upon the application of an in-plane magnetic field, and as a result, critical currents in the direction parallel and antiparallel to the Cooper pair momentum become unequal. This supercurrent diode effect is also manifested in the polarity-dependence of in-plane critical fields induced by a supercurrent. These nonreciprocal effects may be found in polar SrTiO3 film, few-layer MoTe2 in the Td phase, and twisted bilayer graphene in which the valley degree of freedom plays the role analogous to spin.报告人简介:Noah F. Q. Yuan got his Ph. D. from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in 2017, and then went to MIT as a postdoc in Liang Fu’s group. He is mainly interested in superconductivity and two-dimensional materials, and has been working on topological superconductivity, moiré superlattices, supercurrent diode effect and other related 报告人:李新征,北京大学时间:9月17日(周五) 15:00单位:合肥微尺度物质科学国家研究中心、国际功能材料量子设计中心、中科院强耦合量子材料物理重点实验室、中国科大物理系、科研部参会方式:蔻享直播会议链接:摘要:在凝聚态系统的物性模拟中,人们往往倾向于利用球-棒模型来理解电子结构。当原子核振动需要被考虑时,借助声子的概念,在简谐近似的框架下对其量子效应进行描述。在该报告中,我们将突破此理论框架,基于玻恩-黄展开来理解凝聚态体系中的物性。重点,是针对原子核量子效应进行模拟的路径积分分子动力学方法。利用此方法,我们将重点讨论核量子效应对氢键系统结构的影响、高压下轻元素的相图及电声耦合对其影响、金属表面氢原子扩散等具体物理问题。如果时间允许,我们还会介绍一个基于组内新发展的模型哈密顿量方法展开的铁电-顺电相变问题研究。报告人简介:李新征,北京大学博雅特聘教授。2000年、2003年、2008年分别在武汉大学物理系、中科院半导体所、德国马普学会Fritz-Haber研究所获学士、硕士、博士学位,2008-2011年在伦敦大学学院从事博后研究,2012年入职北京大学物理学院。主要研究领域是凝聚态物理中一些计算方法的发展与应用,重点是与核量子效应相关的理论方法的发展。基于这些工作,发表论文50余篇,他引2000余次,同时出版凝聚态计算方向英文专著一部(《Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matters: From Electronic Structures to Molecular Dynamics》)与群论课程中文教材一部(《群论及其在凝聚态物理中的应用》)。2016年成果入选中国科学十大进展(3/3),2019年获教育部高等学校科学研究自然科学一等奖(3/5)。现任Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter、Chemical Physics、Computer Physics Communications杂志编委、中国物理学会凝聚态计算专业委员会委员。7报告人:周昊欣,加州理工学院时间:9月16日(周四)10:00单位:合肥微尺度物质科学国家研究中心、国际功能材料量子设计中心、中科院强耦合量子材料物理重点实验室、中国科大物理系、科研部参会方式:蔻享直播会议链接:摘要:I will be presenting our observation of ferromagnetism and superconductivity in rhombohedral trilayer graphene. Rhombohedral trilayer graphene is a two-dimensional electron system where three layers of graphene are stacked to form a rhombohedral lattice. The band structure of rhombohedral trilayer graphene features van Hove singularities in the low energy regime, where the density of states diverges. The van Hove singularities can be enhanced by applying an electrical displacement field perpendicular to the sample, inducing Fermi surface instability. By combining cryogenic electrical transport measurement and quantum capacitance measurement, we found the Fermi surface instability drives spontaneous ferromagnetic polarization of the electron system into one or more spin- and valley flavors. The interplay of magnetic phase transitions and the change of the Fermi surface topology lead to a complex phase diagram in the density – displacement field space. More interestingly, superconductivity is observed near some phase boundaries, featuring zero resistance below 100mK that can be eliminated by sufficiently large electrical current or magnetic field. While the major features of the magnetic phase diagram can be captured by a simple Stoner model, the origin of superconductivity remains unclear. Our observation of the ferromagnetism and superconductivity in an itinerant electronic system may enable a new class of field-effect controlled mesoscopic electronic devices combining correlated electron phenomena.报告人简介:周昊欣于2015年本科毕业于中国科学技术大学少年班学院,2021年在美国加州大学圣巴巴拉分校获得物理学博士学位,导师是Prof. Andrea Young。他的研究集中在二维材料范德华异质结在低温下的热力学和输运性质,包括量子霍尔效应,关联电子磁性等。相关成果发表在Nature,Science 5篇,Nature Physics 2篇,Physical Review Letter 1篇。他于2021年获得加州理工学院IQIM Postdoctoral Fellowship,继续从事相关领域的研究工作。更多报告信息
分类: 资源共享 问题描述: 我要写一篇课程结课文章,题目是“非晶态半导体的电学性质”,谁能提供点资料啊?! 解析: 以非晶态半导体材
物理学报》:发展与成就《物理学报》是由中国物理学会主办的,创刊于1933年,原名“Chinese Journal of Physics”,创刊初期用英、法、德三
1报告人:Dr. Bin Ouyang,University of California Berkeley, Berkeley, California, Uni
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