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完整的文献是无法给出的了,你可以到网上去查查,去图书馆看看,以下只是给出论文的摘要中文名称: 基于磁流变阻尼器的车辆悬架系统半主动控制 英文名称: The semi-active control of vehicle suspension systems based on magnetorheological dampers 摘要: 近年来,应用半主动控制悬架系统提高车辆的乘座舒适性和操纵稳定性的研究受到了学术界和工业界的广泛关注。半主动控制悬架系统的关键之一是可实时调节的阻尼器。实践证明,磁流变阻尼器具有结构简单、消耗功率小、抗污染和输出力大等优点,有可能在实际的半主动控制中得到应用。本文在对磁流变液体和磁流变阻尼器的研究基础上,以磁流变阻尼器作为半主动控制元件组成磁流变阻尼半主动悬架系统。运用理论分析、数值仿真和试验研究等方法对磁流变阻尼半主动悬架的动力学特性和半主动控制技术进行了研究。论文的主要贡献如下: 通过测试磁流变液剪切应力与磁感强度、剪切应变速率、温度的变化规律,建立了能反映磁流变液剪切变稀现象的剪切应力与剪切应变速率的磁流变液模型。根据磁流变液模型,从理论上建立了能在较宽的电压内范围比较准确地预报磁流变阻尼器输出力的近似公式。通过对磁流变阻尼器的试验研究,分析和得出了磁流变阻尼器输出力呈现出非线性滞回和饱和特性。建立了磁流变阻尼器的等效刚度和等效粘性阻尼系数与施加电压、激振频率和振幅的关系以及能精确表示磁流变阻尼器的力学特性的非线性滞回模型。 从理论上分析了被动阻尼、“天棚”阻尼、“地棚”阻尼悬架系统的时域和频域动力学特性。运用等效线性化方法,分析了悬架系统由磁流变阻尼器而引起的非线性动力学特性。应用Lyapunov方法分析了磁流变阻尼半主动控制悬架自由振动的渐近稳定性。 根据磁流变阻尼器特性和对悬架系统动力学特性的规律性研究,为磁流变阻尼器设计了基于“天棚”阻尼控制概念的“on-off”、线性连续和修正的线性连续控制策略,基于“地棚”阻尼控制概念的磁流变阻尼线性连续控制策略,“天棚”阻尼和“地棚”阻尼控制概念线性组合起来的磁流变阻尼混合控制策略,根据模糊控制原理设计了以簧载质量和非簧载质量间相对位移或簧载质量加速度分别作为输入变量的模糊逻辑控制器用于磁流变阻尼半主动悬架的智能控制。建立了应用Matlab〓+Simulink〓+Fuzzy Toolbox软件编制的磁流变阻尼半主动悬架仿真系统,通过数值仿真分析了磁流变阻尼半主动控制悬架在不同模拟路面输入条件和控制策略下的时间响应特性和频率特性。 设计并实现了磁流变阻尼半主动悬架测控试验系统。应用模拟悬架测控系统成功地完成了磁流变阻尼半主动控制悬架在不同模拟路面输入条件和控制策略下的时间响应特性和频率特性的测试。试验结果表明,本文设计的控制算法均可对磁流变阻尼半主动控制悬架不同程度地实现有效的控制。特别是模糊控制算法,仅需要单个传感元件就能对磁流变阻尼半主动悬架实现很有效的控制。从理论分析、仿真分析和试验结果分别得到的磁流变阻尼半主动控制悬架的时间响应特性和频率特性及其规律性是基本一致的。Abstract At present, semi-active control suspension systems have received a great deal of attention in academe and industrial circles to improve ride comfort and road holding and handling stability. The damper with dynamically variable damping properties is one of the key elements for semi-active suspension systems. Magneto-rheological (MR) fluid dampers have recently emerged as enabling technology for implementing semi-active control in a variety of application because of their mechanical simplicity, low operating power requirements, environmental robustness, and demonstrated potential for developing forces sufficient for applications. MR dampers use MR fluids with a change in rheological behavior when a magnetic field is applied to produce controllable damping. In the dissertation, a state-of-the-art semi-active control suspension system in which the MR dampers are used to replace the passive dampers as the semi-active control actuators has been proposed and developed based on the analytical and experimental investigations of the MR fluid and the MR damper. The theoretically analytical, simulation and experimental investigations are conducted to characterize the dynamical performance and to develop the semi-active control technology of the MR damping semi-active suspension system. The main contributions of the dissertation are as follows: On the basis of experimental results, the operational effects, such as the magnitude of magnetic field, the temperature and the rate of shear strain, on the shear stress of the MR fluid are shown and models of the quasi-Bingham model and a nonlinear model for the shear stress of the MR fluid also are developed, in which the characteristic of"shear-thin"of the MR fluid is described. The approximate equation is established to calculate accurately the output force of the MR damper based on the developed MR fluid model by the theoretically analytical investigations. This dissertation also presents the equivalent stiffness and damping models and the nonlinear hysteresis and saturation model of a kind of the MR damper developed by the experimental testing and modeling in order to describe accurately characteristics of the MR damper. In addition, the operational effects, such as the magnitude of voltage (the magnitude of the magnetic field) , the amplitude and frequency of excitation, on the parameters of the models are discussed according to the experimental results. The theoretical investigations are carried out in two phases. In phase 1, the dynamical properties in the time and frequent domains of the simple, two-degreeof-freedom models of passive, "sky-hook"and"ground-hook"damping suspension systems are examined by Laplace transform. In phase 2, the nonlinear dynamical properties of the simple, two-degree-of-freedom model of MR damping suspension systems are explored by the method of equivalent linearization. The asmptotic stability of the free vibration for the MR damping semi-active suspension system is determined by the Lyapunov stability theory. Several semi-active control algorithms used in the semi-active suspension system with MR dampers are proposed and developed including the"on-off" voltage controller, the continuously linear variable voltage controller, the modulated continuously linear variable voltage controller based on"sky-hook"damping concept and the hybrid controller based on the combination of"sky-hook"damping concept and"ground-hook"damping concept and the Fuzzy logic controllers using measurements of the relative displacement between the sprung and unsprung mass or the absolute acceleration of the sprung mass as the input variables of fuzzy logic controllers. The simulation models were prepared in Matlab〓+Simulink〓+Fuzzy toolbox programs. The experiment setup of the semiactive suspension system with MR dampers in the lab has been designed and developed. The effectiveness of the proposed the semi-active suspension system with MR dampers is successfully verified by evaluating the dynamical characteristics of different semi-active control algorithms for the semi-active suspension system with MR dampers in time and frequency domains through the numerical simulation investigations and the lab tests under various road excitations. Each proposed semi-active algorithm resulted in improvements in performance of ride comfort and road holding and handling stability in some way. The test results show specially that both of fuzzy logic algorithms possess the flexibility to allow the control designer to adjust the control rules to much more effectively improve the control objectives and only one sensor is needed to measure the control signal for reducing cost. The experimental results of the dynamical characteristics of the semi-active suspension system with MR dampers in time and frequency domains are consistent with the results of the theoretically analytical and simulation investigations

157 评论


目录半主动悬架科普中国 | 本词条由“科普中国”科学百科词条编写与应用工作项目审核半主动悬架是指通过传感器感知路面状况和车身姿态,对阻尼参数进行调节,从而改善汽车行驶平顺性和稳定性的一种可控式悬架系统。中文名半主动悬架作用改善平顺性和稳定性快速导航分类简介传统悬架参数一经选定就难以改变,因此在设计过程中通常寻找一个最佳的折中方案来确定参数。也就是只有在特定工况下,汽车的性能才是最佳的;一旦工况发生改变(例如路面变化、汽车行驶时的加速、制动、转向状态变化),其性能将会变差,这意味着传统悬架难以同时满足舒适性和稳定性的要求,从而限制了汽车性能的进一步提高。随着技术的发展和制造工艺的提高,使得可控悬架在汽车的应用成为可能,对悬架系统采用智能控制,使其能根据不同路况而具有不同的性能,从而协调平顺性和稳定性之间的矛盾,也为扩展传统悬架功能提供了可能性。半主动悬架就是这样一种可控悬架,它不改变悬架刚度而只改变悬架阻尼,来实现对悬架性能的调节,因此也称之为阻尼可控式悬架。其结构相对简单,成本低廉,性能优良,有广泛的应用前景。[1]分类半主动悬架包括连续可调式(无级)和可切换式(有级)两类。可切换阻尼式悬架常见的可切换阻尼式悬架一般设置2至3个级别,阻尼系数可在几档之间快速切换,切换的时间通常为10~20ms,控制方法通常根据车身的相对速度和绝对速度来改变系统阻尼的设置。对于二级式悬架,阻尼设置为“硬”和“软”2个级别;对于三级式悬架,阻尼设置为“硬”、“中”和“软”3个级别。连续可调阻尼式悬架连续可调减振器的阻尼系数在一定范围内可以连续变化,有两种基本实现方式。一种是通过调节减振器节流阀的面积而改变阻尼特性的孔径调节式,其孔径的改变一般可由电磁阀或其它类似的机电式驱动阀来实现。另一种是电流变或磁流变可调阻尼器,其工作原理是通过改变电场或磁场强度来改变流变体的阻尼特性。两种结构中,前者技术上比较成熟,发表的文献和专利也较多;后者属于新兴技术,随着对这项技术的研究和突破,可能会成为较有前途的半主动悬架形式。[2]

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