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"Wuthering Heights" With a love tragedy, to demonstrate the life of an abnormal screen, outlined by this abnormal human society and the resulting distortion of all the horrific events. 整个故事的情节实际上是通过四个阶段逐步铺开的: The plot of the story is actually spread through the four-phase: the第一阶段叙述了希斯克利夫与凯瑟琳朝夕相处的童年生活;一个弃儿和一个小姐在这种特殊环境中所形成的特殊感情,以及他们对辛德雷专横暴虐的反抗。 Describes the first phase of Heathcliff and Catherine's childhood in daily life; an outcast and a young woman in this particular environment, formed by special feelings, as well as their resistance to the oppressive tyranny Hindley.第二阶段着重描写凯瑟琳因为虚荣、无知和愚昧,背弃了希斯克利夫,成了画眉田庄的女主人。 Catherine describes the second phase focused on because of vanity, ignorance, and ignorance, and abandoned his Heathcliff became the hostess of Thrushcross Grange.第三阶段以大量笔墨描绘希斯克利夫如何在绝望中把满腔仇恨化为报仇雪耻的计谋和行动。 The third stage of the large number of pen and ink depicting how Heathcliff filled with hatred and despair into a revenge to avenge the-top tricks and action.最后阶段尽管只交代了希斯克利夫的死亡,却突出地揭示了当他了解哈里顿和凯蒂相爱后,思想上经历的一种崭新的变化——人性的复苏,从而使这出具有恐怖色彩的爱情悲剧透露出一束令人快慰的希望之光。 Although the final stage only dealt with the death of Heathcliff, but it highlights revealed when he understood that Hareton and Cathy fall in love, the ideological changes in a brand new experience - the recovery of human nature, so that out of a horror color love tragedy reveals a beacon of hope for a bunch of people be happy.因此,希斯克利夫的爱一恨一复仇一人性的复苏,既是小说的精髓,又是贯穿始终的一条红线。 Therefore, Heathcliff's love one hate a revenge a revival of human nature is both the essence of the novel, but also runs through a red line. 作者依此脉络,谋篇布局,把场景安排得变幻莫测,有时在阴云密布、鬼哭狼嚎的旷野,有时又是风狂雨骤、阴森惨暗的庭院,故事始终笼罩在一种神秘和恐怖的气氛之中。 By so threads Moupian layout, the scene arranged unpredictable, sometimes in dark clouds, Guikulanghao the wilderness, sometimes it is lunacy sudden rain, dark, dark courtyard tragic story has been shrouded in a mysterious and terrible atmosphere.在小说中,作者的全部心血凝聚在希斯克利夫形象的刻画上,她在这里寄托了自己的全部愤慨、同情和理想。 In the novel, the author of all efforts concentrated on the image portrayed Heathcliff, she pinned his own where all the outrage, compassion and ideals. 这个被剥夺了人间温暖的弃儿在实际生活中培养了强烈的爱与憎,辛德雷的皮鞭使他尝到了人生的残酷,也教会他懂得忍气吞声的屈服无法改变自己受辱的命运。 This has been deprived of human warmth of the outcast in real life to cultivate a strong love and hate, Hindley's whip so that he tasted the cruelty of life, but also he knows how to swallow the insult in the Church of yield can not change the destiny of their own humiliation. 他选择了反抗。 He chose resistance. 凯瑟琳曾经是他忠实的伙伴,他俩在共同的反抗中萌发了真挚的爱情。 Catherine used to be his faithful partner, They in the common resistance in the germination of sincere love. 然而,凯瑟琳最后却背叛了希斯克利夫,嫁给了她不了解、也根本不爱的埃德加·林顿。 However, Catherine Heathcliff eventually betrayed, married she did not understand, it does not love Edgar Linton. 造成这个爱情悲剧的直接原因是她的虚荣、无知和愚蠢,结果却葬送了自己的青春、爱情和生命,也毁了对她始终一往情深的希斯克利夫,还差一点坑害了下一代。 Cause of this love tragedy is the direct cause of her vanity, ignorance and stupidity, the result is ruin his own youth, love and life, but also ruined her has always been devotedly attached to Heathcliff, but also came close to harm the next generation. 艾米莉·勃朗特刻画这个人物时,有同情,也有愤慨;有惋惜,也有鞭笞;既哀其不幸,又怒其不争,心情是极其复杂的。 Emily Bronte portrayed in this figure, there are sympathetic, they are angry; are sorry, there are flogging; both sorrow for their misfortunes, but also Nuqibuzheng mood is extremely complex.凯瑟琳的背叛及其婚后悲苦的命运,是全书最重大的转折点。 Catherine's betrayal of their miserable fate of marriage is the most significant turning point in the book. 它使希斯克利夫满腔的爱化为无比的恨;凯瑟琳一死,这腔仇恨火山般迸发出来,成了疯狂的复仇动力。 It makes Heathcliff filled with immense love into hate; Catherine's death, this chamber burst out like a volcano of hatred has become a crazy revenge motivation. 希斯克利夫的目的达到了,他不仅让辛德雷和埃德加凄苦死去,独霸了两家庄园的产业,还让他们平白无辜的下一代也饱尝了苦果。 Heathcliff objective was achieved, he not only made Hindley and Edgar miserable death, to dominate the two industrial estates, but also the innocent for no reason the next generation so that they also suffered a bitter defeat. 这种疯狂的报仇泄恨,貌似悖于常理,但却淋漓尽致地表达了他非同一般的叛逆精神,这是一种特殊环境、特殊性格所决定的特殊反抗。 This crazy revenge Xiehen, seemingly perverse in common sense, but most vividly expressed his extraordinary spirit of rebellion, which is a special environment, special character, determined by the specific resistance. 希斯克利夫的爱情悲剧是社会的悲剧,也是时代的悲剧。 Heathcliff's love tragedy is a social tragedy, the tragedy of the times.《呼啸山庄》的故事是以希斯克利夫达到复仇目的而自杀告终的。 "Wuthering Heights" Heathcliff is a story of revenge to achieve the purpose of committing suicide had ended. 他的死是一种殉情,表达了他对凯瑟琳生死不渝的爱,一种生不能同衾、死也求同穴的爱的追求。 His death is a kind of sentimentalism, expressed his enduring love of life and death of Catherine, a coverlet of Health can not be dead, is also seeking the pursuit of love with the hole. 而他临死前放弃了在下一代身上报复的念头,表明他的天性本来是善良的,只是由于残酷的现实扭曲了他的天性,迫使他变得暴虐无情。 Before dying he gave up the idea of revenge in the next generation found that he had a good nature, but because of the harsh realities of his twisted nature, forcing him to become ruthless tyranny. 这种人性的复苏是一种精神上的升华,闪耀着作者人道主义的理想。 The recovery of this human nature is a kind of spiritual sublimation, shines with authors of humanitarian ideals.《呼啸山庄》出版后一直被人认为是英国文学史上一部“最奇特的小说”,是一部“奥秘莫测”的“怪书”。 "Wuthering Heights" after the publication has been considered to be in English literature in the history of a "most peculiar novel," is a "mystery" and "strange books." 原因在于它一反同时代作品普遍存在的伤感主义情调,而以强烈的爱、狂暴的恨及由之而起的无情的报复,取代了低沉的伤感和忧郁。 Because it is a contemporary work against the prevailing mood of sentimentalism, but with a strong love, hate and violent replaced by the ruthless revenge, instead of deep sorrow and melancholy. 它宛如一首奇特的抒情诗,字里行间充满着丰富的想象和狂飙般猛烈的情感,具有震撼人心的艺术力量。 It is like a strange lyrical poetry, between the lines filled with a rich imagination and hurricane-like violent emotions, with a stirring power of art.呼呼,英文不是太好,可能有很多错误吧

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The narrative is non-linear, involving several flashbacks, and involves two narrators - Mr. Lockwood and Nelly Dean. The novel opens in 1801, with Lockwood arriving at Thrushcross Grange, a grand house on the Yorkshire moors he is renting from the surly Heathcliff, who lives at nearby Wuthering Heights. Lockwood spends the night at Wuthering Heights and has a terrifying dream: the ghost of Catherine Earnshaw, pleading to be admitted to the house from outside. Intrigued, Lockwood asks the housekeeper Nelly Dean to tell the story of Heathcliff and Wuthering Heights while he is staying at the Grange recovering from a takes over the narration and begins her story thirty years earlier, when Heathcliff, a foundling living on the streets of Liverpool, is brought to Wuthering Heights by the then-owner, Mr. Earnshaw, and raised as his own. Earnshaw's daughter Catherine becomes Heathcliff's inseparable friend. Her brother Hindley, however, resents Heathcliff, seeing him as an interloper and rival. Mr. Earnshaw dies three years later, and Hindley (who has married a woman named Frances) takes over the estate. He brutalises Heathcliff, forcing him to work as a hired hand. Catherine becomes friends with a neighbor family, the Lintons of Thrushcross Grange, who mellow her initially wild personality. She is especially attached to the refined and mild young Edgar Linton, whom Heathcliff instantaneously year later, Hindley's wife dies, apparently of consumption, shortly after giving birth to a son, Hareton; Hindley takes to drink. Some two years after that, Catherine agrees to marry Edgar. Nelly knows that this will crush Heathcliff, and Heathcliff overhears Catherine's explanation that it would be "degrading" to marry him. Heathcliff storms out and leaves Wuthering Heights, not hearing Catherine's continuing declarations that Heathcliff is as much a part of her as the rocks are to the earth beneath. Catherine marries Edgar, and is initially very happy. Some time later, Heathcliff returns, intent on destroying those who prevent him from being with Catherine. He has, mysteriously, become very wealthy, and has duped Hindley into making him the heir to Wuthering Heights. Intent on ruining Edgar, Heathcliff elopes with Edgar's sister Isabella, which places him in a position to inherit Thrushcross Grange upon Edgar's becomes very ill after Heathcliff's return and dies a few hours after giving birth to a daughter also named Catherine, or Cathy. Heathcliff becomes only more bitter and vengeful. Isabella flees her abusive marriage a month later, and subsequently gives birth to a boy, Linton. At around the same time, Hindley dies. Heathcliff takes ownership of Wuthering Heights, and vows to raise Hindley's son Hareton with as much neglect as he had suffered at Hindley's hands years years later, the dying Isabella asks Edgar to raise her and Heathcliff's son, Linton. However, Heathcliff finds out about this and takes the sickly, spoiled child to Wuthering Heights. Heathcliff has nothing but contempt for his son, but delights in the idea of him ruling the property of his enemies. To that end, a few years later, Heathcliff attempts to persuade young Cathy to marry Linton. Cathy refuses, so Heathcliff kidnaps her and forces the two to marry. Soon after, Edgar Linton dies, followed shortly by Linton Heathcliff. This leaves Cathy a widow and a virtual prisoner at Wuthering Heights, as Heathcliff has gained complete control of both Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange. It is at this point in the narrative that Lockwood arrives, taking possession of Thrushcross Grange, and hearing Nelly Dean's story. Shocked, Lockwood leaves for his absence from the area, however, events reach a climax that Nelly describes when he returns a year later. Cathy gradually softens toward her rough, uneducated cousin Hareton, just as her mother grew tender towards Heathcliff. When Heathcliff realizes that Cathy and Hareton are in love, he abandons his life-long vendetta. He dies broken and tormented, but glad to be rejoining Catherine, whose ghost had haunted him since she died. Cathy and Hareton marry. Heathcliff is buried next to Catherine (the elder), and the story concludes with Lockwood visiting the grave, unsure of what to fe

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2012年02月13日 08时04分,《2011英语:英语论文:《呼啸山庄》汉译本翻译理论[1]》由英语我整理. 生的语言感情色彩和语言心理习惯上的视角差异,特别是英语存在着包括从词汇变化层面,到单个简单句的主谓人称、单复数、时态上,以及复杂句子的各个成分的纵横聚合选择上,都是不同的。这是造成英汉或汉英翻译障碍的其中一个主要原因。 再者,二者在选词择句上也是风格各异。例如: Hindley threw it,hitting him on the breast,and down he fell,but staggered up immediately,breathless and white……. 杨苡:辛德雷真的扔了,打在他的脸上,他倒了下去,可他又马上踉踉跄跄地站起来,气也喘不过来,脸也白了。——杨苡译译林出版社1990年8月版 方平:亨德来把铁秤砣仍过去,正中他的胸口,他一头到了下去,可是立即摇摇晃晃地站了起来,面无血色,气也喘不过来。——方平 译上海译文出版社 2001年8月版 从这里,我们看到方平的翻译读起来朗朗上口,句句精彩,好像在读一本武侠小说一样。因为他大量使用了极具动感的词汇,且用短句子表达,节奏非常轻快。而且,我们还会发现方平将后面的 breathless and white的顺序大胆地加以调整,使其更加符合人的逻辑思维和观察习惯。我们在观察事物的时候,一般是先有视觉上的印象然后才是听觉嗅觉等等。所以,从这一点看来,方平的翻译更加符合情景思维和逻辑思维。让我们继续来看。对于white这个词两个翻译家给出了不同的翻译结果。杨苡及其忠实于原文地将其译为“白”,而方平则根据中国读者的思维习惯和表达习惯,从读者所获得的视觉效果的角度将其译为“面无血色”.从这个问题上我们就能更加清楚地看到两位翻译家所采取的不同的翻译角度。杨苡侧重于意译也就是通过寻找外延意义上的对应的文字来忠实于原文,忠实于原作者的目的,其实这只是文字或文章的表层形式上的机械对等;但方平则从读者反映的角度对其加以描述性的阐释。直接译出了 white一词的内涵意义。 对于这个问题实质上涉及到关于翻译的本质问题,特别是文学翻译的本质问题。文学翻译的本质客体在特地高层次和范围内给主体提供了具有艺术创造性的客观基础,见于其主观表现形式;文学翻译具有艺术创造性,是译者在一定的自由度之内对原作的艺术再现和艺术表现文学作品的艺术再现和艺术表现是出于满足读者的审美要求,是同过语符化手段与情景的动态模拟重构并给以特定语言形式的再现(曾利沙,2001a)。 结论:由于两位翻译家采用了不同的翻译理论,而有了两个属于完全不同的译本。对此,我们不可能采用一刀切的翻译批评观,而只是说不同的理论指导下的具体的翻译方法,没有孰优孰劣之分,只有具体情况下的谁更合适的比较。 参考文献: [1]方平.呼啸山庄.上海译文出版社,2001. [2]蒋骁华.符号学翻译研究——文学语言的理据及其再创造.外语教学与研究出版社, 2003. [3]奈达.语言与文化——翻译中的语境.上海教育出版社,2001. [4]萧立明.新译学论稿.中国对外翻译出版公司,2001.

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'Thrushcross Grange is my own, sir,' he interrupted, wincing. 'I should not allow any one to inconvenience me, if I could hinder it - walk in!' The 'walk in' was uttered with closed teeth, and expressed the sentiment, 'Go to the Deuce:' even the gate over which he leant manifested no sympathising movement to the words; and I think that circumstance determined me to accept the invitation: I felt interested in a man who seemed more exaggeratedly reserved than myself. When he saw my horse's breast fairly pushing the barrier, he did put out his hand to unchain it, and then sullenly preceded me up the causeway, calling, as we entered the court, - 'Joseph, take Mr. Lockwood's horse; and bring up some wine.' 'Here we have the whole establishment of domestics, I suppose,' was the reflection suggested by this compound order. 'No wonder the grass grows up between the flags, and cattle are the only hedge- cutters.'

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