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首页 > 职称论文 > 褶皱在服装中的研究与运用论文

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358 评论


It is one of the fashion cycle in recent years to adopt a wrinkly design transaction of plait in the plait is wrinkly to is a kind of element, in the clothing that constitute, a kind of vivid facings transform kimono that the approval anticipates in front packs technical transform and makes the clothing generate plait wrinkly art effect and raised the level feeling and space of clothing and also had the action of remould human body at the same time, is the synthesis to the design, facings, craft and texture to control and vs a kind of feeling Wu that designs the last few years of couture, the plait is wrinkly to is one of the most popular shape elements, numerous fashionable dresseses lend plait wrinkly voice a design principle, mold a style, the plait is wrinkly to become a designer to most have the dress of voicing the force of language.

309 评论


In dress adopts the design of drape processing is one of the popular trend in recent years. Fold is one of the garment constitute element, is a vivid fabrics change. Through the fabric of the processing and clothing technology process, make to clothing produced drape artistic effect, increased the administrative levels feeling and dimensional sense, garment while also played the role of remolding the human body, is to design, fabrics, craft, simple sense and the comprehensive mastery of design skills of a kind of feeling. In recent years of dress design, drape is the most popular one of the modelling of countless glossy borrow elements, fold to express design concept, shaping style, drape become stylist most expressive dress language.

305 评论


In dress adopts the design of drape processing is one of the popular trend in recent years. Fold is one of the garment constitute element, is a vivid fabrics change. Through the fabric of the processing and clothing technology process, make to clothing produced drape artistic effect, increased the administrative levels feeling and dimensional sense, garment while also played the role of remolding the human body, is to design, fabrics, craft, simple sense and the comprehensive mastery of design skills of a kind of feeling. In recent years of dress design, drape is the most popular one of the modelling of countless glossy borrow elements, fold to express design concept, shaping style, drape become stylist most expressive dress language.(在服装中采用褶皱的设计处理是近年来的流行趋势之一。褶皱是服装构成中的一种元素,是一种生动的面料变化。通过对面料的加工和服装工艺的加工,使服装产生了褶皱的艺术效果,增加了服装的层次感和空间感,同时也起到了重新塑造人体的作用,是对设计、面料、工艺、质感的综合掌握以及对设计技巧的一种感悟。在近几年的女装设计中,褶皱是最流行的造型元素之一,无数时装借褶皱来表达设计理念,塑造风格,褶皱成为设计师最具表达力的服饰语言。)ok么,本人就这么点水平了,见谅啊

194 评论


服装设计结合自己的毕业设计来,当时也不会,还是寝室同学给的莫‘文网,靠谱的说打破传统思维定势 建立多样性创意思维基于反求工程的仿真人体头部三维重建问题虚拟三维服装款式及褶皱效果显示研究90年代以来我国服装专业本科课程设置的发展与探讨基于网络的协同服装款式设计系统的开发与应用品牌服装中服装设计的价值基于人机工程学理论的医护服装设计逆向工程中基于特征的人体曲面模型重建数字化服装技术研究服装产业链各模块的分工与合作效率最大化研究面料的性能与服装造型及生产的关系研究郑州市中等职业学校专业课教师职业认同研究虚拟仿真技术在服装工艺教学中的应用研究服装面积因子及其热阻测评研究大型餐饮生态园的设计与研究数字化服装生产工艺信息技术研究女套装数字化纸样设计系统(PCAD)研究与应用相变服装热湿传递机理及对人体热响应影响的模型服装CAPP系统的分析与设计织物悬垂性能预测与评价系统的研究鞋楦激光三角测量系统关键技术的研究基于运动捕获的动画展示与运动编辑技术研究利用错误分析法加强大学英语教学三维对象重构技术的研究基于面结构光的物体表面三维重建方法研究与实现基于DSP宽幅高性价比喷墨绘图仪设计与实现基于职业导向的服装技能训练方法织物悬垂性能与预测系统研究

203 评论


题目选的时候不要选的太大啊,尽量选题目的时候选小一点的。到时候好写,另外论文要写的详细,选题背景,选题意义什么的都要写的很详细了。尽量不要摘抄网上的现在老师很精明的,能看出来的。正文主要就是提出问题-----分析问题-----解决问题了。我写论文的时候 无意间找到了一个很大的一个叫汇博在线 网站,里面有好多资料,可以参考的。

311 评论


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