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一带一路倡议英文示例:1.采取统筹兼顾的方式,从经济、社会和环境三个维度,继续努力实现2030年可持续发展目标。We will continue to strive to achieve the goal of sustainable development by 2030 in an integrated manner from the three dimensions of economy, society and .支持绿色低碳发展,包括落实气候变化《巴黎协定》和分享最佳实践。Support green and low-carbon development, including climate change implementation in Change the Paris Agreement and share best practices.

3.在尊重各国国情和法律及监管政策的基础上,就绿色发展加强政策沟通与协调,相互借鉴有益经验和良好实践。On the basis of respecting the national conditions, laws and regulatory policies of various countries, we should strengthen policy communication and coordination on green development and learn from each other's useful experience and .深化环境合作,加大生态和水资源保护力度,促进人与自然和谐共生,推进绿色和可持续发展。We should deepen environmental cooperation, strengthen the protection of ecology and water resources, promote the harmonious coexistence of man and nature, and promote green and sustainable .建设环境友好和抗风险的基础设施,包括加强项目的气候和环境风险评估,借鉴国际上公认的标准和最佳实践,鼓励相关企业承担社会责任,保护当地生态环境。

Build environmentally friendly and risk-resistant infrastructure, including strengthening climate and environmental risk assessment of projects, drawing on internationally recognized standards and best practices, encouraging relevant enterprises to assume social responsibility and protect the local ecological .推进清洁能源开发利用,加强可再生能源国际合作,确保发展中国家获得口负担、经济上可持续的能源。We should promote the development and utilization of clean energy, strengthen international cooperation in renewable energy, and ensure that developing countries have access to affordable and economically sustainable energy.

132 评论


一带一路 [词典] The Belt and Road Initiative; [例句]一带一路能否像一些人宣称的那样,成功改变全球体系?Will One Belt, One Road succeed in transforming the global system as some claim?

189 评论


the Belt and Road

151 评论


一带一路 the Belt and Road,英文缩写“B&R”一带一路(One Belt and One Road),指“丝绸之路经济带(the Silk Road Economic Belt)”和“21世纪海上丝绸之路(the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road)”。

140 评论


The Belt and Road,缩写B&R

352 评论


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