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我自己写的苔丝的论文Tess’s tragedyWhy it was Tess to face the abuse of the fate? What makes Tess’s tragedy?Tess of the D'Urbervilles, written by Thomas Hardy, was published in the year of 1891. It is a story about the tragic experience of a pretty country girl Tess. Tess had an ordinary farmer’s family. Although her life was poor, it was peacefil at the same time. But one day, God, “The President of the Immoral”, began to play a cruel joke on this girl. Her father, John Durbeyfied learnt that they were descended from the D’Urbervilles, an ancient family once renowned in England. Her mother urged Tess to claim kinship with the remaining D’Urbervilles, so that they could live a better live. Unwillingly, Tess came in contact with the Stoke D’Urbervilles. There she met Alec D’Urbervilles, who showed off the estate and always seduced her. Having received a job of tending to chickens, Tess stayed in the D’Urbervilles. Her tragic life had just begun. Alec seduced Tess and make her pregnant. Being humiliated and resoluted, she went back home. Despite the rumors all around,Tess gave birth to a child, who was called Sorrow but died soon because of grave illness. For several weeks, Tess was overwhelmed by grief and sorrow. Nevertheless, without financial support, Tess had to leave home and went to work as a dairymaid at a distant farm, where she met Angel Claire. They fell in love and engaged. Then came the wedding night, too honest to keep any secret, Tess admitted about Alec D’Urbervilles and the child. She begged for forgiveness, but Angel left her in disgust. Tess again returned home alone, only found that her family remained impoverished and she even had no place to stay. In the meantime, Alec D’Urbervilles, appeared again. He promised to support her family, only as a means to make Tess dependent. At the end of hope, the girl jumped into the trap of the shameless man. However, the tragedy had not finished yet. Angel Claire, who was remorseful for his mercilessness, came back, but to find the cruel reality. And his arrival made Tess even more desperate. She stabed Alec in the heart and killed him. Then she escaped with him. They managed to hide for a while in a wood before they came to Stonehenge, where she was arrested. She was hanged later. The turn of events and the moment of catharsis prove that the novel is a classic Aristotelian tragedyIn Tess of the D'Urbervilles, although Hardy told a story about a seduced woman which was a tradional one, he had created a brand new image of woman. In his point of view, Tess was a seduced woman with a pure heart, a victim of the old fashioned morals. She was beautiful, simple and unadorned. With the ability of toleration, she can sacrifice herself to her family. She trustsed peolpe and loved people which made her different from others. Tess was a combination of tenderness and passion. She loved Angel Claire heart and soul with all her intense emotions and 100% turst. Even though being dumped, she didn’t change her mind. She never seeked fame and wealth. What she really valued was self-respectation and freedom. She claimed kinship with the fake D’Urbervilles was to help her family get out of the poverty. After seduced by Alec, she went back home despite of Alec’s retention instead of marrying him. The soul of Tess was chast for she owned such a noble moral integrity.“No one is perfect in this world, the perfection of human being is represent on the the understand of life, the love for living, the desire of dream and the loyalty to love. But, unfortunately, the morals of capitalism are all based on egoism. This makes it totally opposite to all the faire ideals of the people, and the chief offender of the death of beauty of human nature. “①This is a social custom without the foundation of the nature. However, this ethic, which is advocate by the bourgeoisie, has a sacred quality, and it is believed to be forever right thing. Tess is the victim of this fallacy. By the sad story of Tess, Hardy announced the hypocrisy of this the process of telling the story of Tess, Hardy once tried to explain the reason of tragedy by eay of the theme of inheritance, natural rules, the prediction of tragedy and karma saying. At last, Hardy’s sence of realism helped him find out the real reason of Tess’s fate. In chapter 11. Hardy wrote: Why it was that upon this beautiful feminine tissue, sensitive as gossamer,and practicall blank as snow as yet, there should have been traced such a coarse pattern as it was doomed to receive; why so often the caorse appropriates the finer thus, the wrong man the woman, the wrong woman the man ,many thousand years of analytical philosophy have failed to explain to our sense of order. It was clear that Hardy didn’t think that the karma thing can explain the reason of Tess’s tragedy. An immeasurable social chasm, the society then was the real reason of Tess’s tragedy. In chapter 12, on Tess’s way home, Hardy let the readers experience her pressure form religion, morals, costum and every part from the society. When the sketcher began painting”THY DAMNATION, SLUMBERETH, NOT.” and “THOU, SHALT, NOT, COMMIT---” poor Tess felt that someone had known her experience somehow and questioned her crime. She felt the punishment was just around the corner. After Tess retuned home, she lived in the deep sorrow and lonelyness. It seemed that there was a long long journey in front of her, rugged and muddy. She had to finish it herself without any mercy and help. She could only fight against the fate all pain of loosing the virgin is giant, and the pressure came from everywhere. And there is no denying that Tess’s psychology state made her pain more serious. In chapter 13 Hardy wrote: But this encompassment of her own characterization based on shreds of convention, peopled by phantoms and voices antipathetic to her, was a sorry and mistaken creation of Tess's fancy--a cloud of moral hobgoblins by which she was terrified without reason. It was they that were out of harmony with the actual world, not she. Walking among the sleeping birds in the hedges, watching the skipping rabbits on a moonlit warren, or standing under a pheasant-laden bough, she looked upon herself as a figure of Guilt intruding into the haunts of Innocence. But all the while she was making a distinction where there was no difference. Feeling herself in antagonism she was quite in accord. She had been made to break an accepted social law, but no law know to the environment in which she fancied herself such an anomaly. It was obivious that Tess’s lonelyness and sadness came from herself to some extent. This psychology structure was formed by the social consciousness without conscious. Angel Claire’s love was idealized. His love was idealism and departed from the reality. The change of his love to Tess was concequence of the conflicton of dream and reality. His dream failed from the battle and he came back to traditional morals. “the so-called open minded Angel Claire was not only a hypolcritical guard but also a compeletely Snobbish villain“ ②In the story, Alec D’Urbervilles was representer of the evil of the Bourgeois class. He treated Tess as if she was just a sexual partner. When Hardy shaped this character, he tried to make a connection between the hypocrisy of moral and religion. Especially, in religion, woman was the source of all evils which gave a reason to the Bourgeois class to insult them. Alec D’Urbervilles was also the symbol of the religion, from which we can see the link between it and Tess’s death. Although in the story, the beauty was stained, the good was ruined by the evil, Hardy still conformed the optimism from Tess, for her ran after love and loved life. When she was seduced and suffered from the rumors everywhere, we can still see the power of defeat and confidence of life. She was fortitudinous when faced the diseaster and had the brave to sacrifice announced the social root of Tess’s tragedy figured that Tess was distroyed by the system of the capitalism. Therefore the meaning of Tess’s tragedy was not only a personal fight but rose to the level that all the workers should ask for human right and complaint the whole capitalism system.① Nie Zhenzhao ② Arnold Kettle Works CitedNie Zhenzhao Arnold Kettle

142 评论


karma 是中国印度教的轮回,因果,报应.Karma is a bitch 是口语,系指,因果总是真她妈的灵,通常只在坏事上,也表示 “天道好轮回”。

来自美剧Riverdale里的台词“Oh well, Karma's a bitch”。








“Oh well, Karma's a bitch”



Karma's a Bitch挑战在2018年1月份登陆抖音APP。全民开始在抖音上po自己模仿美剧Riverdale里的台词“Oh well, Karma's a bitch”,然后掀开头盖变身!

126 评论




美国一个名为Jalonik的 汽车 博客网站,最近公开发表一篇文章称,根据作者掌握的内部资料,Karma正在低调裁撤大量员工,而其现有的原型车多为人投资的假项目。

成立于2007年的Karma Automotive,前身是菲斯克 汽车 (Fisker Automotive),其最著名的车型是曾叫板特斯拉Model S的Fisker Karma。2014年,公司破产后被中国万向集团收购。



事实上,作为国内第六家拿到“双资质”的新造车企业,万向集团在新能源 汽车 赛道本应有着很高的起跑点。

然而,距离2016年底“万向年产5万辆纯电动乘用车项目”获得国家发改委批复之后,万向的新能源 汽车 一直处于难产之中。

2018年11月,因为始终没有一款电动车产品推出市场的万向集团,其新能源 汽车 生产资质被暂停。




根据Jalonik的爆料,Karma公司不仅在5月裁掉了全部200名员工的一半,而且其最近大肆宣传的E-Flex platform可调节底盘,只是一个“电影道具”,Karma拿来展示的的底盘其实就是量产版Revero GT车型的底盘,而且焊接工艺劣质。

该篇文章还指出,尽管Karma于早前发布的纯电动Revero GTE原型车确实存在,但据知情人士表示,目前分发给媒体的有关规格都是捏造的,没有经过任何测试。


功夫 汽车 在Karma的微信公众号上看到,这个其引以为傲的E-Flex平台,在宣传上就足够“引人入胜”。而Revero GTE也计划与明年秋季同步在中国和欧洲市场上市销售。



不过,Karma作为一家2017年才开始上市销售的豪华新能源 汽车 制造商,其首款车型Revero的市场表现则让人不敢恭维。

公开资料显示,据早前EPA(美国环境保护署)对Revero作出的一份评测显示,作为一辆插电式的油电混合动力 汽车 ,Revero在续航里程以及燃油经济性上皆不尽如人意。


有关Karma的销量数据,官方似乎从未对外进行过披露。不过功夫 汽车 在外媒的报道中看到,根据联邦政府的数据,在2018年Karma仅售出231辆 汽车 。

同时,据Karma方面介绍,其位于美国加州的工厂虽然年产能仅为1000辆,但就目前车型的市场需求来看,Karma仍希望通过一项名为“4+1”的商业计划,将过剩的产能、产品开发以及车辆集成专业知识出售给其他 汽车 制造商。





今年一季度,在疫情的冲击下,万向钱潮的净利润下跌幅度进一步拉大至。作为对比,同期 汽车 零部件行业平均净利润增长率为。


同时,根据Karma CEO周亮早前接受新浪 科技 采访时表示,虽然公司的资金主要来源于万向,但其采取的这种开放战略,到了样车阶段就可以寻找合作伙伴一起,资金需求会比特斯拉小得多。

在去年广州车展中,KARMA REVERO GT/GTS正式公布预售价,预售价区间为178万元-218万元。根据周亮的计划,2021年公司将会通过全球组装的方式,使全球销量达到3000台。

然而,这一说法显然与万向早前的表述有所“出入”。因为万向在其倾力打造的“万向创新聚能城”中,其计划投资亿元的年产5万辆增程式纯电动乘用车项目,本应是留给增程版的Karma Revero和Atlantic的。

如此看来,Karma的体量根本无法支撑起万向原来规划的产能。这样一来,会否迫使万向再打造另一个全新的 汽车 品牌?不过这一可能性在如今的市场环境看来,成功施行的几率已非常低。





目前看来,万向这个“中国最大的 汽车 零部件集团”的造车进度仍然是一个谜。尤其在其创始人鲁冠球逝世之后,加上市场环境突变,万向造车所面临到的困难似乎加剧了许多。


158 评论


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