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怎么写SUMMARY摘要(summary)是一种对原始文献(或文章)的基本内容进行浓缩的语义连贯的短文.它以迅速掌握原文内容梗概为目的,不加主观评论和解释,但必须简明、确切地表述原文的重要内容.摘要写作(summary writing)是一种控制性的作文形式,它能使学生通过阅读原文,吸收原文的文章结构与语言方面的长处,写出内容一致、结构近似、语言简洁的短文.另外,对培养学生善于抓住文章重点的能力也有很大帮助,有利于他们在实际写作中避免面面俱到,事无巨细,一一罗列的不良倾向.这种写作既要准确理解原文,又要能综合概括;既能培养欣赏能力,又能训练书面表达能力.因此,用英文写摘要,对学习英语写作的学生来说,不失为一种切合实际的方法.下面谈谈怎么写好英文摘要.1)细读原文.首先要仔细阅读全篇作品,然后对作品进行整体分析,掌握原文总的意思和结构,明确全文的主题(the maintheme)和各段的段落大意(the main idea).2)弄清要求.搞清楚是写全文概要,还是写某一部分的概要,或者就某些问题写出要点.3)列出原文要点.分析原文的内容和结构,将内容分项扼要表述并注意在结构上的顺序.在此基础上选出与文章主题密切相关的部分.4)草拟写作提纲并写出初稿.将挑选出的要点作为框架草拟详细的提纲,以所列的提纲为依据写出摘要的初稿.在写作时要特别注意下面几点:(1)摘要应包括原文中的主要事实(main facts);略去不必要的细节(unnecessary details).(2)安排好篇幅的比例.摘要应同原文保持协调,即用较多的文字写重要内容,用较少的文字写次要内容.(3)注意段落的连贯和句子的衔接.要用适当的转折词语贯通全文,切忌只简单地写出一些互不相干的句子.(4)尽可能用自己的话来写,但不排斥用原文的某些词句.(5)计算词数,看是否符合规定的词数要求. 如何写一篇文章的摘要?– 下文是对《英语写作手册》相关章节的翻译摘要是对一篇文章的主题思想的简单陈述.它用最简洁的语言概括了原文的主题.写摘要主要包括三个步骤:(1)阅读;(2)写作;(3)修改成文. 第一步:阅读 A.认真阅读给定的原文材料.如果一遍不能理解,就多读两遍.阅读次数越多,你对原文的理解就越深刻. B.给摘要起一个标题.用那些能概括文章主题思想的单词、短语或短句子作为标题.也可以采用文中的主题句作为标题.主题句往往出现在文章的开头或结尾.一个好标题有助于确定文章的中心思想. C.现在,就该决定原文中哪些部分重要,哪些部分次重要了.对重要部分的主要观点进行概括. D.简要地记下主要观点——主题、标题、细节等你认为对概括摘要重要的东西. 第二步:动手写作 A. 摘要应该只有原文的三分之一或四分之一长.因此首先数一下原文的字数,然后除以三,得到一个数字.摘要的字数可以少于这个数字,但是千万不能超过这个数字. B. 摘要应全部用自己的话完成.不要引用原文的句子. C. 应该遵循原文的逻辑顺序.这样你就不必重新组织观点、事实. D. 摘要必须全面、清晰地表明原文所载的信息,以便你的读者不需翻阅原文就可以完全掌握材料的原意. E. 写摘要时可以采用下列几种小技巧: 1) 删除细节.只保留主要观点. 2) 选择一至两个例子.原文中可能包括5个或更多的例子,你只需从中筛选一至二个例子. 3) 把长段的描述变成短小、简单的句子.如果材料中描述某人或某事用了十个句子,那么你只要把它们变成一两句即可. 4) 避免重复.在原文中,为了强调某个主题,可能会重复论证说明.但是这在摘要中是不能使用的.应该删除那些突出强调的重述句. 5) 压缩长的句子.如下列两例: “His courage in battle might without exaggeration be called lion-like.” 可以概括为:”He was very brave in battle.” “He was hard up for money and was being pressed by his creditor.” 可以概括为:“He was in financial difficulties.” 6) 你还可以使用词组代替整句或者从句.请看下面的例子: “Beautiful mountains like Mount Tai, Lushan Mountain, and Mount Huang, were visited by only a few people in the past. Today, better wages, holidays with pay, new hotels on these mountains, and better train and bus services, have brought them within reach of many who never thought of visiting them ten years ago.” 可以概括为:”Beautiful mountains like Mount Tai, once visited by only a few people, are today accessible to many, thanks to better wages, paid holidays, new hotels and better transportation services.” 7) 使用概括性的名词代替具体的词,比如: “She brought home several Chinese and English novels, a few copies of Time and Newsweek and some textbooks. She intended to read all of them during the winter vocation.” 可以概括为:”She brought home a lot of books to read during the vocation.” 8) 使用最短的连接词.比如,可以使用but, then, thus, yet, though,不能使用at the same time, in the first place, because of these, on the other hand等较长的连接词.通常,使用分号就能够达成使用连接词的效果. 9) 文章中的第一人称说的话通常在摘要中转换成第三人称,从而把大段的对白简化,比如: Kate looked at Paul disapprovingly: You use much too much salt on your food, Paul — it’s not good for you!” Paul put down his knife and frowned:”Why on earth not! If you didn’t have salt on your food it would taste awful… like eating cardboard or sand… just imagine bread without salt in it, or potatoes or pasta cooked without salt!” Kate was patient. She didn’t want to quarrel with Paul. She wanted to persuade him. She said firmly:”But too much salt is bad for you. It cause high blood pressure and latter on, heart-attacks. It also disguises the taste of food, the real tastes which are much more subtle than salt, and which we have lost the sensitivity to appreciate any more.” 可以用第三人称概括为: Kate suggested to Paul that he should eat less salt. She thought that eating too much salt would do hard to Paul’s health and that it could reduce the real tastes of food. But Paul disagreed. He said that food without salt would be tasteless. 第三步:修改成文 草稿拟好以后,对它进行修改.首先,与原文比较看是否把所有重要的观点都概括了,摘要中的观点是否与原文中的完全一致.其次,如果摘要中出现了不必要的词汇、短语或长句子,删除它们.第三,检查拼写、语法和标点符号的错误.最后,保持语言简单明了. 经过上述步骤和方法,一篇摘要就可以完成了.

216 评论


摘要(summary)是一种对原始文献(或文章)的基本内容进行浓缩的语义连贯的短文。它以迅速掌握原文内容梗概为目的,不加主观评论和解释,但必须简明、确切地表述原文的重要内容。摘要写作(summary writing)是一种控制性的作文形式,它能使学生通过阅读原文,吸收原文的文章结构与语言方面的长处,写出内容一致、结构近似、语言简洁的短文。另外,对培养学生善于抓住文章重点的能力也有很大帮助,有利于他们在实际写作中避免面面俱到,事无巨细,一一罗列的不良倾向。这种写作既要准确理解原文,又要能综合概括;既能培养欣赏能力,又能训练书面表达能力。因此,用英文写摘要,对学习英语写作的学生来说,不失为一种切合实际的方法。下面谈谈如何写好英文摘要。1)细读原文。首先要仔细阅读全篇作品,然后对作品进行整体分析,掌握原文总的意思和结构,明确全文的主题(the maintheme)和各段的段落大意(the main idea)。2)弄清要求。搞清楚是写全文概要,还是写某一部分的概要,或者就某些问题写出要点。3)列出原文要点。分析原文的内容和结构,将内容分项扼要表述并注意在结构上的顺序。在此基础上选出与文章主题密切相关的部分。4)草拟写作提纲并写出初稿。将挑选出的要点作为框架草拟详细的提纲,以所列的提纲为依据写出摘要的初稿。在写作时要特别注意下面几点:(1)摘要应包括原文中的主要事实(main facts);略去不必要的细节(unnecessary details)。(2)安排好篇幅的比例。摘要应同原文保持协调,即用较多的文字写重要内容,用较少的文字写次要内容。(3)注意段落的连贯和句子的衔接。要用适当的转折词语贯通全文,切忌只简单地写出一些互不相干的句子。(4)尽可能用自己的话来写,但不排斥用原文的某些词句。(5)计算词数,看是否符合规定的词数要求MY TEACHERMy former teacher, who had taught me English for six years, is a woman in her sixties. I describe her as a "woman" at her age because in my mind's eye, she never loses her attraction in fashions, light cosmetics, and particularly, her skills scarves whether it is in summer or winter. I still remember the first day when I met her in junior high school, she showed me around the new campus and my nervousness melted gradually in her unassuming manner, something resembling my grandma's, and something more beyond the average older person' was born in Hong Kong and after her Westernized education, she became a journalist. Owing to this special profession, she could come to China freely, there in Beijing, she met a young engineer who later on won her heart and married her. Then she stayed, serving as a faculty member in Beijing Foreign language Institution. Maybe she was destined to enjoy mo tranquility, for everything changed almost in a day's time. Because of the unprecedented culture revolution, she and her husband, they two intellectuals were sent to a small town - though it becomes my hometown - and it was they who, dedicated themselves to the so-called city construction. She swept the streets, plants trees, and did all kinds of labor but return to school. As to that period of time, she just sighed a simple reply "the past has passed, I have not, and will still not regret my decision to stay." But more and less, her wrinkled serious face revealed her untold stories and endurance. Teacher that she is, she's well-known for drawing cartoon pictures. Dull texts were changed into impressive clues and knowledge that most interested us. Often it was up to us to stand on the rostrum, expressing whatever we had to say in English. She would rather be an audience sitting among us, and of course, a stern critic as set up her own image to teach us knowledge, and also, a sense of responsibility. During one winter vacation, she volunteered to assist us in preparing the provincial English contest. I clearly remember a day just before the New Year's Eve, when she appeared a little bit late like a snowman in the classroom, the whole noisy class fell into silence. It was snowing hard outside, yet the inside warmth encouraged us to work even year groups of students said good-bye to her on their way to college. Luckily I was one of her last students as now she has got retired. It seemed to be arranged that we went to see her during every vacation. How I wish to listen to her again, sharing her fresh ideas about the national affairs, about the campus, about each of her Christmas Days in Hong Kong. She's still young and talkative, as IN the days in her teaching news came that her husband died of cancer this summer before I went back. How could she endure such misfortune? How could she kill her loneliness? I wondered on the upstairs to visit her when I heard that piece of familiar piano music. The tone sounded so elegant that it reminded me of the player at once - it must be my dear teacher!Now she's living alone as her two daughters live abroad. "You see the walls of original novels? I bought them at your age but not until now could I have enough time to red. And my favorite piano, the birthday present sent by my husband, will keep me company." With these words about her leisure, she sat down by the piano was deeply engrossed in her playing, through which I knew her further, a devoted teacher WHO seeks neither fame nor gain, and a splendid character who has undergone a lifetime of ups and . House, it’s very important for us, because we must study, live ,and sleep in it . My dream house is very different from the usual house. I would like to introduce it to you if you are interested in it. The shape of my dream house like a strawberry; the roof if green, and walls are red. Let’s enter my dream house and look around: it consists of a living-room, a study-room, a bedroom, and a bathroom. The wall of the bedroom is covered with mink, so that I can sleep with a sweet dream and feel more comfortable. There are a lot of things in my house ----such as computers,televisions, telephones, tables, beds, and so on. Of course, the cost of my dream house is very big, too. How can make my dream come true? We will realize it only by our hard working. 2. My favorite aimals are dogs. I thank they are very cute and friendly. I have a big dog. his name is BoBi. He is 2 years old. He sleeps during the day. but at night he gets up and eats meat. He is very beautiful and a little shy. He likes to play with his friends. Isn`t he cute? 3. I have a lovely dog. It name's 's a young dog. It's only one years old. When I do my homework in my bedroom,it usually plays on my likes playing with go to the park every I am ling on the grass , it will sit near can help me do many things . It can make me smile . All my friends are love my dog very much!What a lovely dog! I love my dog! It loves me too! 4. My Happy Family There're five members in my fmaily —— my parents , my grandparents , my sister and me . My mother is a teaches Chinese in our likes fater is a teacher, teaches art in the GuangMing pirmary likes grandmother is a likes reading grandfather is a likes play chess. I am 'm in Shi Yan pirmary 'm in Class 2 Gread like singing and dancing. My sister is likes singing and dancing,too. Look!I have a happy big 't it? 5. Man’s life is a process of growing up, actually I’m standing here is a growth. If a person’s life must constituted by various choices, then I grow up along with these choices. Once I hope I can study in a college in future, however that’s passed, as you know I come here, now I wonder what the future holds for me. When I come to this school, I told to myself: this my near future, all starts here. Following I will learn to become a man, a integrated man, who has a fine body, can take on important task, has independent thought, an open mind, intensive thought, has the ability to judge right and wrong, has a perfect job. Once my teacher said :” you are not sewing, you are stylist; never forget which you should lay out to people is your thought, not craft.” I will put my personality with my interest and ability into my study, during these process I will combine learning with doing. If I can achieve this “future”, I think that I really grow up. And I deeply believe kindred, good-fellowship and love will perfection and happy in the future. How to say future? Maybe it’s a nice wish. Lets make up our minds, stick to it and surely well enjoy our life.

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(3)把长段描述压缩变成短小精悍的句子。如下例: “His courage in battle might without exaggeration be called lion-like.” 可以概括为:”He was very brave in battle.”


(6)使用概括性的名词代替具体的词,比如: “She brought home several Chinese and English novels, a few copies of Time and Newsweek and some textbooks. She intended to read all of them during the winter vocation.” 可以概括为:”She brought home a lot of books to read during the vocation.”

(7) 使用最短的连接词。比如,可以使用可以使用but, then, thus, yet, though,不能使用at the same time, in the first place, because of these, on the other hand等较长的连接词。



summary / 'sʌməri / 既可以做名词,也可以做形容词。









285 评论


英语summary的写法:首先记下关键词,要点或论点和主题句;第二步,形成一段简短的大纲,遵循原始组织;第三步,用我们自己的语言;第四步,在摘要中使用关键字,并相应地为摘要提供标题;第五步,避免例子,引言,技术用语 使用简单UND易懂的英语;第六步,必须客观并且以第三人称。






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基本要求1.格式平时的小作业有essay 和 report 两种格式essay --- 结构分为introduction, main body, 和 conclusion. 不用太复杂的结构Report ----- 要有 executive summary, 结构要求很高,文章分为几个部分,每个部分都要有大标题,下面还要有副标题,等等。(可以参考一起附上的report例文的结构)问题文章一定要有references (参考文献), 就是引用别人文章中的观点,但是这个引用不能整断整段的直接用书上,网上的文章,或者杂志上的文章的内容。如果一段话中有超过三个词是引用的,就要表明 references. (如果完全是用自己的语言将别人的观点说出来了,引用的词是两个或更少,就可以不用标出references)。*如果整段要直接引用原话,要用引号标出,而且这样的引用的比率不能超过全文字数的5%。*全文注明references的文字,就是引用的文字不能超过全文字数的30%.*References (参考文献)可以是书,也可以是学术杂志上发表的文章,或者网上的文章,但是引用的文章最好大多数是近十年的文章,而且References一定要按照正确方法标注。References 在文中是在文中用自己的话说出别人书中或文章中的内容后,用括号标出作者和年代,而在文后的references列表中一定要用Harvard references system的格式来标出参考文献。参考文献的数量也是有要求的,一般是每1000 字要有5个.字数问题字数也是要按照要求写的,否则会扣分文后的references列表和附录 (appendix)是不算字的。比如,文章要求如果是4000字,那正文的字数就是4000 +/- 10% 字。如果要求no more than 4000 words, 那正文的字数就不能超过4000字。如果要求 no less than 4000 words, 那正文的字数就不能少于4000字。如果要求4000-4500 words, 那正文的字数就要写4000-4500字之间。4.人称问题因为写的作业都属于学术文章,所以不能用第一人称(I, we, in my opinion,…) 这样主观的说法, 可以用被动语态。*不能说 I DO STH, 要说 XX HAS BEEN DONE。。。特别是写REPORT的时候, 老师喜欢看到被动语句和Executive summary 的区别Introduction: 不能在introduction说出文章的结论,introduction是对文章的要写内容的介绍,结构的介绍。Executive summary: 阐述文章得出的finding, conclusion, recommendations.(这个文件的最后几页有两者比较的具体阐述,如果需要可以看看。)写作内容注意事项1. 英国人的思维是反方向的,所以,我们写东西也要这样。不要在文章开始就写出结论(你自己的观点),而是要先阐述能验证结论的论证,最后在得出结论。比如我们的习惯,是先有观点譬如:我想吃蔬菜,(这就是你的观点),然后你会去论证你的观点,譬如:我今天需要补充维生素,维生素对于我身体有好处,(这些是你的论证),这些论证放在一起,就是你对观点“我想吃蔬菜”的总结,而在外国人眼里,你要先说“蔬菜有很多的维生素”,都有哪些种每一种对人体有什么好处你为什么要吃蔬菜,,最后再说出你的观点,“我想吃蔬菜”,这样就是有说服力的说法,可以的话在举个Reference什么的,“人或者离不开蔬菜”看看那个明人说过,拿来就可以引用一下。2. 得出结论的时候要把自己的观点放在最前面,因为自己的观点在他们的眼里才是最重要的,Reference要引用人说的东西,要放在自己观点后面,作为辅助,证明自己观点使用,不要他人家观点写出来,自己再作分析,因为,论文要看得是你想的东西,人家观点已经是得出来的结果,用结果在写分析,老师会觉得你没有自己的观点,甚至认为你是抄的。3. 引用观点的时候不要整段引用,挑出关键词,多过3个字,要标明那里引用的,如果需要大量引用观点,不妨尝试把观点拆开引用,并且在每个观点之前先写上自己的观点,或者理解. 如果你引用不够三个字,可以不标明为Reference可以直接使用,当作自己的观点.还有一点我觉得,就是可以根据老师给的资料,HANDOUT和推荐的书写,不要盲目的全部在GOOGLE上搜。特别如果那本书是你老师写的而且他有推荐你去看去买的话,就引用点里面的做REFERENCE4. 英国老师很喜欢表格,图表,等等,来表示各种数据,在他们看来这是专业的象征,所以只要是和数字有关的,不妨都多画一个图表,excel就可以帮你画里面什么样子的都有,立体的平面的,把你文章里的数据套进去就可以,尝试一下,效果不错,数据可以是你验证后得到的,也可以使自己估计的,详细地要文章解释。5. 千万不要为了凑字数,车轱辘话,来回绕,得不偿失,但是可以从不同的角度来验证自己这句话,或者人家的话,不同角度一写字数就多了,而且只要这个观点是对的,老师会觉得你很有见地,分析全面,而且只会长分,不会减分。

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1)细读原文。首先要仔细阅读全篇作品,然后对作品进行整体分析,掌握原文总的意思和结构,明确全文的主题(the maintheme)和各段的段落大意(the main idea)。





Type 1: 以事件为核心。what happened? who are involved? why did the story/event happen? what impact did it have on the people involved?Type 2: 以人物为核心。who is it (the source text) about? what events/happenings are introduced about the person? what personality/characteristics was reflected through the accounts? how does/did the central figure influence others (including the writer)?

如果是描述性、说明类的文章:what is it (the source text) about? how does/did it come into being the way it is now? how is it valued by the public?

如果是议论性的文章:what is the central claim? what are the assumptions? what are the main points/ major supporting details? 建议这种文章画一下思维导图,主要论点和论据会更清晰。

长度:一般是文章字数的20~25%左右。评判标准:如果老师有grading rubrics,那直接问老师要,如果没有,一般是看1)对英语的驾驭能力,具体体现在遣词造句语法词汇上,2)对文章内容的掌握程度,是否提取出要点,组织是否合理等。

266 评论


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    无锡一号 2人参与回答 2023-12-07
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