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各个宗教领袖的书,以世界十大宗教的创始人及经典为例,分别是:1、儒教——大成至圣文宣王孔子—— 《论语》《孟子》《中庸》《大学》《诗经》《春秋》《尚书》《易经》《礼记》2、道教—— 张道陵,张角——《道德经》《太平经》《玉皇经》《黄庭经》《正一经》3、佛教——释迦牟尼—— 《法华经》《圆觉经》《楞严经》《金刚经》《无量寿经》《心经》4、印度教——商羯罗——《吠陀经》5、神道教—— 未详——《古事记》〈日本书纪》6、伊斯兰教——穆罕默德 ——〈古兰经〉7、犹太教—— 未详——〈圣经〉《塔耳慕得》8、东正教——耶酥——〈圣经〉9、罗马天主教—— 耶酥——圣经〉10、新教——耶酥——〈圣经〉

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An industrial revolution is a fundamental economic change: between 1770 and 1850 the economy of England changed from mostly agricultural to mostly industrial this was the result not of one key invention but of technological progress in different fields coming together its center is the development of factories (which hadn't really existed before this time), but they couldn't have developed without better transportation creating larger markets and better transportation couldn't have existed without the growth of the iron industry, which couldn't have grown without steam engines society had a hard time adjusting to the new economic systemCauses of the British Industrial Revolution: expansion of trade, mercantile economic policy (see previous lecture) decline of: feudalism--farmers were no longer bound to the land guild system--the guild for a particular trade could no longer control who set up a new business the system of customary prices--the market is more free, instead of the old system where changing the price because of a shortage was seen as profiteering agricultural changes enclosure =the abolishment of the old system of communal farming and its replacement with family farms. Supposedly everyone had the same share of land as before, but the smallest farmers didn't have enough to survive as an independent farm and they went out of business and went looking for work. Took place 16th century to about 1820. four field crop rotation--wheat, turnips, barley, clover or alfalfa (turnips and hay crops make it possible to keep more livestock) new scientific approaches to farming (one of the pioneer scientific investigators of agriculture was an Englishman named Jethro Tull ) average agricultural surplus per worker doubled from about 25% to about 50% workers no longer needed in agriculture were available for industrial jobs (discussion) Iron: by 1720 most iron in England was imported due to a shortage of charcoal for smelting in 1709 Abraham Darby invented a way of smelting iron using coke (processed coal) instead of charcoal the iron industry took off after 1760 since iron ore and coal were both very plentiful in England 1779 Iron Bridge ( photo ) The Steam Engine: Newcomen Engine (about 1712) filled a cylinder with steam and then condensed it to draw the piston down. 1/2% efficient, but widely used to pump water out of coal mines. Watt Engine (1774) had had a separate condenser, making the engine much more efficient James Watt later added: sun and planet gear converted reciprocating into rotary motion to power machines automatic control mechanism double-acting engine made for much smoother power Transportation Technology: improved roads built in large numbers 1750-1815 (about 1000 miles), reduced transportation costs 20-30% Canals The Duke of Bridgewater's Canal started in 1759--7 miles but had to cross a river valley. People thought this was a wild dream, but built in 5 years. Very profitable--halved the cost of coal in Manchester canal building boom 1750-1800--by 1830 England had 3875 miles of navigable water (though only 1/3 of that was canals). The Oxford canal paid a 30% return for 30 years. provided much cheaper transportation of bulky goods The Factory System: the first big industry was cotton textile factories, though other kinds of factories developed as well machines had been used some by workers who did piece work at home with spinning wheels and hand looms. What brought the workers together into a factory was the invention of machines for spinning that could spin more than one thread at a time and then the application of water power first to spinning and then to weaving James Hargreaves, Spinning Jenny , invented 1764-1770 Roger Arkwright, Water Frame , 1769 Samuel Crompton, Mule , 1774-1779 Edmund Cartwright, Power Loom, 1786-1788 With these technologies the industry took off--by 1833 237,000 people were employed in cotton textile factories in England this was a whole new way of life 46% of workers were women, 15% children under the age of 13 ( Child Labor ) wages were barely enough for a family to survive if all members over the age of 8 worked in some areas 1/2 to 3/4 of worker families lived in a single room with no plumbing (dumped their chamber pot into the street or gutter) for examples see Living and Working Conditions in the Industrial Revolution reform laws started in 1833-- factory act of 1833 forbade employment of children under 9 and limited hours for children to 9 hours a day for children 9-13 and 12 hours a day for children 13-18 Chartist movement fought unsuccessfully for political change, but conditions gradually improved

353 评论


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