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319 评论


昨天刚被Interface拒了,文章是几年来的积累,其中部分内容已经发表在J Biomechanics 等期刊。本来觉得这篇更全面的文章有希望的,结果被拒的相当惨烈,有一个referee说:I do not recommend the manuscript for publication and I believe the computational work should be substantially revisited, perhaps in a future submission rather than a rework of the present paper. I would not recommend the manuscript for publication in any scientific journal in its present form. 真伤心。。不知道怎么办好。

184 评论


在国内外核心刊物上发表有影响的论文80余篇,其中EI、SCI、ISTP检索论文20余篇:1. Xu, Ying , Zhang, Tao; Wang, Huaxiang; Chen, Deyu Smart floating element flowmeter based on a capacitive angular displacement transducer Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, v 16, n 1, March, 2005, p 1-62. Wang Huaxiang, Wang Chao, Wuliang Yin A Pre-iteration Method for the Inverse problem in Electrical impedance Tomography, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement Vol.53, No.4 2004, 1093-10963.Wang Huaxiang, Wang Chao; Yin Wuliang Optimum design of the structure of the electrode for a medical EIT system Measurement Science & Technology, v 12, n 8, Aug. 2001, p 1020-34.Wang, Huaxiang, Yin, Wuliang; Study of the detection mechanism and the reconstruction algorithm for multi-phase interface level measurement Measurement Science & Technology, v 8, n 11, Nov, 1997, p 1289-12945.Wang, HuaXiang; Yang, W.Q.; Beck, M.S. Optimum design of segmented capacitance sensing array for multi-phase interface measurement Measurement Science & Technology, v 7, n 1, Jan, 1996, p 796.Wang, Huaxiang, Xu, Tinxian; Zhang, Shuying; Lu, Tianlin Multi-channel temperature and humidity monitor Measurement Science & Technology, v 4, n 2, Feb, 1993, p 164-169

168 评论


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