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虽然在约旦空气质量标准限制颗粒重要在空气的空间有通风设备-没有电流限制由于颗粒,重金属的心或大众加载排放量。 这项研究的目的,是要确定金属浓度和那些中的浓度的分布干书面供词中在该水泥厂附近地区,Fuhais,佐敦,并将这些结果与进行比较的城市一个类似的干沉降样本发现收集从为取消。受影响的引用的区域。 Momani et al (2000) 和 Jiries et al。(二 ○ ○ 二年) 已记录在天台屋尘中的重金属含量安曼、 Jordan.Heavymetals 包含在跟踪中,原始的浓度用于制造水泥 (Serclerat et al,2000年) 的材料。从结果灰中重金属的浓度水泥制造业增长取决于燃料来源(菊 2001年).AbdelRazaq et al (1999 年) 进行调查的影响氮和磷-水泥工业尘土飞扬的鲁斯 · Rashadia,佐敦区植被的内容。 法蒂玛 et al。(二 ○ ○ 一年) 调查在印度的染色体畸变 inmen及相关结果以暴露于水泥灰尘。 legatoret al (1998 年) 找到一个高的统计 signi 吗? cance 的关系 —船舶之间的呼吸的影响,在人类的症状和接近水泥窑。 · 和硅是主要成分 —指数的水泥灰尘和几个调查人员已报告,· 生活系统 (Ajoy et al,1990年 ; Ballal 中的不良影响et al,2004年 ; Garruto et al,1984年)。 Nickiforov et al (1979) 梅阿-确保积累的身体组织卜-heavymetals水泥厂的排放和否定附近的比特有毒金属的数量和大小的水泥灰尘的影响植物特性已经被调查 (伊克巴勒和沙吗? g,2001).Materials 与方法 干沉降样本中的屋顶屋 Fuhais 从分布式系统模式中,在二 ○ ○ 四年 (如图 1 所示) thesummer,水泥厂周围四个方向象限,调查影响水泥厂总悬浮颗粒物的排放对周围的城市。 在取样的策略考虑优势风 - 迪-在重 transportationmove-rection (西北)在调查方面的进展。 因此,所在的网站南部和东部的点源污染 (常务会) 是在主要目标的空气污染物 emissions.For compari-儿子,样本从远程引用的网站位置水泥行业的没有吗? uences 并限于人为活动是主要的条件。 屋顶尘埃存款被抽样每个站 (由图 1 中的星号)通过使用清洁塑料桶来捕获灰尘沉积。 A清洁塑料簸箕、 笔刷和铲用于删除了在存储桶的样本。

93 评论


The rapid development of service industries is an important trend for the development of global economy, Human society is about to enter the era of service economy. Since the 1980s, scholars from various countries have made researches around the service quality for many years, the importance of service quality has been of more and more attention. Service quality is the crucial factor to establish a brand and to improve the competitiveness of enterprises. The level of service quality determines the capacity and level to obtain the customers' satisfaction; it's good or bad is related to the survival and development of the service enterprises. Therefore, service quality is the key problem to the management of enterprises' services. With the rapid progress of Chinese market economy, the service industry is also booming, catering industry has become a prominent backbone of the industry. As the dynamic changes in the competitive environment and the continual improvement of customers' demands for services make a lot of catering enterprises, especially fast-food industry experience a bottleneck. To keep unbeatable in the fierce market competition, we should know our present status in time, find and solve the service problems. Compared with foreign countries, our researches in SERVQUAL are still in the initial stage, have only a few empirical researches, and haven't formed a theoretical system which suits our national conditions, therefore, in theoretical exploration and model construction, the results that many Western scholars achieved can be important references in the service quality researches to our country. Based on the SERVQUAL model of service quality measurement factor, I start to take McDonald's Jingzhonghe Branch of Tianjin as a case to research, through the empirical I attempt to identify the related elements which affecting the quality of enterprises services, combine the characteristics of the industry and the object to design evaluation questionnaire which appropriate to the restaurant's service quality. On the basis of comprehensive literature and survey data, this article analyzes the gap between expectation and perception that exists in the customers, found the problems of the researching object, then make solutions and suggestions aimed at them, by improving the related factors of the service quality and thus improve the enterprises' service quality, has a big practical significance. It will help restaurant managers to understand the requirements of customers, promote the service quality of restaurants, improve the customers' satisfaction, thereby enhance the enterprises' market competitiveness.

98 评论


The rapid development of industry, is the contemporary world economic development, human society is an important trend to enter service economy era. Since 1980s, the quality of service scholars has many years of research, the importance of service quality by more and more attention. Service quality is setting up the enterprise brand, enhance the competitiveness of enterprises is one of the crucial factors. The quality of service for customer satisfaction determines the ability and level, It is good or bad, relationship to service the survival and development of enterprises. Therefore, the service quality is enterprise service center of management.With the rapid progress of China's market economy booming, catering, service industry has become a prominent backbone of this industry. The competitive environment, customer service of unrest, improve the catering enterprises, especially for many fast growth bottleneck. Timely and improving the service status, problems existing in, can make enterprise in the fierce market competition, the invincible position. Compared with the overseas Chinese in service quality, the research is still in its beginning stage, empirical research, no less formed a union with the theoretical system of western scholars, so many achievements in theory, and discusses the construction model of service quality of our research has great significance.Based on the model of service quality evaluation factors SERVQUAL in tianjin JinZhongHe shop for McDonald's case study, through empirical tries to find out the quality of service enterprise, industry and related factors of design object, suitable for the restaurant service quality evaluation questionnaire. In the comprehensive literature and on the basis of the survey data, this paper analyzed the customer expectation and perceive the gap exists between the research object, the existing problems and has proposed the countermeasure and the suggestion, through improving the quality of service related factors to improve service quality, the enterprise with strong practical significance. Understand customers' needs to restaurant management, improve the service quality, improve the restaurant customer satisfaction, thereby enhancing the competitive advantage in the market.Keywords: services, Service quality, SERVQUAL, McDonald's JinZhongHe tianjin

182 评论


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    wuyan841106 3人参与回答 2023-12-05
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    虽然在约旦空气质量标准限制颗粒重要在空气的空间有通风设备-没有电流限制由于颗粒,重金属的心或大众加载排放量。 这项研究的目的,是要确定金属浓度和那些中的浓度的分

    jason大魔王 3人参与回答 2023-12-06
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    麻辣de火锅 3人参与回答 2023-12-09