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国外著名土木工程相关期刊列表(SCI/EI)国际重要学术期刊推荐表序号 国际重要学术期刊名称(SCI、EI检索源)1 Advances in Structural Engineering2 ACI Journal of Materials3 ACI Structural Journal4 Automation in Construction5 Buildings and Structures6 Canadian Geotechnical Journal ISSN: 0008-36747 Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering8 Computational Mechanics9 Computers and Structures10 Computers and Geotechnics ISSN: 0266-352X11 Cement and Concrete Research12 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering13 Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering14 Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics15 Earthquake Spectrum16 Engineering Geology17 Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements18 Engineering Structures19 Geotechnique ISSN:0016-850520 Ground Engineering21 Geotextiles and Geomembranes22 International Journal of Impact Engineering ISSN: 0734-743X23 International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics ISSN: 0363-906124 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering25 International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences ISSN: 1365-160926 International Journal of Solids and Structures27 International Journal of Steel Structures28 International Journal of Space Structures29 International Journal of the Geotechnical Structures30 Journal of Applied Mechanics, ASME31 Journal of Bridge Engineering , ASCE32 Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCE33 Journal of Composites for Engineering, ASCE34 Journal of Constructional Steel Research35 Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE36 Journal of Geodynamics ISSN: 0264-370737 Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE ISSN: 1019-24138 Journal of Sound and Vibration39 Journal of Steel & Composite Structures40 Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE41 Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics Wind and Structures42 Journal of Construction and Management43 Preceding of Civil Engineering Bailing and Bridge Structures44 Reliability Engineering & System Safety ISSN: 0951-832045 Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering ISSN: 0723-263246 Shock and Vibration ISSN: 1070-962247 Soils and Foundations ISSN: 0038-080648 Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering49 Structural Engineers50 Structural Engineering and Mechanics51 The Structural Design of Tall Buildings52 Thin-walled Structures53 The Magazine of Concrete Research54 Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology55 Wind and Structures-An International Journal56 Finite Elements in Analysis and Design注:1.以上是否被SCI、EI检索期刊为准。2.除以上学术期刊外,学科认为是国际重要学术期刊,且被SCI、EI检索,专家组可认定为国际重要学术期刊

94 评论


岩土论文投以下几种方法投了就能中一般国内都是3种方式。网上投的稿,邮件投稿,还有文档邮寄投的稿,如水力发电学报,EI源期刊(以下简称El),只接受打印稿件邮寄,我曾投过一个,太繁琐,无疑加慢了审稿周期。现在很多都是网络投稿,在推荐审稿人这一栏中 大家很少填写,其实之所以编辑部弄这个无非是想建立审稿专家库,因此如果 你有认识的,比如你硕士的导师,你填写了也许真就是他审稿,那么中的机会 就大了。

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如果你是说SCI的话,这是南大的刘春老师13年做的一个攻略,你可以自己看看(原帖在小百合)工程地质SCI期刊及投稿策略期刊 2011影响因子Applied Clay Science 2.474Building and Environment 2.4Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment 0.667Canadian Geotechnical Journal 0.867Catena 1.889Computers and Geotechnics 0.987Engineering Geology 1.242Environmental & Engineering Geoscience 0.34Geoderma 2.318Geotechnical Testing Journal 0.505Geotechnique 1.461Geotextiles and Geomembranes 2.036International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 0.936International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 1.272Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth 3.021Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 1.017Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 0.733Landslides 2.216Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology 0.797Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 0.99Soils and Foundations 0.309注:结合我们专业实际情况,去除了海岸、地震工程地质若干期刊,增加了环境和粘土交叉研究若干期刊工程地质领域期刊影响因子大于2的期刊仅有一个,故傍上若干IF>2的有关期刊Landslides的影响因子这几年暴涨,为SCIE,而Geotextiles and Geomembranes持续下降投稿策略(特别供地质工程博士研究生参考)1. 影响因子1-2.5之间的期刊难度差不多2. 影响因子1以下的相对容易中,可以练手3. 将参考文献中的期刊按引用次数和影响因子排,从高到低投4. 敢于向高水平高影响因子期刊投稿5. 每一次被拒都是自我提高的机会,做好被拒3-5次的心理准备6. 弄清楚被拒原因,有针对性地解决问题7. 根据审稿人的建议修订并提高文章8. 在投稿、被拒、修订再投稿中循环,直到达到刊出标准9. 胆大、耐心、脸皮厚是投稿的关键10. 外审一篇,在写一篇,构思一篇,源远流长

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