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一般是1200 左右的,这都不是固定。

110 评论


It describes some common ground - handling method ruggedization principle、 ticity and practrcal, from the overall framework of ground treatment, combining engineering geological conditions and asiaflux column axial force preliminary selected in the form of reinforced concrete foundation of an independent basis, and then determine Foundation treatment for strength.the combination of engineering - geological conditions, determine the chooes soongorica oglat preconsolidation macrokinetic groundsill reinforcement.According to the consolidation of the ground and upper load from the technical and economic on two aspects of reinforced concrete column under an independent basis and foundatoin of the two options for comparative analysis, decided to adopt a reinforced concrete Foundation scheme, and finally independent reinforced concrete independent basis for detailed design and calculation.

126 评论


Have introduced the reinforcement mechanism and applicable scope of several kinds of daily foundation treatment methods at first, hold frame that foundation deal with on the whole, combine project geological condition and axis of a cylinder strength published to estimate select basic form as the independent foundation of armored concrete tentatively, then confirm that deals with the intensity that needs reaching in the foundation. Combine project geological condition, confirm, select for use sand well pile, keep law go on, strengthen, punish to foundation in advance year. Load, lay according to foundation terms and top strengthen, from technology and economy to column armored concrete independent foundation and bar foundation compare with dividing Analyse, determine to adopt the independent base case of armored concrete, carry on detailed design and calculation to the independent foundation of armored concrete finally.

136 评论


觉得够意思就给分,找更多到 摘 要 在当今工程实际中,框架结构是应用非常广泛的一种结构布置形式。它的钢及水泥用量随然比较大,造价也比混合结构高,但具有梁柱承重,墙体只起分隔和围护的作用,房间布置比较灵活,门窗开置的大小、形状都较为自由的特点。 本文将对办公楼进行建筑设计,并对设计给予相应的说明,详诉本办公楼的结构布置,根据建筑设计和相关规范条款给出合理的柱网图;在综合考虑了结构在各种恒载、活载、风荷载以及地震荷载作用下的情形后,详细的分析了结构在风荷载和地震荷载作用下的横向和纵向的各种性能,具体的计算了结构的梁、柱的弯矩、轴力、剪力,并进行了相应的内力组合,并由此进行了框架配筋部分,最后完成了柱下独立基础的有关计算。从而比较完整地完成了该写字楼的各项设计工作。

277 评论


This article would first of all introduce the reinforce mechanism and its scope of application of a few types of foundation treatment methods, and overall grasp the framework of foundation treatment, combine engineering geological condition with the estimated column axial force to preliminaryselect and fix a basic form as the steel rods reinforced concrete independent foundation, and then decide on the strength required by the foundation treatment. By conbining engineering geological condition to determine the selection of Sand Drain Preloading method and carry out reinforcement treatment on foundation. To conduct comparative analysis on two plans, according to foundation condition, after reinforcement, and the upper load, from the technical and economic aspects with regards to steel rods reinforcement concrete independent foundation beneath the pillars,and strip foundation, after having decided to adopt the steel rods reinforcement concrete's plan, a detailed design and calculation were performed on steel rods reinforcement concrete's independent foundation.

320 评论


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