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功能模块: ⑴ 作者在线投稿查稿系统 ⑵ 编辑在线办公(采编)系统 ⑶ 专家在线审稿系统 ⑷ 期刊网站建设 ⑸ 网刊发布系统 ⑹ 网站自动同步备份系统 ⑺ 期刊发行管理系统 ⑻ 广告管理系统 ⑼ 文档管理系统 ⑽ 全系列英文版本 主要作用: ⑴ 提高工作效率,大幅减少重复劳动。 ⑵ 编辑经验积累,解放资深编辑(编辑部主任、主编)。 ⑶ 规范稿件处理流程,提高服务质量。 ⑷ 大幅节省邮寄费用。 ⑸ 缩短审稿周期。 ⑹ 提高期刊影响力。OA实施可对提高期刊影响力具有立竿见影的作用。与其他软件相比还是挺不错的!!!

286 评论


As Internet technology continues to develop and mature, and edit the newspaper articles and other departments collecting postal articles from a single process step by step to be more efficient and convenient Internet replaced by online submission process. Journals online submission system is to adapt to this demand by the emergence of a new acquisition mode presentation, it was a culture of providing a broader dissemination of high-quality platform. This article introduces the journals online submission system value, and then details the development of the system required the development of technologies and processes, the final approach to graphic systems introduced by the specific application functions and modules operation. JAVAEE use the system as a development language, MyElipse6.5 as a development tool, Tomcat6.0 as WEB containers, SQLServer2000 as a database. The use of the traditional MVC design patterns, JSP + Servlet development portfolio, to achieve the business layer and presentation layer of separation, not only to improve code reusability and flexibility, but also developers do not have the page view for the revision must first understand the model and , to a large extent to improve the efficiency of program development. In the process of thesis writing to the theory and practice, in the online journal submission process set out at the same time, coupled with the preparation of specific modules to achieve the essence of JAVAEE software engineering thinking and deeper understanding and awareness.

174 评论


As Internet technology continues to develop and mature, and edit the newspaper articles and other departments collecting postal articles from a single process step by step to be more efficient and convenient Internet replaced by online submission process. Journals online submission system is to adapt to this demand by the emergence of a new acquisition mode presentation, it was a culture of providing a broader dissemination of high-quality platform. This article introduces the journals online submission system value, and then details the development of the system required the development of technologies and processes, the final approach to graphic systems introduced by the specific application functions and modules operation. JAVAEE use the system as a development language, MyElipse6.5 as a development tool, Tomcat6.0 as WEB containers, SQLServer2000 as a database. The use of the traditional MVC design patterns, JSP + Servlet development portfolio, to achieve the business layer and presentation layer of separation, not only to improve code reusability and flexibility, but also developers do not have the page view for the revision must first understand the model and , to a large extent to improve the efficiency of program development.

198 评论



149 评论


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  • 期刊在线投稿管理系统java

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  • 在线期刊投稿系统

    登陆各个期刊网站,先注册,填写个人信息。通过在线投稿系统Peer X-Press,投递稿件。 在您成功登陆Peer X-Press后,可以点击链接阅读作者须知。

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