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部分已发表论文[1]Disturbance observer based multi-variable control of ball mill grinding circuits. Journal of Process Control, 2009, 19(7), 1025-1031.[2]Expert system based adaptive dynamic matrix control for ball mill grinding circuit. Expert Systems with Applications, 2009, 36(1), 716-723.[3]Supervisory expert control for ball mill grinding circuits. Expert Systems with Applications, 2008, 34(3), 1877-1885.[4]Constrained model predictive control for ball mill grinding process. Powder Technology, 2008, 186(1), 31-39.[5]Override and Predictive Control of Particle Size and Feed Rate in Grinding Process. Proceedings of the 26th Chinese control conference, 2007, (4), 704-708.[6]Fuzzy logic based on-line efficiency optimization control of a ball mill grinding circuit. Proceedings of the 4th international conference on fuzzy systems and knowledge discovery, 2007, 2, 575-580.[7]Application of model predictive control in ball mill grinding circuit. Minerals Engineering, 2007, 20(11), 1099-1108.[8]Disturbance rejection of ball mill grinding circuits using DOB and MPC. Powder Technology, 2010, 198 (2), 219-228.[9]Disturbance rejection of the dead-time processes using disturbance observer and model predictive control. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2011,89,125-135.[10]Global set stabilisation of the spacecraft attitude using finite-time control technique, International Journal of Control, 2009, 82(5), 822-836[11]Stability analysis for a second-order continuous finite-time control system subject to a disturbance, Journal of Control Theory and Applications, 2009, 7(3), 271-276[12]Global set stabilization of the spacecraft attitude control problem based on quaternion, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2010,20(1),84-105[13]Global uniform asymptotical stability of a class of nonlinear cascaded systems, International Journal of Systems Science, 2010, 41(11), 1301-1312[14]Global stabilization of a class of upper-triangular systems with unbounded or uncontrollable linearizations. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2011, 21, 271-294[15]Adaptive set stabilization of the attitude of a rigid spacecraft without angular velocity measurements. Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 2011, 24(1), 105-119[16]Adaptive Fuzzy PID Composite Control with Hysteresis-band Switching for Line of Sight Stabilization Servo System.Aerospace Science and Technology. 2011,15(1):25-32.[17]Maneuvering Targets State Prediction based on Robust H∞ Filtering in Opto-electronic Tracking System. Signal Processing 2010,90(6):2002-2008.[18]Compound Control with Hysteresis-band Switching for LOS Stabilization Servo System. Proceedings 2010 3rd IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology(ICCSIT 2010), 2010(2):183-188.[19]自适应模糊PID控制器在跟踪器瞄准线稳定系统中的应用. 控制理论与应用. 2008,25(2):278-282.[20]A novel method of infrared image denoising and edge enhancement. Signal Processing. 2008, 88(6):1606-1614.部分已完成科研项目1.“面向节能降耗的大功率磨矿分级过程控制与优化”,863高技术项目2.“前馈神经网络的奇异学习动态研究”,国家自然科学基金项目3.“钢铁生产物料流程优化调度系统”,江苏省现代服务业软件专项项目4.“复杂系统多模型切换控制的应用研究”,高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金5.“高精度大离轴陀螺稳定平台误差分析与补偿控制技术研究”6.“高精度伺服稳定平台的研制”7.“AMS-02反物质研究系统的研制”8.“AMS-02快电子学和微处理器系统研究”9.“复杂选矿工艺流程的优化控制与综合自动化”10.“面向节能降耗的钢铁企业物料流程优化调度系统”11.“基于RFID的行车自动定位及物料全流程跟踪系统”12.“FMS-500物料贮运系统”13.“宽厚板行车无线调度系统”14.“炼钢转炉兑铁无线数传系统”15.“水厂加氯加矾自动化系统”16.“纸浆蒸煮、配浆自动化系统”17.“大型火电机组动态特性辨识研究”

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